Chapter 1258: Subculture storm, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Under the pressure of NOK's eagerness to publish Dragon Ball, D stood over Zuo Ziming to work overtime to complete the reorganization.

In this way, the main business of "Island Mainnet" has added an original animation network called Anime Island from the original two-dimensional subculture community, and also launched a magazine called Anime Island. Be regarded as a change from the previous virtual economy to the real economy.

The next thing is to hold a press conference to officially announce the reorganization of the new company ... Zuo Ziming originally wanted Zhang Yu to come back to preside over the press conference in person, after all, he is now a recognized comic master, and now he is a major shareholder of the company. Of course, he speaks on behalf of the company Is very suitable.

Although Zhang Yu is not convenient to ask for leave, even if it is convenient, he does not want to go because he is not interested in this kind of thing, and all of them should be represented by Zuo Ziming.

Zuo Ziming had no choice but to preside over the press conference in person.

On the day of the press conference, as the Japanese agent of "Dragon Ball", NOK also sent a company executive to help the scene. It can be confirmed that the two parties are now a cooperative relationship.

As the new spokesperson for Station D, Jiang Chenxuan will definitely come to the press conference, because there is another important thing to announce at the conference, without her of course.

Everything was ready. Zuo Ziming announced the end of the reorganization of station D in front of the media reporters of the major websites. The website is also renamed from the original "Island Master Community Network" to "Island Master Comprehensive Community Network". The main project is to increase the anime publishing entity from the original two-dimensional subculture community, and will also launch an original comic magazine "China Animation Island" And "Anime Island" original animation network.

After the new platform is launched, it will cooperate in depth with NOK in publishing. The publication of "Seven Dragon Ball" in Chinese and English will be handled by the new business platform of D station, and the Japanese version will be authorized by NOK.

Station D will celebrate a month-long COSPLAY theme event to celebrate the success of the website reorganization ... And the latest episode of "Dragon Ball" that journalists are most concerned about will be released by "China Animation Island Magazine" after all the theme events of the same period are over. Serialized with NOK's "Time" magazine.

Zuo Ziming followed the announcement that Jiang Chenxuan would become the new spokesperson for D Station, and the COSPLAY theme activity was also tailored for Jiang Chenxuan.

After the press conference, station D will launch a second-element single "Elysium Pure Land" exclusively for the main website of the island, sung by Jiang Chenxuan. At that time, this single will be the main line of events, calling on all second-element lovers. COSPLAY this single.

The duration of the event is one month. After the end of the event, all netizens will vote for it, and one of the best works will be rewarded with one million yuan in cash. Ten outstanding awards, 10,000 yuan. One hundred participation awards, one thousand yuan.

As the new spokesperson for the main website of the island, Jiang Chenxuan of course also spoke at the press conference, but of course her content revolved around introducing her new single "Bliss Pure Land". However, the reporter at the stage heard that this piece of "Pleasure Pure Land" was actually written by Zhang Yu himself, which was of course very surprising. After all, there are rumors in the entertainment industry that Zhang Yu's production must be a fine product. It can be said that there are no bad songs written by Zhang Yu.

What makes most people feel weird is that most of the songs that Zhang Yu wrote in the past were pop music and serious music. It was the first time they heard that Zhang Yu actually wrote a second-generation song. And what exactly is a two-dimensional style? In fact, many reporters in the field did not have many in their hearts.

The key is to be nice?

The press conference officially ended, and a group of entertainment journalists also took a question, and went back to the news with a gift after dinner.

Station D's homepage was soon updated with Jiang Chenxuan's new song, Bliss Land. It includes Chinese, Japanese and English versions, all performed by Jiang Chenxuan.

The Chinese and English version of Jiang Chenxuan was okay, but the Japanese version almost killed her. Finally, under the guidance of Zhang Yu, it was marked in Zhang's Chinese. But after the final recording was completed, even if the Japanese listened, they also gave a thumbs up, because they could not hear a layman unfamiliar with Japanese, singing in accordance with Chinese pronunciation. At the same time, except for the melody part, the three songs are almost different in terms of costume, accompaniment, and dancing.

Zuo Ziming has hired a lot of sailors in order to heat up this matter. Before the press conference started, he began to popularize the popularity among the major communities and COSPLAY enthusiasts.

Among the highlights, the bonus part of the event was excluded, mainly because the song was composed by Zhang Yu and composed by Jiang Chenxuan.

Zhang Yu's fame is, of course, very great. He is a world-renowned composer and now a comic master. His strength is beyond doubt.

Jiang Chenxuan's fame is not small. After the popularity of Xiaotian, many famous popular golden songs have been named, known as the weather vane.

So when the two-dimensional circle heard that a popular queen is going to release a second-dimensional single, and at the same time is a work by a talented composer and manga master, it is not interesting and impossible. But the problem now is that the two-dimensional circle is very special. It can also be said that this circle is too special, even a bit xenophobic. Many people feel that the people in this circle are not normal.

Although most of the people in the circle are very curious, but to be honest, they are not optimistic about this song. Even if Zhang Yu writes, what about Jiang Chenxuan singing?

In many people's opinion, if Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan want to use the two-dimensional culture to promote themselves, it must be doing something bad. Because in the hearts of young people who love the second-dimensional culture, the second dimension is not just a synonym, but a fantasy world of cultural subspace that the real world cannot provide to itself. This is a special cultural land that cannot be blasphemed.

If Zhang Yu is not a master of comics at the same time, he is also a master of music, I am afraid that most people will not be interested in this event of D station.

Although the major two-dimensional platforms have been discussing this matter for the past few days, most people still feel that the content of the hype is too big. In addition, Station C has long been paying attention to this matter, and at the same time, it has used a large number of its own navy forces to start disruption in it, which has also made many people increasingly less optimistic about the main event of Station D. Although most secondary enthusiasts are skeptical of this, after all, a lot of bonuses have been invested in this event at station D. Many people will wait to see the new songs after they are online.

No one expected it! A sub-cultural storm sweeping the world has also begun ...