Chapter 1394: Retreat, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Jian Zizhen saw this scene and smiled: "Shao Bo! Listen to this voice! This should be the warmest cheer among all the players tonight! It seems Zhang Yu's popularity in your Zhonghai City is still Quite tall. "

Shao Bo also smiled when he heard the words, and said, "How do you say that everyone is a fellow! Cheering for your own people is understandable! Zhang Yu! Come on! The people in your hometown support you!"

"I hope that your hometown's performance can meet these cheers!" Fan Yang said consciously or unintentionally.

Jian Zizhen and Shao Bo glanced at each other and shook their heads ...


After the introduction of the last group of players in the hurdle group competition, everyone also came to the run-up device at the prompt of the referee, and squat to prepare ... When the prepared prompt sounded, everyone immediately became ready to go! "Pop!" A gunshot came, and everyone rushed forward in the cheers of the audience!


"The game has begun!" Fan Yang's eyes brightened, and he cried out loudly: "Audience friends confirm that the leading players from the start are ... uh ..."


The moment the No. 4 seed Duan Junjie heard the gunshot, he rushed out like a leopard in an instant ... There were only four words in his brain, and he took the lead.

Because of the three games completed in the previous three groups, the No.1, No.2 and No.3 seeds arranged by the organizing committee all qualified with the first place in the group. As the No.4 seed, of course, it is impossible to use other positions. Duan Junjie, who has been holding his breath for a while, also intends to use the results of this game to prove that he is the number one seed and the strongest of all the players.

Duan Junjie rushed out confidently not too far, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. It seemed that someone next to him rushed out faster than himself, and in the acceleration phase, he was faster than himself.

Duan Junjie almost couldn't remember who the next player was. How could he accept an unknown **** and rush to the front of himself!

Did this kid **** away? But why did n’t there be a prompt?

Duan Junjie conditionedly glanced at the next track! Think of who the person next to is! Actually that actor! I was surpassed by a circus clown!

how can that be! Just when Duan Junjie was a little confused, the fence in front of him was getting closer and he and Zhang Yu successively started to attack the fence.


"Inconceivable! Zhang Yu actually uses a seven-step hurdle! This is the starting standard for top hurdlers." Fan Yang inevitably made a fuss when he saw Zhang Yu's hurdle.


When Zhang Yu and Duan Junjie crossed the first column one after the other, and at this time others who started slower than the two types of people had not yet started to attack the column! It can be seen that the speed of the two people and the others are not a series at all.

Duan Junjie hasn't been able to surpass Zhang Yu even after three hurdles. Although it is not far away, he can't approach it. To be honest, he is also anxious. If one of the seed players loses to a clown in the opener, then he How can you have a face?

Duan Junjie now has only one idea in his heart! fast! I have to hurry a little faster! In fact, he has forgotten the taboo of hurdle races. The most taboo of the players is the unstable mentality. Hurdle is not a sprint, after all, with explosive power, you can forcibly change the rhythm.

After all, there are hurdles on the hurdle track. If the rhythm is not good, you do n’t know how to die. In the heart of Duan Junjie, who just wanted to hurry, when he crossed the fifth hurdle, he suddenly felt that he was a little early, and his hind legs were slightly hung when he fell. When his heart screamed badly, the sixth hurdle had appeared in front of him, and he suddenly felt as if he didn't know when it was time to cross, and finally hit him on the hurdle, and immediately fell over and grabbed a dog. feces.

There was an exclamation at the same time ...


"Duan Junjie fell!" Fan Yang screamed in surprise.


"The fourth seed actually got out early!" The surrounding coaches and athletes exclaimed at the same time.


Duan Junjie, who was out of the lead, fell. Of course, the followers also saw it. The early exit of the group players is good news for any player in the same group, because There is one less powerful competitor. As for why Zhang Yu is so fast, to be honest, it's not a question to consider now. The most important thing now is the precious qualifying places.

Bros! Rush! All the players in this meeting are like playing chicken blood, trying their best to qualify for the top three places in the group.

In the later part of the schedule, Zhang Yu was already ahead of a multi-column team. It seemed to be a bit lacking in stamina. In the final sprint phase, he was gradually approached by the players behind him. Fortunately, Zhang Yu led a lot at the beginning and finally relied on the previous lead Advantage, the first line was successful.


"Zhang Yu is out! The group is the first! Too great!" Shao Bo almost jumped up at this time ... You should know that at the beginning of the game, Shao Bo did not expect Zhang Yu to go out in the group first. In his opinion As long as Zhang Yu loses is not too ugly, but he never expected that Zhang Yu would still be the first to qualify in the group, which is also incredible!

Jian Zizhen also said with some excitement: "Zhang Yu is really good! He has been running the No. 4 seed next door. He didn't expect him to be so good except music! Sports is so good! It is a perfect big boy."

Fan Yangdao: "But there are still some regrets! Zhang Yu is running too softly behind him. If his state of sprinting is the same as when he started, I believe that his current performance will be even better. But anyway, Zhang Yu is still out! he!"


The results quickly appeared on the side screen, and Zhang Yu ranked first in the group with 14 seconds and 99 seconds.

Zhang Yu ’s performance improved from the original 16 seconds 2020 to 14 seconds and 99 seconds, and entered the 14-second level. I have to say that it is a milestone for an athlete. Everyone in the track and field team was still guessing how long it would take for Zhang Yu to enter the 15-second level. I never expected that everyone's first test would hand over results that everyone had never expected.

Although Zhang Yu's score of 14 seconds and 99 compared with the previous four groups is still not enough, it is likely to stop in the preliminary round, but let him! At least Zhang Yu was able to enter the next round with the honor of the first place in the group, which is more face-to-face than Lin Mingyuan's small points to enter the next round.

The people in the track and field team are also discussing it enthusiastically. The topic is centered around Zhang Yu, and Lin Mingyuan, the current brother of the track and field team, seems to have retired to the second line and has even been completely forgotten.