Chapter 1613: Rehabilitation, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Wu Jie and Zhao Zhijun have been in charge of the management work of the Student Union for a long time, so they naturally have a little bit of official spirit. When speaking, they are also clever and natural, and the long-term match is naturally seamless.

Several people shouted and called officials, and squeezed together against Lei Tianyou, naturally he almost died of vomiting blood.

The students around them also saw that Zhang Yu and Lei Tianyou were obviously in conflict. Considering the test turmoil of the two last semester, everyone knows that Lei Tianyou offended Zhang Yu, a live prince in the school, simply asking for trouble.

At this time, the preparatory bell for class suddenly sounded, and the surrounding students heard the conditioned sound, and they turned around and went back to class.

Zhang Yu didn't intend to play with Lei Tianyou when he saw this, instead he looked at a few people and said, "Let's go! It's a waste of time to take care of such a fool."

Everyone heard that Qi Qi and Lei Tianyou made a face, laughed and left together.

Ge Wenhui sneered at the sight, and once again put the bag next to his shoulder to his shoulder and turned away.

"That ..." Guo Bohan wanted to say something, but when Lei Tianyou's face was very ugly, he knew that he was on the fire, and decided not to find himself unhappy, and turned and walked away.

Lei Tianyou stared back at Zhang Yu and his team, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhang Yu! You wait! I will never let you go."


Ge Wenhui returned to class twelve to return to class. It was a bit of an accident for the entire class of old people. For the newcomers in the class, it didn't feel much. However, Ge Wenhui's return to class 12 is not as warm as Su Qianqian. Especially Wu Jie can be said to be very unhappy.

Because Ge Wenhui's seat was arranged next to Wu Jie. Before, the two people couldn't deal with each other, but now they have become the same table, which made him justify.

Ge Wenhui himself felt quite comfortable. After going through the torture of the Rocket class, he is now the best class, or class 12, and would like to return home when he came back here, although the family next to him still had a little to see himself. But he doesn't matter.

Su Qianqian was worried that Ge Wenhui would be rejected by Zhang Yu and others, which was not conducive to class unity. She found Tan Xiaonan at the end of the class and hoped that the two would propose together and help Ge Wenhui host a welcome banquet.

Tan Xiaonan certainly felt indifferent. As a member of the class, in order to maintain harmony and lasting peace in the class, he agreed.

Welcome Ge Wenhui! To be honest, Wu Jie didn't want to go, but because Su Tan's second daughter was a peacemaker, it was inconvenient to refuse. And Zhang Yu didn't say anything against it, and the last few people could only reluctantly agree.

Ge Wenhui was very moved when he saw that everyone in the class had specially organized a welcome dinner for him. How to say that he is now considered a person who has died once, and the perspective and view of the world seem to be very different from before. And last time, he also knew the whole process through his old wife.

Wu Jie and Zhao Zhijun, who were originally poor friends who had no interaction with themselves, actually came out to help them find the cold wind after knowing that he was in trouble. He naturally wanted to be good friends with these people. Of course, it is not easy for others to accept themselves. It takes a small fire to cook slowly and take time to solve.

At the noon welcoming banquet, Ge Wenhui also changed his previous arrogance, took the initiative to talk to Wu Jie, Zhao Zhijun and others, and lowered his attitude, admitting his previous mistakes, hoping that several people can remember the villains and give him a chance become friends.

A few of the fat people in Wu weren't the ones with small stomachs. They also felt that Ge Wenhui would not die this time, and it seemed that his personality had changed a lot. But it was said that everyone was just like a good buddy to go hand in hand! Of course, it is not realistic. After all, there was no basis for friendship before, and a little bit is still needed.

But a few people also agreed to give Ge Wenhui a chance, yes! In the future, they will accept each other into the team. No! Only the chicks did not pee and went their separate ways.

Ge Wenhui was also very glad to see that everyone did not exclude himself. Patting your **** assures you that you will definitely use actions to prove that you are truly rehabilitated.

After lunch at noon! The crowd returned to school again. On the way, Ge Wenhui dragged Zhang Yu aside and said something to him.

When Zhang Yu saw the situation, he could only slow down and Ge Wenhui came to the side ... Wu Fatzi didn't say anything when he saw the situation.

"What's wrong? Anything to say?"

Ge Wenhui sighed and said, "Zhang Yu! You are right. I was fooled by the guy Lei Tianyou!"

Zhang Yuwenyan instantly understood the meaning of the other person, and he squeaked his lips and said, "Look at what I say! Being a man cannot listen to the wind is rain. People say you believe it !? Your IQ has caught up with the obsession of health products Retired cadres. "

Ge Wenhui's face also revealed a bitter melon face. It can be said that since he knew the truth of the matter, he almost vomited blood when he remembered it.

"Say! What's going on?"

"After you told me that day! I didn't dare ask my dad at the time, he had just fallen ill. I only asked him a few days later when his body stabilized a bit. Because I knew that the company at home was Did n’t you fine some money! I asked him why the money was fined. My dad did n’t want to tell me, but later he could n’t screw me up and told me. It turned out that the fine was not the tax bureau at all. Fine! That's actually a fine from the Quality Supervision Bureau.

Before the Spring Festival of the beginning of the year, our company launched a new product. Since it is going to be sold before the Spring Festival sales season, the product samples here have just been submitted to the Quality Supervision Bureau for inspection, and sales promotion has begun. How do I know that the product has just been on the market and has not yet been sold, and the samples sent to the Quality Supervision Bureau were found to have problems.

In fact, it is not a big deal! It is that a product parameter on the product packaging is printed incorrectly. But because it is an untested product, this is a substandard product.

However, at that time, our family's products had already begun to be sold on the market. Finally, the Quality Supervision Bureau was convicted of selling off-standard products. Do not say the fine, but also require all listed new products to be fully recovered, re-printed qualified product standards, and then allowed to continue to go on sale. For this matter, my company was not only fined 100,000 by the Quality Supervision Bureau! The product also has to be recalled to remake the packaging. Almost all the money invested in the early stage has been lost, and it has lost a lot of money.

My dad also sighed at that time! I asked him not to say. I don't know how Lei Tianyou knew about it, so I made up a lie and cheated me. Think about it now! I'm really silly of TM. "