Chapter 1354: Witness, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Hong Mingjie said: "Okay! Now that you want to understand and be confused, then I can also make it clearer. Someone has reported that there is an exchange of interests between some coaches and athletes of your track and field team, using improper means to obtain There are quotas. All the achievement standards used by this athlete to declare are all fakes. I should understand enough now. "

"My grades are fake?" Zhang Yuwenyan smiled suddenly and said, "What international joke! The day I did the test, it was not a closed test. Many of our coaches and staff saw it! Could it be that I have so Great energy! Let them all help me fake results? "

Hong Mingjie said: "You said someone saw it? OK! Now you can find them and see if anyone can prove it for you!"

"Huh!" Zhang Yu Leng snorted, turned around, and said loudly: "Hey! All the project coaches of the track and field team! Hear me, please come over."

Zhang Yu's voice was so amazing that suddenly he snorted so suddenly that everyone around him was shocked, so everyone on the playground looked in the direction of Zhang Yu.


"Whoa! Who! Such a loud voice!"

"No! It's a radio speaker!"

"Myopia! Who can't see clearly? Is it our team's secret weapon!"

"Is n’t the secret weapon always doing indoor training! Why did it suddenly run outside? Is indoor training over? Are you planning to start field training?"

"You see what I do! I don't know. But what did he call just now?"

"It seems like letting the coaches on the playground pass by! Maybe something!"

"Hey! Coach Hu Pang, Coach Ding, they are all gone!"

"Then let's check it out, too?"

"Haven't you heard all the coaches pass by? We are not coaches either! What are we going to do?"

"Can't you just look at the fun?"

"Uh ... let's go!"


At this time, the people on the playground were surrounded by them ... Guo Ming and Ma Xingcai waited to see them, and they took the opportunity to come together.

Zhang Yu and the others were soon surrounded by the inner three and the outer three. Of course, most people didn't know what was going on, just talking about the excitement.


Liang An didn't expect Zhang Yu's voice to call the entire playground, and hurriedly exclaimed, "What do people come over for! Coaches and staff stay! No matter what you want to do, go back to training! Nothing great of!"

People around heard this and looked at each other, but none of them moved. Although Liang An is the deputy director of the track and field team, today he is the leader of the class. But to be honest, not many people know him. For these athletes, they are most in touch with a few project head coaches and these assistant coaches! Who knew Liang An was onion, so naturally they could not listen to the order of a stranger.

After Liang An saw that he had finished speaking, there was no moving person in the audience, and he was so angry. But he also knows that he is usually only responsible for logistical support, and it is normal for these front-line athletes to not know themselves. Hurriedly looked at the coach of the high jump team, Guo Hong, and said, "Coach Guo! Let these players go back to training quickly!"

Guo Hong certainly knew Liang An, nodded, and said loudly, "Everyone go back to training!"

Who is Guo Hong? Of course these athletes know. I can only look at each other, and when I plan to turn around and go back, I don't know who suddenly came.

"Coach Guo! Just stand and look at each other and don't talk. Even training! Not bad for a while!"

This sentence came out! People who were planning to leave also stopped and looked around at the same time. I didn't know who was talking about.


Guo Ming blinked at this time, hiding behind Ma Xingcai Bao Yuan and others, pretending that this matter had nothing to do with himself.


Zhang Yu found the person who spoke almost instantly, and frowned at the same time, because he didn't know each other.


Guo Hong also had a bad expression. He didn't expect that he would be stunned by the moment he gave the order. Moreover, who this person is, I have no way to confirm it. After all, there are too many people here! So everyone around didn't leave because of that sentence.


As soon as Hong Mingjie heard it, he knew that the speaker was his cousin Guo Ming, so he said, "Okay! Don't waste everyone's time! Everyone likes to watch, just stay and watch!" After that, I looked around. The coach said: "Hello everyone! This is Hong Mingjie, the Supervision Office of the Sports Bureau! This time, I called you all coaches, but there is one thing that everyone needs to help prove." After that, he pointed to Zhang Yu, who said: " The player named Zhang Yu said that when he joined the team, everyone saw the test results with his own eyes. So I want to confirm it! Did you really see his results with his own coach? Can you report the specific data? "

When these surrounding coaches heard this, they were a little bit confused and wondered what the other person was asking?

Liang An hurriedly said, "Each coach pays attention! Director Hong's question is very important. Those who know it say know. Those who don't know! You don't have to answer it. Let me talk to coach Guo Hong first!"

Guo Hong, the assistant coach of the high jump group, nodded his head and said, "Zhang Yu's high jump score was two meters during the test! I was present at the time, and I can confirm. The long jump score ... seems to be seven meters and four hundred? This time, he turned to Pang Maocai of the long jump team.

Pang Mao just nodded and said: "It's seven meters and forty! The 110-meter hurdle should be sixteen seconds 2020! Coach Ding I remember right?"

"Yes!" Ding Weizhe also ordered.

Liang An heard this and turned to look at other coaches, saying: "The other coaches and staff who were present at the time could confirm Zhang Yu's test results. Would you please raise your hand?"

Most of the coaches and some staff members on the field raised their hands, except for a small number who were not there that day and did not see it.

Liang An was relieved when he saw this, and hurriedly said, "Director Hong! You saw it! The coaches in the team basically saw it. So Zhang Yu's test results should be no problem! I believe someone must have deliberately framed our track and field team You need to investigate the matter closely! "

Zhang Yu sneered at the sight and said, "What! So many people help me prove that you should have nothing to say now!"

Hong Mingjie said coldly: "Although your coaches can prove your test results! But this is just a witness. In order to let me go back and have an account! You'd better provide me with some physical evidence!"

"Evidence? What do you mean!" Zhang Yu frowned.