Chapter 1576: secret, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Shi Mingxu said in a calm tone, "For his experience! Patience is just a trifle."

Zhang Yuwen said, "Ding Anyang has decided to start this time. It should be that he feels that he is almost ready. Then I still have the above question. Why does Ding Anyang solve the Shangguan family once and for all, but You have to start separately and deal with Shangguan Deliang and Shangguan Zhipeng first? Does he have any other purpose? "

"No other purpose! Just when we were about to get started, the two fathers and sons of Shangguan Zhipeng quarreled over a trivial matter, and Shangguan Xing was running away from home. It happened that we were planning to start at that time, If Shangguan Xingzheng is absent, it wo n’t work. After all, he is the only male in Shangguan ’s family. His presence will cause great trouble to my brother ’s inheritance of Shangguan ’s family. So my brother asked me first to Shangguan Deliang and Shangguan Zhipeng. Start, and bring Shangguan Xingzheng back together to solve it. "

"I still can't figure it out! If you solve the Shangguan family in batches, aren't you afraid that Shangguan's siblings will make things bigger and find someone to disrupt your plan?"

"Actually, I was very confident in my beheading at that time! My master was one of the most powerful beheaders in Thailand, and I completely inherited his mantle. I do n’t think it would be my opponent no matter who the Shangguan family found to help. "Shi Mingxu said this and then looked at Zhang Yu," But it seems that I still have a little self-esteem! I did not expect that Shangguan Jiang Xue can find a master like you to help. "

"It seems I have become a spoiler!" Zhang Yu heard a smile.

"It can only be said that the Shangguan family should not die!"

"Then how did you and Shangguan Jiang Rou get together?" Zhang Yu turned to the key question.

Shi Mingxu heard a silence for a while, and said, "I didn't have any contact with Shangguan Jiang Rou before. She was only part of my elder brother's plan. It was just a name for me. And my elder brother's plan was to wait for Shangguanjiang. Rou inherits all the property and then kills her, but before that, she is required to be like a normal person, so that people can take over all the family's inheritance without any doubt. It's just ... "

"Just something that we didn't expect. At that stage, Shangguan Jiang Rou didn't know how to suddenly become nervous. He became suspicious of my brother and often secretly monitored him, thinking that my brother had another woman outside. Later she followed me once. Brother, happened to know our plan again. Later, when she wanted to call the police, she was found by my brother. No way! My brother could only put her under house arrest, and she was afraid she would be found out loud. It only allowed me to use a head-down technique to make her stupid. Later, because my brother was going to negotiate the project of the new port of Bataan, she was handed over to me for supervision. "

"Oh! Listen to what you mean, you just took advantage of this opportunity to **** WU and your parents-in-law?"

Shi Mingxu was silent. After a while, he sighed, and said, "You can't say that. It's not too much. I did some things that are not as good as pigs and dogs. But I didn't think so at first! Maybe Curious to kill the cat! I was curious to know what my brother used to chase the enemy's granddaughter and finally got married. In fact, I was not afraid to tell you! My brother was often XQed by his adoptive father because he was a kid. It is incompetence in personality and abnormal sexual orientation. Otherwise, he may not be so distorted, so I am very surprised, how could their marriage last for three years without any problems. "

"What! You say that Ding Anyang is sexually incompetent!" Zhang Yu said that this was an incredible face, and hurriedly said, "Then you mean that Ding Anyang and Shangguan Jiang Rou have not happened in the three years they were married. That kind of thing? But this is impossible! "

"You think it's incredible, right? I was very curious about it at the time. I also happened to know that my brother had a male disorder, but he didn't say much at the time, and I couldn't go after it. I really want to know the reason for this, so I hit the seedling on Shangguan Jiang Rou, hoping to know from her mouth what method my brother used, before she endured a life of three years. . Then I used a head-dropping technique that can make people hallucinate to set her words and let her say what I want to know. "

Zhang Yuwenyan also showed an interested expression. In fact, he was very curious when he heard this. In what way did Ding Anyang let Shangguan Jiang Rou be willing to live for three years.

"Actually, my brother and Shangguan Jiang Rou were not in a school before. He also planned to get close to Shangguan Jiang Rou through investigation after revenge. At that time, Shang Guan Jiang Rou was attending school at GLBY University. She also goes to the graduate examination there. "

"I didn't expect Ding Anyang to be quite powerful, even a graduate student of GLBY could be admitted!"

"Apart from saying nothing, my brother's ability is good! Otherwise, he can't climb to the high position of vice president at Suntech Group for so many years. In fact, Shangguan Zhipeng didn't like my brother before. It is because of my own ability that my brother made Shangguan Zhipeng take another look at him that gradually gained attention. "

"What happened then!"

"Later! Later, of course, my brother used every means to contact Guan Jiangrou. I have to say that in the impression of Shangguan Jiang Rou, my brother was the most perfect candidate. During college, two people It was from acquaintance to love, and finally registered to marry against the opposition of the Shangguan family. "

"Oh! Then what means did Ding Anyang use to maintain their asexual marriage?"

"Of course it is a lie! My brother took advantage of Shangguan Jiang Rou's goodness and lied to her. He was forced and violent by a tramp when he was young, and he had some obstacles to that kind of thing. I hope Shang Guan Jiang Rou can give him a few years Time, let him adjust the treatment. "

"No! You mean that Ding Anyang cheated Shangguan Jiang Rou with such a ridiculous excuse?"

"I can only say that she is a kind girl! Although she was also shocked by my brother's lies at that time, they had already registered to get married at that time, and my brother would be able to act on the plane, crying, and only required three years to use Yu gave herself psychological treatment. At the time, she was very sorry for the injuries that my brother suffered as a child, so she agreed. "

"What does all this have to do with you?"

Shi Mingxu heard a word of silence for a while, and said, "In order to know the secrets of the two of them, didn't I give Shangguan Jiang Rou a magical bow? She might be too involved, and she said that she even took me Imagination became my brother, and began to have some close contact with me, so I ... "