Chapter 1600: fear, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Ge Wenhui didn't say anything when he heard the words. He grabbed the banner closest to him and started to pull upwards ... Of course, when he pulled the banner, he silently calculated the length in his heart, trying to find the best distance for the first time. Zhang Yu stepped on his feet.

Ge Wenhui dragged for a long time, and finally thought that it should be almost, so he stopped, squatting and planned to tie the banner to his feet.

"Well! Why is this enough? I said Lao Ge, don't tell me that your courage is just that long, that's too disappointing."

Ge Wenhui heard that his face was a bit ugly, but he did not quarrel with the opponent, but instead got up and pulled the banner up for a short period, it seemed to show Zhang Yu that his courage could still be greater.

"Short! You're obviously short, OK? Lao Ge! You said that you are not afraid of death, so you can't put it longer. You dare to challenge me at this length, it's really beyond your control! "

Ge Wenhui heard the words for a moment. Although he didn't know how long the banner would be more suitable, he intuitively judged that the length should be almost the same. No matter how long, the risks may increase significantly. If you jump from such a high distance, the length is not appropriate, it must be that your face is on the ground first, and it is not important whether you can win or not. You can definitely predict how miserable you are.

Ge Wenhui's heart was struggling violently for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and put his arm length back, but at this time he felt a little sweaty, and his mood began to get tense.

"Longer! Longer! You are too short! How could you have won me." Zhang Yu's voice rang again at this time.

Ge Wenhui was a little angry at the moment, and said, "Hey! Zhang Yu! You take care of yourself, okay? How long I want to stay is my own thing, what kind of thing are you trying to stir up next to?"

Zhang Yu laughed: "Hey! Don't you kid bite Lu ... that, I don't know people! I'm not afraid that you are not long enough to lose the game!"

"What kind of heart do you have! I think the worst is your kid. You want to watch me fall alive, right?"

"Lao Ge! You should have a good conscience when you speak. If I want to watch you fall alive! When you were about to jump off the building just now, I'd be good as an audience. Obviously, I stopped you by pulling the bar, I promised to jump off the building with you, wouldn't I be full? "

Ge Wenhui heard this too! You must know that Zhang Yu can't say that it is wrong, but the other side's efforts to make himself longer also made him feel a strong malice, and it is normal for Xiaxia to be happy.

"Zhang Yu! Since this is a game, it is best to take care of it personally. How long you like to put it is your business. As for how long I like to let it be, let me decide for myself. Okay!"

"Yes! As long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want." As Zhang Yu smiled and spoke, he also grabbed his banner by the side and pulled it up, while pulling, there was still no talk in his mouth.

Ge Wenhui stood on the side, the more he listened, the more hesitant, because when Zhang Yu pulled the banner, he actually measured according to the length of his pull, which made it clear that he wanted to be longer than himself. So when Zhang Yu finally finished, he actually released a half-arm longer than himself, which made Ge Wenhui feel a little pressure.

Zhang Yu has left such a long distance. Although Ge Wenhui has not measured it, it must be longer than himself. Moreover, Zhang Yu's height is also above himself. If he really jumps, as long as his face is not attached, he must be longer than himself. Then, isn't he going to lose in this game?

Zhang Yu had tied the banner to her leg at this time. After tying, I got up and laughed, "How old is it! Let's jump back and forth, or jump together one, two, three."

Ge Wenhui did not speak, but was silent for a while, and seemed to be making a decision in his heart ... For a short time, he lowered his body, untied the banner tied to his feet, and moved back a distance of about one arm, Seems to be looking for a length closer to the ground than Zhang Yu.

When Ge Wenhui chose this length, to be honest, his forehead was already sweating a bit. If he landed on such a long distance, the consequences would be unthinkable. What Ge Wenhui didn't expect was that he had just tied the banner, and when he looked up, he saw Zhang Yu also untied the banner on his feet, and actually moved down one arm length, which was longer than his own length. .

Ge Wenhui hurriedly said, "Zhang Yu! Are you crazy? Do you know how long it is now? Do you want to commit suicide!"

"Suicide! Then I don't want to. But I want to win! If you want to win, you take risks?" Zhang Yu said indifferently.

Ge Wenhui heard this, gritted his teeth, and moved the banner on his feet down again, as if he wanted to prove that as long as Zhang Yu dare, he would also dare.

But after Ge Wenhui readjusted the length, Zhang Yu moved the half-arm length down again, and finally it was longer than Ge Wenhui, and now Ge Wenhui was completely speechless.

In fact, Ge Wenhui now feels a bit of fear in his heart, because the length is too long, and it is not too much to say that it is beyond the bottom line of his heart. Naturally, he keeps his head constantly appearing in the head to the ground. After the impact, followed by a **** picture.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "How old is it! Let's start now! Or continue to move down, as long as you dare to move, I dare to move."

"You are such a lunatic!" Ge Wenhui said a little bit angrily.

"Hey! You know how terrible I am now! It's late! Stop talking nonsense! Hurry and jump!" Zhang Yu smiled proudly.

Ge Wenhui heard a trembling from his body, and it seemed that he could no longer suppress the great fear rising from his heart.

In fact, Ge Wenhui has been sitting on the school rooftop for a long time today. His mind was constantly circling the feeling of dying. For a time, he felt that he had shaken off his fear and wanted to be relieved and leave the world. But I do n’t know why, Zhang Yu crossed the bar for a long time, he suddenly began to be afraid of death, especially his mind began to appear constantly. The picture of his head hitting the ground and blood flowing on the ground made him very scared. .

Zhang Yu saw that Ge Wenhui's face was getting more and more white, and he also gave a grin, and said, "Lao Ge! When the matter comes, don't you be afraid?"

"You ... are you scared! Zhang Yu! You must not belittle me. I am definitely different today than before!"

"That's good! Then let's not procrastinate! If you dare to jump, you can jump right away. If you don't dare, I will help you in a difficult way, and you can be carried away!"

"No!" Ge Wenhui said it was pale.