Chapter 1716: Crooked, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

In fact, it ’s not how amazing Zhang Yu ’s learning methods are, but Wu Xu has a good junior high school English background. If they do n’t have any basic knowledge, even a fairy may not be able to get them all in one day. Junior English.

Of course, the main credit for creating this miracle is Zhang Yu ’s magical acupuncture that actually stimulates the brain ’s memory. Without this acupuncture stimulation, even if they are exhausted, they will not be able to renovate so much English words.

Compared to Zhang Yu's high efficiency, Su Qianqian's efficiency is much lower. Fortunately, they can contact Zhang Yu at any time. With Zhang Yu assisting them, Zhao Zhijun and Lu Zhiquan have made a lot of progress in the small subjects they have learned.

But at school! When several people heard that Wu Jie and Xu had re-learned all the English in junior high school today, they were naturally shocked. Although junior high school English is a bit simpler than high school English, it will take half a day to learn junior high school English again. That is too exaggerated! Even if Wu Jie and Xu Yiming have a certain level of English, they are going to be a bit too fast!

Of course, Ge Wenhui didn't quite believe it, so he volunteered and tested Wu Jie's junior high school English words. To everyone's shock, the accuracy rate was surprisingly high. And only for half a day, the pronunciation of the two people is much better, and even many places are more standard than the three of Ge Wenhui.

Zhao Zhijun and Lu Zhiquan were also stunned, really fake! It's just half a day's effort. The English level of Wu Jie and Xu Yiming has approached oneself! Is your own English advantage a half-day gap?

Of course, Zhang Yu didn't have time to explain to a few people! Several people were asked to go home quickly to sleep, but another person gave a big pill.

Fourth day! Still the same process! After entering the house, take a shower, and then go to class.

Zhang Yu, who has completed Wu Jie's junior high school English intensive learning work, began to formally supplement the high school English for everyone.

High school English is not as simple as junior high school English!

If it is said that junior high school English is only to cultivate learners' sense of language and simple words, which belongs to superficial understanding, then high school English emphasizes grammar and reading analysis, and enters the stage of processing complex English information.

Zhang Yu's level of English is not good in Zhang Yu! The whole system of listening, speaking, reading and writing must be rearranged.

Zhang Yu's English skills are advanced English, which is already a linguist level. Compared with other subjects, it is just simple understanding and memory. His English level is definitely not comparable to that of a high school English teacher.

Zhang Yu's English, definitely not pure high school English, incorporates many expert-level ideas and ideas. Moreover, his goal is not to let Wu Jie pass the number of points in this study, but hope that they can pass this study and get their English level on track as soon as possible, so as to lay a solid foundation for the future.

Of course, in order to allow several people to improve their learning efficiency, thereby saving time.

Su Qianqian also experienced the feeling of being an alien like Wu Jie and Xu Yiming.

In fact, only Tan Xiaonan here knows about Zhang Yuhui's medical treatment. Naturally, he does not have any doubts about Zhang Yu's acupuncture, and Tan Xiaonan feels that whether it is the black water in the pond, or the big medicine **** in the back, it should be It was a medicine that Zhang Yu prepared for them, which can improve people's energy and potential. I just do n’t know what these medicines are made from. Tan Xiaonan does n’t think it ’s cheap.

Tan Xiaonan vehemently disagreed and supported Zhang Yu to give them a needle. Since Wu Jie and Xu Yiming have already experienced it, they are even more supportive. In the end, several people in Ge Wenhui had no choice but to accept it, and Zhang Yu put antennas on his head.

Several people's heads were needled by Zhang Yu and they immediately felt the benefit. Several people who have been stimulated by their brain potential are surprisingly efficient at word memory. Especially Ge Wenhui, who was born with a brain in mind, was stimulated, and his memory ability increased exponentially, and his efficiency was much higher than that of Wu Jie.

At this time, Wu Jie's talents discovered that genius is genius. Under the same stimulus, Su Qianqian's heads are much more efficient than them. In particular, Ge Wenhui, under the stimulation of Zhang Yu ’s magical acupuncture, his brain was more like a chicken's blood, which was inferior to the others. The typical super-learning background made several people speechless for a while.

A few people were studying crazy at Zhang Yu's home, and they were flying fast ... Soon a few people didn't even go to school in the morning, and took leave all the time, because the efficiency of reviewing at school and Zhang Yu's home were not a level at all, at school It's a complete waste of time. And just the kind of magic black water and big medicine **** given by Zhang Yu, there is no semicolon in this family, only fools will leave here.

Two weeks passed in an instant ... Wu Jie and others couldn't believe it, it was just ten days or so, they really completed the tutoring work of the three major subjects and all the minor subjects. You must know that this was previously considered fundamental a task that can not be done.

In the following time, Zhang Yu didn't give a few people a rest, and the rest of the week, he spent in the test ... The questions were all Zhang Yu alone, when he was giving lectures to several people, Using the knowledge points of several people and exploring the test questions, it can be said that what is difficult is Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu didn't even show anything that was eaten by a few people, which made them very speechless.

For a whole week, Zhang Yu's family basically turned on **** mode, and almost spent it in quizzes and problem solving.

The good-minded Ge Wenhui, naturally, the better the learning, the easier and easier to learn ... And although Wu Jie has made great progress, Zhang Yu's examination of brain circuit problems, which makes them a lot of pain That's why I believe that the previous study was only small, and the exam at this moment is really a **** model.

Soon, the day of final exams came.

Wu Jie and his entourage also finished all the tests the day before the exam and returned to school to prepare for the exam. What people just didn't find out was that at this stage, Wu Jie was either expressionless or frowning, but now a few people have a rare confidence in their eyes.

Many people are curious about the review of several people, and of course they are extremely confident, and they have said that they will show their strengths in the final exams, blowing spitting stars.

Of course, everyone in the class laughed at the wrong thing. Although everyone listened very well, in fact none of them took it seriously.