Chapter 1321: Release, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

"Regardless of misunderstanding, since our school was founded, no students have been arrested for sucking D. If Ge Wenhui is not for a reason this time, the school will never let him go."

"Actually, I ca n’t blame Ge Wenhui for saying this! The pressure on the Rockets is really not small. I also pay special attention to the fact that Ge Wenhui ’s scores in these monthly exams have fallen sharply. I remember that he had already Is it 30 people out of the box? We all know that before his rocket class, his grades were in the top 20 of school. Without great pressure, it would not be possible for his grades to decline. "

"The pressure is not only on Ge Wenhui! The rocket class can be said to be all overpowered, you learn, and others also learn it. To be honest, not everyone has the same talent as Zhang Yu. To put it plainly, I went to the rocket class. That is to see who has the better ability to resist stress. You don't compare with others, but you can't hold people better than you. You can only say that it is your own problem if you break down. "

"So let's say! Whether the stress is big or small, or to adjust by yourself, others can only help."

"Actually, this has something to do with one's learning status! Don't forget, Su Qianqian was also in the Rocket class! After I went there, my grades dropped from more than 30 in the school year to more than 100 in one breath. Strange! Later, after Su Qianqian returned to class 12, the results gradually returned to more than 30. If I say that the state of study in this rocket class is not suitable for everyone, Su Qianqian is an obvious example. "

"That makes sense! Hey! By the way, Mr. Li! Or you can think of a way to get Ge Wenhui back. Maybe his problem is the same as Su Qianqian?"

"Ah! That's a good idea!"

"I agree!"

When Li Yunliang heard this, he said helplessly: "In fact, I didn't hide this from you. I really told my elder brother-in-law! But they didn't agree with each other. It was said that Ge Wenhui was just not used to the rhythm of the rocket class for a while. It will soon adapt and adjust, let me not worry about it. In fact, the two of them have been privately proud of Ge Wenhui's entry into the Rocket Class, and they do not want to transfer him back to the ordinary class. "

"In fact, this is not to blame your sister-in-law! Many parents are proud that their children can enter key classes. It seems that for our first middle school in the city's high school status, children enter our rocket class, so the worst is It's like entering 1985. How can these parents tell others that their children are back in ordinary classes, and that Phoenix has become a pheasant! Isn't that hitting their own faces! "

"To put it plainly! Still hopeless Jackie Chan. Let's talk about ourselves without talking about others! If our children enter the rocket class in the future, maybe we may not be better than others. Everyone eats grains and cereals. No one can jump out of this strange circle with physical bodies. "

"Ah! Teacher Jiang said something interesting."

"So the history teacher's speaking level is different!"

"That's what it means! It's definitely a realm we can't touch with mathematics, physics and chemistry."

"Go to yours!"

"Hehehehehe!" The teachers also laughed ...

"Right! I wonder if we can take our class to third grade this year?"

"Yeah! This may not be the case. It should be said that it is hopeful ... Our group and group A monthly exams are basically half a catty. It depends on the performance of the children!"

"When it comes to play! That depends on the play of class 12. As the leader of our group, Teacher Li Yunliang should be particularly confident to lead us back to the top!"

"Yes! Mrs. Li's next ten years before school, a top thirty, and a top forty. As long as you are prestigious, we will pick up the fish in the basket at the back."


Li Yunliang said, "Come on, you! I'll open it up. You just look at the previous ones, but why don't you look at the later ones? Poor Zhao Zhijun, Lu Zhiquan, Li Jie, and Wu Fat people, they all have the tail of the crane in the school year! One in the class will take my life, let alone four. Let me say! It depends on the performance of their class in Teacher Han. "

Han Shaoli heard this with a smile, and said, "The average score in our class is small, but there are not many high-quality students. The last time we divided the key classes, we took ten more from our class. Individuals. Students who were later divided! The state is mediocre! To be honest, there may not be any surprises for everyone. I feel that Teacher Lu's class is more likely to play abnormally. "

"Come on!" Lu Shiqi heard this faceless words: "Our class is the tail of our group crane! Pointing at the group of guys is a miracle, it is a dream to marry a daughter-in-law. I see, let's talk about world peace ! Be more realistic. "

"Hehehehehe!" All the teachers laughed when they heard this.

Song Renping said: "Actually this time! It's just luck. But I haven't taken third grade for a few years!"

"me too!"

"Who isn't!"

"It's all the same!"

Xu Ping raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said, "Come on! Don't talk! Time is running out! The list of the Academic Affairs Office should be out soon, let's go and see!"

Everyone nodded when they heard this, stood up and walked out of the office ... When the crowd came to the lobby, the second-grade teachers should gather in front of the big screen, and naturally they talked again after the meeting.

Of course, due to Zhang Yu's and Lei Tianyou's betting on 呛, these second-grade teachers almost did not know that Li Yunliang naturally became the target of criticism.

"Okay, Mr. Li! Your class, Zhang Yu, has to make up a show almost every time you take the exam. You are the class teacher, don't be the director in private!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Li Yunliang smiled awkwardly, and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, now he is not strange to Zhang Yu's strange behavior! If the test fails this time, I will say goodbye to class twelve, and that extra carelessness is also superfluous. Fortunately, Teacher Yao Bifan of the Rocket Class seemed to be absent. Otherwise, he really did not know how to solve this embarrassing situation.


When these teachers talked and laughed, the pictures on the LCD screen flashed, and various data appeared on the screen, interrupting the teachers who were chatting.

The 100-year list of the academic year appeared on the screen. These teachers were conditioned to look at the top three positions before the school year ... For them, the top three represent the star students during the college entrance examination of the school year, and naturally they are the focus of attention.

But when these people see the name of the first student clearly! Almost all stunned.