Chapter 1170: Zhang Yu's plan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Not only are those smaller construction companies, but also large construction companies with sufficient levels, they also mean to pay Jin Shengda well.

Because small companies want to become big companies, and big companies also have their own vision, which is to break into the international market and become a giant in the construction industry.

Chinese people value efficiency and foreigners value design. This phrase is very applicable to the construction industry. For those large enough companies, the biggest obstacle to entering the international market is not lack of funds and channels, but also without the support of a great designer who can make all competitors tremble.

It can be said that internationally qualified designers are not only difficult to design, but also expensive in design. More often, even if you have money, people will not care about you. Under the same circumstances, many foreign designers are in Chinese and foreign companies. When there is competition, foreign companies are often given priority, and Chinese companies are considered only when they are bored.

For this, China's domestic construction industry can be said to have been criticized for a long time ... but it can only express helplessness to this phenomenon, who does not have a big designer in his country that is enough to scare the world's design community!

However, the mysterious designer of Jinshengda was born, so that the large construction companies who were qualified at the scene saw the meaning of going to the international stage ... If this design master in future designs, he can guarantee this future The level of the island, then it is only a matter of time to become an international-level design master.

Then your company can form a partnership with Jinshengda at the beginning of growth. Then when your company builds the flagship project, it will have the design confidence to compete with international large companies.

This is why even a large company such as Yilin Group is eager to establish a relationship with Luo Bin.

Of course, just now many construction companies still had the idea of ​​buying Jinshengda. But consider carefully, the important asset of Jinshengda lies in that mysterious designer. You can buy someone's company, but you can't buy someone else's designer.

Buying Jinshengda now is equivalent to buying an empty leather bag company. If there is no mysterious designer left, what's the point? Therefore, the responsible persons of the major companies immediately understood one thing, and the two sides should still use cooperation to draw the best relationship.

If possible, you can also strengthen the cooperation by means of stock ownership, which is a really smart choice.


In fact, for Luo Bin, the success of this candidate publicity meeting was something he had never thought of before. Especially when he saw the surrounding giants of the construction company that he had always looked up to, he now smiled at him with great politeness, and made Luo Bin feel that his future might be very bright for the first time.

Although today was unprecedented in Luo Bin's unprecedented bullying, he was not surprised at all, because all of this was almost expected by one person, and that was his elder brother, Zhang Yu.

In fact, when the two met last time, Luo Bin didn't want to come to this meeting for a time. At that time, he wanted someone else to attend instead. The reason is that he knew that if at the meeting site, the organizing committee announced that Jin Shengda would win the project with the budget exceeding three times in one stroke, it would definitely cause a big storm.

At that time, as the boss of the winning company, he will surely become the target of public criticism, and even the object of collective attacks by other companies. It is so-called outrage, so how does he want to touch the mold.

However, Zhang Yu rejected his suggestion and did not listen to his explanation. He required that he must come to the meeting in person. At first, Luo Bin was a bit puzzled, and he did not know why the other party forced himself to attend. This meeting is destined to be besieged! However, with Zhang Yu's explanation, Luo Bin gradually became amazed. It turned out that there was not only no harm in it, but also great benefits.

In fact, in Zhang Yu's opinion, although Jin Shengda can win such a large project this time, it does not mean that they have succeeded. In fact, Jin Shengda also has a fatal flaw, that is, insufficient qualifications in the construction industry.

Although Luo Bin was born in the construction industry, he has been in the middle of a group of small bosses for a long time. The projects he has worked on are also small and medium, and he has not come into contact with any large construction company.

If Jin Shengda wants to become a giant in the construction industry, relying only on the strength of some casual soldiers, how much time will it take you to fly.

Zhang Yu's goal is to allow Jin Shengda to rise in the shortest time. Then the strength of two people is not enough. They must use external forces. At the same time, the expansion project of Zhonghai Normal University is quite difficult in terms of engineering volume and construction time without external force injection.

Challenge this difficulty with the current Jinshengda company! Basically, it belongs to the big boss that is challenging the challenge. It is not impossible, but it is quite difficult. But if they can take advantage of the opportunity of this candidate's publicity conference to show Jin Shengda's own advantages, then they will be able to show their faces among the construction peers nationwide.

For those big construction companies, to make them look good, you must have the capital that others can see. And this expansion project is exactly the best way to show Jinshengda's own capital.

As long as the heads of these construction companies are not blind, then they will definitely see the future development of Jinshengda. Then in the next expansion project, Jinshengda can use the strength and background of these companies to complete this flagship. The project will then be the day when Jinshengda truly rises.

This is why Zhang Yu asked Luo Bin to come to this candidate's public meeting. It can be said that every sentence that Luo Bin said at this public meeting was taught by Zhang Yu. At the same time, everyone in the audience should feel that Jin Shengda is a powerful and human company.

Zhang Yu wants everyone to acknowledge the fait accompli that Jin Shengda has won, and is willing to pay Jin Shengda well, allowing Jin Shengda to borrow their construction resources to complete the project as soon as possible.

All the plans envisaged by Zhang Yu can be said to have been fully realized at this candidate public meeting.

This also brought Luo Bin's admiration for Zhang Yu to the zenith! You must know that Zhang Yu's old plan is well calculated, basically it does not match his age. This also makes Luo Bin feel for the first time that he is really gone for the **** this time, and may realize his dream for many years and become a family Head of listed construction group.

This also makes Luo Bin feel full of energy! He vowed to create his own world in the domestic construction industry.