Chapter 1643: Zhang Yu! are you there?, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Zhang Yu looked around. In the front row of the hall, there were long rows of tables, and there were also famous brands on it. It seems that they should be the thrones of some leaders who participated in this event. Since no one is seated yet, I don't know who the seat is for now.

There is a large area behind the hall. Many young people have come in one after another ... Zhang Yu heard Ma Tao before. At the scene of the awards ceremony, many students from the Chinese department of the famous Beijing university also asked Come here for fun, it seems that these people should be college students who come to watch the ceremony.

Zhang Yu sat there and looked east and west, and naturally fell into the eyes of a caring person ... One of the men looked at Zhang Yu sitting around and looked around, his eyes flashing unhappy. Because of the position where Zhang Yu sits, it is the area where the authors are nominated for this award.

You little child, sitting in the author's area, don't you be ashamed of yourself?

The man thought of this frowning, got up and walked to the side and spoke a few words with a man with a work sign, followed by a finger pointing at Zhang Yu's position.

The man naturally showed a stunned expression when he saw this, nodded, and walked towards Zhang Yu's position.


Zhang Yu was looking around, and suddenly felt that someone came over, turned around, and saw a middle-aged man he didn't know, so he looked up and down naturally, and finally focused his eyes on the work nameplate on the chest of the other person.

"This little classmate! I have something to tell you. The position you are sitting in is a special seat prepared for the guests of this awards event. It is not suitable for you to sit here! Your student seat is behind the hall. Please find a seat at the back! ”Gan Hongyuan kept his tone down as much as possible to avoid being noticed by people around him. How do you say that you are also the leader of the logistics team responsible for this awards event. If someone is found to have been robbed of the guest seats, you will inevitably be trained by the leaders, so it is better to be low-key.

Zhang Yu heard this for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, and said, "This comrade! You may be a bit misunderstood. I'm not sitting wrong, because this is my seat!"

"This is your seat?" Gan Hongyuan heard the expression of suspicious expression, looked at Zhang Yu up and down again, and turned his face full of expressions of disbelief. After all, Zhang Yu looked like a young man, even if it was a baby face, he couldn't look like a student!

When Zhang Yu saw his expression, he knew that he didn't believe him. All I could do was to give up, and point to the nameplate on the seat, and said, "Look! Isn't Zhang Yu written on it? That's me! I'm Zhang Yu."

Gan Hongyuan looked at the brand name on the back of Zhang Yu's chair and Zhang Yu himself. He still couldn't believe that the young man in front of him was Zhang Yu. You know, this area is all dedicated to the nominated author of the Golden Plum Awards. This teenager who seems to be at most 20 years old is the nominated author of the Golden Plum Awards? how can that be!

In any case, Gan Hongyuan has participated in several awards for the Golden Plum Awards. He has never seen authors who have been nominated for Golden Plum Awards for works under the age of 40. Could it be that this kid thought he was so confused!

Gan Hongyuan thought of this and said, "You say you are Zhang Yu, what about your invitation letter?"

"My invitation ..." Zhang Yu said that suddenly, he had to know that after his invitation entered the lobby, he was put in the portable space! Now it is not easy to take it out in front of Gan Hongyuan. After all, that thing is so big, and the other party is so close to himself. Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "Sorry! I put it with my friends!"

Gan Hongyuan's smirk appeared on his face and said, "Thank you for bringing me here!" Of course he thought Zhang Yu was lying to himself. Could it be that the other person thinks he is an idiot? Your kid doesn't look at how old you are, you must have at least a few white hair to lie!

Zhang Yuwenyan was speechless, and could only stand up and say, "Wait a minute! I'll go to my friend!" After speaking, Zhang Yu squeezed from the other side.

Gan Hongyuan first frowned, and then he was surprised that the other person was tall enough. He was almost a head taller than himself. Your kid hit the chicken blood!

Zhang Yu walked not far, and drew his hands into his coat. Under the cover of his clothes, an invitation appeared in his hand, followed by a turn and walked back.

After seeing Zhang Yugang walking a few steps, Gan Hongyuan actually came back again, naturally frowning again.

"That! This is my invitation. Put it in my pocket, I forgot it." Zhang Yu pushed the invitation to Gan Hongyuan, squeezed from him, and sat down to his own again On the seat.

Seeing that his face was speechless, Gan Hongyuan scolded the boy in his heart. He had no brains. Such a large invitation was in his arms and was confused. Thinking of this, he opened the invitation letter and took a look. It did say that the invitation letter was sent to an author named Zhang Yu. At the same time, he congratulated his work for being nominated for the Golden Plum Awards, and invited him Come and participate in this awards event.

After reading the invitation letter, Gan Hongyuan did not doubt the authenticity of the invitation letter, because as the person in charge of the event site, he naturally knew that he had seen a lot of this. The question is, although the invitation letter is real, is this kid real? Mainly this kid is too young! How could he not remember that there was such a young nominee for the Golden Plum Awards. He remembered that he wanted to be nominated for the Golden Plum Blossom Award.

Gan Hongyuan thought of this and said, "This little comrade! May I see your ID card?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu frowned, and then looked at Gan Hongyuan a little uncomfortably, and said, "Why! Is my invitation letter false?"

Gan Hongyuan smiled when he heard the words and said, "The invitation letter is not fake! The key is that it only has the name written on it, and there is no photo. I can't confirm that you are Zhang Yu. So please show me your ID card! Let me verify. "

Zhang Yu heard this a little speechless, and stood up again. Just when Gan Hongyuan thought Zhang Yu would get him his ID card, Zhang Yu turned to look around, and made Gan Hongyuan look around, thinking that someone was coming.

"Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu! Are you there! Zhang Yu!" Zhang Yu suddenly shouted loudly around him.

Zhang Yu's voice was so strange that he yelled so loudly that everyone nearby was startled, naturally looking at his position at the same time.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Gan Hongyuan was also taken aback by Zhang Yu's behavior, and hurriedly stopped.