Chapter 1527: New officer, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Ding Anyang Tieqing's face was silent, and everyone in the conference room certainly felt that the other party's mood was extremely bad, but they couldn't manage this kind of thing, they could only sit side by side with big eyes and small eyes.

In fact, for these executives of Suntech Group, they were also very surprised that the board of directors would suddenly have such a decision. How to say Ding Anyang is also the son-in-law of the Shangguan family, which is also part of the government family. And after Shangguan Zhipeng fell ill, Ding Anyang was in charge of management for so long. The people who should have been in the top position did not have the top position. Naturally, the people here felt a little speechless.

It seems that such things as son-in-law are still outsiders in many wealthy families, but I don't know who this acting president is. According to normal inferences, it is likely that Shangguan Jiangxue is Shangguan. As the only person in the Shangguan family who is not sick, it is very appropriate for her to take the role of a group.

How to say that Shangguan Jiangxue also has a good clothing company under his own name, and his ability is still certain. It was just that she wasn't very interested in the management of the group before, otherwise she would definitely be the kind of person who wouldn't let eyebrows.

In fact, in the eyes of everyone, changing a female boss may not be a bad thing. At least you can raise your eyes during a meeting, it's better than a group of old men sitting together with big eyes and small eyes!

The meeting room was very quiet and no one spoke anymore. Ding Anyang still kept his face intact and didn't say a word ... and most of the people put their energy into the doorway, waiting for the debut of the big BOSS powder today.

Before long, the door of the meeting room was pushed open ...

A person wearing a mask looked into the room with a probe, followed with a smile, and said, "Well! There are many people! Sorry! I'm late. Sorry! Sorry!" Anyang followed with a smile and said, "Yeah! Brother-in-law, you are also here! That's great! I thought it would be better if I didn't know anyone!"

Zhang Yu came in with Chang Jun, the board supervisor, and of course Zhang Yu went directly to Ding Anyang.

Of course, Ding Anyang recognized Zhang Yu. How can they say that they often chat together these days. Even if they have bad memory, they can't forget Zhang Yu. They got up in a hurry and said strangely: "Sister ... brother-in-law! How did you come?"

Zhang Yu scratched her head and smiled, and said, "No way! Isn't this a lot of things at home! Your elder sister asked me to work out at the company! I didn't want to come, but she had to let me. Fear! No way!"

"What! Is that you ... the new acting president." Ding Anyang couldn't believe it when he heard this. The other one is a **** boy who hasn't even graduated from college! Actually became his own boss, are you kidding me? You must know that you are the official son-in-law of the Shangguan family. This guy is just a spare tire. How could he climb on his own head!

The board supervisor Chang Jun interjected at this time and said, "Everyone pay attention! This one! This is the new acting president of our group, Mr. Zhang Yang! Starting today, he will be responsible for the highest decision-making work of Suntech Group. Hope everyone Able to cooperate with President Zhang's work, so that the company's recently suspended business can get on track as soon as possible, leading the group to flourish. Now applause welcomes President Zhang's speech! "

After Chang Jun said, everyone in the conference room immediately patted his palm with "Papa!", Fearing that the sound of the shot was too small, and Zhang Yu nailed the tag to deal with the matter, and later he put on his own shoes.

Although Zhang Yu was still wearing a mask, she still could see the complacent expression on her face. After a while, she squeezed her hands, and everyone in the conference room could finally stop the red palms that had been taken.

"Introduce yourself! My full name is Zhang Yang! Gong Chang Zhang, Yang Yang. I'm not going to say the name when I am studying at a university in Beijing. Actually, it is not a good university. I ’m afraid of being shamed. I have n’t graduated yet. I have never been responsible for any management work. The biggest official in my life was the team leader responsible for homework when I was in school. This promotion was also a big girl for me for the first time. .Everyone who is doing it! It's all my old predecessors. Those who have the ability can give me a personal field. Those who can't do it are better than me. I have limited ability! I hope that everyone will bring me this little copy White, but please rest assured that if you get good equipment, I will count it as one! I can assure you that if you follow others if you have soup and meat, then follow me and you will definitely eat vomit. Everyone Satisfied! "

The meeting room was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere seemed strange ...

What a joke! This guy is the new president of the group? The top leaders who have some power in the group?

Yu Mingzhi smiled suddenly and followed the lead of "Papapa!" ... Qiu Hao, another vice president of the group, quickly applauded when he saw this.

The other people in the conference room reacted and started applauding. For these people, regardless of whether the other party really has the ability to manage the company, they are the top leaders here. Hurry up, let's just say goodbye!

Yu Mingzhi waited for the applause to weaken, and laughed: "General Zhang! I introduce myself, my full name is Yu Mingzhi, I'm going to, tomorrow's Ming, Zhizhi Zhi. The position is the vice president in charge of some work, mainly responsible for Group manpower, finance, and asset management work. Whatever happened to President Zhang, I will definitely cooperate with President Zhang's work despite my speaking. "

Zhang Yu laughed: "I'll thank my brother!"

"This is what it should be!" It is not uncomfortable for Yu Mingzhi to be called by Zhang Yu as his brother. The other person is also his top boss. Do you still expect the other person to call his elder brother! That's not asking for trouble.

Qiu Hao hurriedly smiled and said, "General Manager Zhang! At home Qiu Hao, Ear Knife Qiu, and Hao Hao, also vice presidents. He is mainly responsible for engineering and quality security inspections at home and abroad. What does Zhang have to explain directly? Just tell me, and I will cooperate with President Zhang's work. "

Zhang Yu smiled: "No problem! Brother Qiu is a real person at first glance. There are more places to trouble my brother in the future! Don't bother me in the future?"

"Cannot! This should be the honor of the next." Qiu Hao said with a smile.

After the company officials Yu Mingzhi and Qiu Hao introduced themselves, many senior management in the conference room introduced Zhang Yu to his name and responsible work. Although these people are older than Zhang Yu, no matter how big Zhang Yu is, they are all bitter and keep talking, making these people very speechless.