Chapter 1254: Asian Music, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

From the perspective of Le Kang at the time, although Zhang Yu was a young genius in music, the young genius was still young after all. From a creative perspective, young people lack time to deposit. Success is accidental. In the long run, it should not What a threat to Asian music.

In fact, Dai Bin did not consider Zhang Yu at the beginning as a major variable in the competitive relationship between Asian music and global entertainment. A large part of the idea was actually from the perspective of Le Kang. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu's future development is contrary to the expectations of the two.

Since Zhang Yu joined Global Entertainment, although the output is not large, but the quality is very high, and the style of music covered is also diverse. It can be said that any one of them is an absolute boutique. Even if Dai Bin and Le Kang don't want to admit it, they must admit that Zhang Yu is a genius composer of pop music, which is beyond doubt.

Of course, at this time, Le Kang was still only confining Zhang Yu's music style to popular music. Although he felt that the other party was very powerful, he could not reach the point of worship.

When Zhang Yu successively created piano music, violin solo, waltz, and even large orchestral music and large opera, Lekang knew how ridiculous he was about Zhang Yu, and what a frog at the bottom of the well.

Zhang Yu's talent in music is already the existence of Lekang. For a long time, Lekang has always wanted to see firsthand how this musical genius is. However, since Zhang Yu is the creator of Global Entertainment and he is also the producer of Asian music, the two sides are considered dead-end companies. Without any introduction, naturally, there is no chance to meet.

Just when Lekang felt that he might not be able to meet Zhang Yu, Jiang Chenxuan didn't know how to become a good friend with Zhang Yu, and even the relationship was so good that he could get songs from Zhang Yu, which made Lekang praise the other party. Shit.

Of course, this also makes Le Kang very much looking forward, because he can meet Zhang Yu through Jiang's relationship. I believe that the opportunity to meet such master musicians must be my unforgettable manager.

Of course, Zhang Yu didn't know what the situation of Lekang was, but considering that Dai Bin can bring the other side with him, he also introduced to him that he believes that the other party's status in Asian music should be no less than Chai Shangming's status in global entertainment.

Zhang Yu reached out and shook hands with the other person, and then said a few politely tokens ... After a brief greeting, Dai Bin busy introduced Zhang Yu to the company.

When the crowds passed through the Asian Music Office, the staff inside the company recognized Zhang Yu, who was so tall.

In fact, for ordinary people, even if they have heard of Zhang Yu's name, they may not be able to recognize him when they pass by, but that is after all under ordinary circumstances.

Zhang Yu's recent gambling with Japanese manga master Hiroshi Hashimoto for 8 billion has dominated the front page of the world's entertainment page. Many Asian Music employees also like to read comics on weekdays. The birth of "Dragon Ball" has also brought the worship of Zhang Yu by these people who read this godpiece to a limit.

What's more, Zhang Yu had been a high-level presence in the music industry before, and these employees of Asian Music are also a group of people eating in the music circle. Many people have long been famous for Zhang Yu. Who can think of suddenly seeing Zhang Yu live, how can he not let these people feel excited and excited!

These staff members of the Asian Music Office all surrounded themselves involuntarily, and Zhang Yu, who was so excited, wanted to sign, which made Zhang Yu cried and laughed.

Dai Bin was certainly upset when he saw this scene. He originally wanted to scold these people for a meal, but Zhang Yu thought it didn't matter. He signed the names for them. For him, these people were more active than he was. The new bookmark collection ceremony is nothing.

These people in the office, holding Zhang Yu's textbook-style hard pen calligraphy, went back to work excitedly.

Dai Bin continued to invite Zhang Yu to the reception room for a drink, but this time Zhang Yu came to Asian music, not to drink coffee, he actually came for his own purpose.

When Zhang Yu and Hashimoto Ryuji made a bet a few days ago, he had promised to write a song for Jiang Chenxuan, but later he did not write to the other party because of betting.

A few days ago, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of setting up an animation company again, followed by buying the equity of D Station, and then had another interesting idea. Of course, this idea still needs the help of Jiang Chenxuan, so when Jiang returned to Beijing, he also came to Asian music together.

Zhang Yu didn't plan to drink any coffee and asked to go to the rehearsal room directly. He had to write a song for Jiang Chenxuan himself.

Dai Bin had no choice but to take Zhang Yu to the company's rehearsal hall ... As soon as Zhang Yu's **** touched the stool, he immediately asked Dai Bin to prepare a blank staff notation, which he would use immediately.

Of course, Dai Bin knew what Zhang Yu was going to write to Jiang Chenxuan, and it was strange that Jiang Chenxuan talked lowly at the activity of Station C last time, and actually asked Zhang Yu to write a nursery rhyme for her, and Zhang Yu also agreed on the spot. Dai Bin also complained to Jiang Chenxuan for this matter.

Of course Jiang Chenxuan also regretted it, so she always wanted to find an opportunity for Zhang Yu to dispel this idea. Right now when she saw Zhang Yu was ready, she started to write to herself, and said in a hurry: "Zhang Yu! Can I tell you something?"

While Zhang Yu took off his pen cap, he said, "You say it!"

Jiang Chenxuan said: "In fact, the last time I was at the launching ceremony of Station C, I was too impulsive to ask you to write songs for me. Can you reconsider?"

Zhang Yu heard a moment's silence and said with a strange expression: "What do you mean! You don't need me to write it?"

"No! No!" Jiang Chenxuan was shocked when she saw the other party misunderstood. "No! How is that possible? I mean, did I say last time that I wanted you to help me write an anime song? I have now I regret it, I don't want it anymore! "At this point, Jiang Chenxuan glanced at Zhang Yu and said with some caution:" I ... can I change it? "

Zhang Yu listened with a smile, followed by shaking his head, and said, "No!"

When Jiang Chenxuan heard that she suddenly became a bitter face, she did not expect that Zhang Yu would not give herself a face, and she did not dare to get angry in front of the other party.

When Dai Bin heard this, they didn't know what to say.

In fact, Lekang also knew about this. When he heard about it, Jiang Chenxuan felt really impulsive. Zhang Yu's songs can be said to be more expensive than gold. Each capital is very precious and took a lot of effort. When it comes to a song, there is also a nursery rhyme, which is really speechless.