Chapter 1545: Pay tuition, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Shi Hongzhi looked at the screen, showing a proud expression, and followed Ding Anyang, who was also concerned about the market trend, and said, "I always saw Ding! I have opened in a few minutes, but the amount of buying is still very small. It can be seen that Lido in the morning did not form much support for Suntech at all. "

Ding Anyang nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "In fact, even if the buying order is a little bigger, it doesn't matter! We just melted so many stocks. When the market opens, no one is our opponent."


"Boss! It's open!" A man in the room yelled.


Shi Hongzhi turned back, looked at the screen, followed with a smile, and said, "General Manager Ding! The amount above is not big now. Do you want to hit the stock price to the end, or let it go down?"

Ding Anyang snorted coldly: "Smash! The cheaper the stock price, the more cost-effective it is for me, and I can no longer give it a chance."

Shi Hongzhi nodded and said loudly: "Monkey! Sell 30 million shares and drive all the trays away."

"Know the boss!" There was a sound of tightly typing on the keyboard from the man called the monkey, and after a while said: "That's it!"

Shi Hongzhi nodded with satisfaction, followed the data on the screen, and laughed: "See, Mr. Ding! No one dares to take such a large amount of us. It seems that the small investors and the small villages are scared. When he arrives, he dare not enter. "

Ding Anyang smiled with satisfaction: "Very good! Then pull the price down as soon as possible. Wait until you think it's almost there! Start collecting the net!"

Shi Hongzhi nodded and said loudly: "Monkey, flying fish, and big cat, each with 10 million shares! You must pull me down the stock price by two dollars within ten minutes."

"OK!" "I know the boss!" "Understand!" The three men answered loudly at the same time, and there was a crackling sound in the room.

Ding Anyang had a proud smile at this time. Although he was irritated by Apdul before, but now it seems that there is only a small problem. It seems that Suntech Group is still one of its own. Thing.

"Bad boss! Someone is scanning the goods." The man who called the monkey suddenly yelled.

"What!" Shi Hongzhi heard the words and hurriedly looked at the screen ... The transaction volume on the screen is rising, and the total number of selling orders he has just pressed is shrinking rapidly.

Ding Anyang hurriedly asked, "Hongzhi! What's the situation?"

Shi Hongzhi said: "Monkeys are quickly withdrawing orders! Big cats add two cents to try to **** back."

"Okay!" "Understand!" After the two responded, they immediately operated as instructed by the other.

But when Shi Hongzhi saw a few new exaggerated transactions on the screen, his face was immediately ugly and dying.

The big cat hurriedly said at this time: "Boss! Someone added a three-pointer and sucked all of our surplus."

The monkey also said: "Boss! The goods have already been traded and cannot be withdrawn! Now buying, they have started to accumulate."

"Asshole!" Shi Hongzhi smashed the desktop with a punch, shaking the mouse and keyboard, and said, "Which **** is here to stir the situation?"

Ding Anyang said anxiously: "What happened to Hongzhi? What happened?"

Ding Hongzhi said, "I don't know which **** is making a base for Suntech! It seems that someone wants to make Suntech's stock price rebound."

Ding Anyang heard his eyes turned and said, "Will it be done by the head office? Want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to hit the market?"

Shi Hongzhi said: "It's hard to say now! But if they just want to use money to smash, I will definitely let them know that everyone can not play the stock. Monkey, flying fish, tactical C, be faster, take a smaller amount They sucked it out. Big cats! Smash me when you see a large amount. They must be out in twenty minutes. "

"Know!" "OK!" "Understand!" While answering the three, according to the usual trading drills, they kept buying and selling, using their rich trading experience, and struggling to fasten their funds as soon as possible. .

Shi Hongzhi and Ding Anyang both stared intently at the data changes on the screen ... Of course, Ding Anyang couldn't understand anything, only knowing that the current Sunde Group's disk trading volume is amazing, and Shi Hongzhi, as an expert, constantly filters this data. The information in the command, and constantly ordered several men to adjust the tactical trend.


There is also a tense atmosphere in the Suntech Group's office ... almost everyone is watching the screen data changes in front of them. Although not everyone here understands it, even people who do n’t understand can see it, it seems that the stock market What a major change is happening.

Yu Mingzhi looked for a while and said, "Jiang Bo! How is it now? Our stock price seems to be shocking!"

Jiang Bodao: "From the perspective of the disk, there should be two groups of people who are vying for the pricing power of your company's stock price. Their operations are simply brilliant, and they are definitely masters in the master."

Yu Mingzhi heard this face speechless, saying: "Please, Xiaojiang! Don't sigh. Can you help us analyze the situation, some of us can't understand it at all."

Qiu Hao also said: "Ye Xiaojiang! The key is to help us analyze these two groups of people! What are you going to do! Are they all trying to keep our stock price lower?"

Jiang Bodao: "This is not the case! Now look at the trading situation on the disk, one of these two groups should want your stock price to form a bottom support, and the other group is purely suppressing, it should be to keep the stock price down."

Yu Mingzhi hurriedly said: "Who is dominant now? The one who protects the plate? The one who suppresses?"

Jiang Bodao: "For the time being, the group that is suppressed is like a lot of stocks in their hands. Often, they are merged from other people's hands and should be used specifically for short selling. It seems to be real gold and silver, it seems that the capital side has not suppressed a strong group, but it is also buying and stopping. But fortunately, your stock price is now too low, the bottom is very strong, and the two sides are half a catty.

Qiu Hao hurriedly got close to Yu Mingzhi and whispered a few words.

Yu Mingzhi nodded and followed, "Jiang Bo! You said that if we enter the market now, can we spend a little less money to help hold the plate!"

Jiang Bo thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's very difficult! Now looking at the operation of two groups of people, it should be a two-line professional team. Don't talk about me as a lone person alone! I usually find a partner, I am afraid that they are not opponents. They are all masters! At my level, I am afraid that admission is also a tuition fee. "