Chapter 1633: Is there a bigger house?, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Zhang Yu also approached at this time, pointing to the house that the woman just liked, saying, "How big is this area?"

Mao Xuetong carefully looked at the floor and said, "One hundred and eighty square meters!"

"One hundred and eighty square meters ... well! The floor and location are good! This area is ... too small!" Zhang Yu said this, and the surrounding area was strangely quiet for a moment.

The woman not far away was surprised to hear this! One hundred and eighty levels is too small, you know that it is more than 20 million! real or fake? Thinking of this, the woman turned to Zhang Yu, intending to see who was talking about such a big word.

When the woman looked at Zhang Yu carefully, she saw that he was young, wearing a suit like school uniforms, and did not seem to be rich. Could it be that this guy is a second-generation low-key rich who likes to wear school uniforms?

The man next to him gave Zhang Yu a glance, followed by a snorting noise! Although there are many heroes in the capital, those who can come here to see the house should also have considerable capital. Otherwise, the first payment will make you dizzy at a glance, let alone buy the whole money. But Zhang Yu didn't feel like a rich second-generation, mainly because his temperament was too poor. How can there be a rustic rich second-generation who wears a school uniform, even if he likes non-mainstream and does not wear a school uniform, it is neurotic.

So in the eyes of a man, if the other person is not a rich second-generation, it should be brain-disabled. A brain-disabled comes to buy a house, and there is also reception here. I don't know if it is a high-end community or a psychiatric hospitality center.

Liu Yan was even more incredible when she stood on the side, but she basically had the same idea as a man. She also feels that Zhang Yu is bragging about talking big, but the tens of millions of houses are still too small? Third-tier cities are blushing when they say this. Thinking of this, her eyes also flashed disdain. Of course, her performance is not as obvious as the man next to her. How to say that she is also a service staff, it is better to take attitude as the priority.

Mao Xuetong was equally surprised. She didn't know what Zhang Yu said was true or joking, but she did not look down on the other person. In fact, in her opinion, regardless of what the other party said is true or false, she must take it seriously. Anyway, there are no guests now, and she is idle, so she should be honing her skills.

"Sir! Actually, living at 180 square meters is not too small. One that is too big is not easy to clean, and you may have to hire someone to clean it. At the same time, the cost of property, heating and capacity increase is also large! And the cost of renovation is also Not low. In fact, our company has already taken this into consideration when considering the overall design. Generally speaking, one hundred and eighty square meters is regarded as the gold unit among the large and medium-sized units. "

"So there are no larger floors in your real estate?"

"There are big ones too! It looks like this location!" After pointing at a location, Mao Xuetong said, "Here we have several sets of large flats of more than 360 square meters, basically covering an entire floor in the area. "

"More than three hundred ... still small!" Zhang Yu mumbled.

A few people around didn't even faint, and more than three hundred levels were too small, and the bragging force could not be ignored.

The man couldn't hear this anymore, and looked at Liu Yan instead, and said, "Miss consultant! Ask me, how much is your real estate for one square meter?"

Liu Yan smiled and said, "Thirteen thousand and eighty! For the new real estate in the third ring road, although not the cheapest, the location is absolutely superb."

The man smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Oh! Thirteen thousand and eighty square meters, wouldn't the three hundred and sixty-six yuan be nearly fifty million!" When he said fifty million, he still intentionally Increased the tone, as if to intentionally speak to others.

Liu Yan smiled and said: "Of course, if the full price is discounted, it will certainly not be 50 million, but it will not be too much. In fact, these houses are too large, mainly because they are not easy to handle loans, and the bank ’s review of the applicant is too bad. If you do n’t have enough water, you ’re afraid of risk. ”Liu Yan deliberately said the word“ loan ”a little louder, as if she had to intentionally tell others.

Only at this time did Zhang Yu feel it. It seems that the two of them seemed to point something out, followed by a smile, and then looked at Mao Xuetong: "Miss consultant! I don't know if you have a house of more than 1,000 square meters here." .It's too small. I don't feel comfortable living here! I like living big. "

More than a thousand flats! Several people around were suddenly shocked when they heard this. More than one thousand and one thousand flats is more than one billion. real or fake? With this money, what other building is better to buy than a quadrangle or an oversized villa? Why buy a commercial building? Isn't this enough to support you? Several people around now basically think that Zhang Yu is really bragging! And it's the type that blows so much that it doesn't pay taxes and so it's irrelevant.

Mao Xuetong was of course shocked when she heard this, and she also began to wonder if Zhang Yu had a brain problem.

Zhang Yu saw Mao Xuetong also a little dazed, and smiled, "What's the matter, Miss Counselor! Do you have a house more than 1,000 square meters?"

"Ah!" Mao Xuetong reacted and said in a hurry: "I'm sorry sir! We don't really have such a big house here. I know we have a set of more than 800 square meters of privileged floors. Although it is a top floor, the structure It's special and the location is quite good. The roof is thickened. If you use it, you don't need to have a luxury villa. But just one set! "

"That building?" Zhang Yuwenyan was interested.

"It's the top floor of the building you just looked at!"

Zhang Yuwenyan carefully looked at the top of the building and nodded: "No wonder the model of this top floor is different from other buildings! It was originally a special design."

"Yes! There is only one family in our entire building."

"It looks OK! But it's still a bit small. What should I do?" Zhang Yu said this, showing a rather embarrassed expression, as if he really knew how to choose.

A few people around saw this and didn't know what to say ... The gorgeous woman looked at Zhang Yu repeatedly, and could not believe that this young man would be so rich, even more so than Xie Dingnan, who was harder to reach him next to him. Ask for money. You have to know that you just want to buy a house of more than 100 square meters. The other party is too small even with a house of more than 800 square meters! After all, people are better than people! It ’s still a short-term out of stock of brain fragments, and there is nothing you want to blow out the door!

Liu Yan said that she didn't believe that the young people next to him would be so rich. The 800-square-foot house is too small. Does this kid want to buy a school?