Chapter 1771: Tiger Bench Chili Water, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

An Lu does not like the tone of the command to herself, but she also knows the reason why people have to bow their heads under the roof. Now that this is the case, it's not a good idea to anger the other person again, thinking of this, saying, "What do you want to know?"

"You and Lin Baochang are really male and female friends?" Zhang Yu masked.

"Yes!" An Lu nodded for a while when she heard the words silent.

"Eh! Good! Now that you admit that the two of you are male and female friends, you can only be considered unlucky now. Brothers! Send her on the road!" Zhang Yu's tone sounded cold, it didn't seem to be talking One's life and death.

When An Lu heard this, she mentioned her throat and eyes! She didn't expect that she just acknowledged her relationship with Lin Baochang, and the other party didn't even consider it, and immediately ordered to kill herself. This inevitably made An Lu regret to promise to help Lin Baochang. How to say that this two people's operation is also a private operation. For ordinary people, Lin Baochang had been betrayed at this time, but An Lu said that he was also a special force. Although he was a woman, she was also a kind of woman with a relatively strong willpower. Therefore, she did not sell Lin Baochang. Maybe Bai Wei and Lin Baochang are busy saving themselves! Or the other party is just scaring yourself, there is no need to fool yourself.

"What are you guys doing? Not ready yet." Zhang Yu glanced at Wu Jie at this time, saying a little displeasedly.

"Boss! I think this chick is very beautiful, too direct to death is too wasteful!" Speaking of this, Wu Jie's fat face was a little reddened ... You know, these are the lines prepared by Zhang Yu for them, usually It's never been said, so it's really weird to say it. Immediately, "Oh!" Cleared his throat and said, "Look if you can refresh your brothers! Again ..."

Zhao Zhijun and Ge Wenhui both laughed when they heard this. If not a few people were wearing masks, they would let Anlu see the filling.

Zhang Yuwen Yan pretended to groan for a moment, and said, "Well then! Since this girl is that guy's girlfriend, I'll reward you for playing! It's vengeance for your brother!"

"Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" Wu Jie thanked them in a hurry, pretending to be very excited, and rubbing their hands together, surrounded by smirks.

"What are you doing!" An Lu was scared to death when she saw this! She is not a fool, even if she has never eaten pork, she has always seen a pig run! What the other person has to do to themselves, as long as it is normal people know.

An Lu struggled, but her body still had no control. She could only watch a few people getting closer and closer, her heart pounding.

"Ha ha ha! Chick! Anyway, you are going to die! Please make my brother happy, and we will give you a happy moment!" Zhao Zhijun laughed.

Wu Jie and Ge Wenhui laughed at the same time when they heard this. In fact, they laughed that Zhao Zhijun had just released the script, but he didn't expect to say something quite similar.

"Don't mess around! I tell you! My friend has already called the police and the police will be here in a while. This is a serious criminal offense for you. Now stop! It's too late." An Lu hurriedly exclaimed.

The three Wu Jie heard the words stunned, mainly because they didn't know how to answer it!

Zhang Yu heard this cold hum and said, "Chick! If you think you can scare me with the word police, then look down on me! If you are afraid of the police, I won't come to Lin Baochang to take revenge. Besides, you I do n’t know who I ’m in, I ’m with Lin Baochang. Now I can only blame you for being unlucky! By the way! A few of you! I ’m still there! She went up and tossed till tomorrow morning! It's okay! Let's go! "

Zhao Zhijun was convinced when he heard the words, but his mouth said, "I know the boss! We will surely make this chick ecstatic." After that, several people rubbed their palms together and continued to walk towards Anlu. .

"Don't come over!" An Lu watched as the people approached, and it could be said that all the hairs were standing up. She shuddered whenever she thought about what might happen. Although she is from the special forces, she is a woman anyway. As long as she is a woman, it is impossible not to be afraid when facing such things. Several people also got closer and closer, until Zhao Zhijun's hand almost touched An Lu's clothes, she could no longer bear the pressure in her heart and broke down! Shouted: "Stop! Stop! I'm not Lin Baochang's girlfriend!"

Several people in Zhao Zhijun stopped and immediately turned to look at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled and said, "Now you just said it wasn't Lin Baochang's girlfriend! Do you think I would believe it?"

"Really! What I said is true. I'm just Lin Baochang's captain and he was asked to help." An Lu, who couldn't stand the pressure, said loudly.

"You ... say that you are not Lin Baochang's girlfriend! Have you ever met her girlfriend?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I have not seen!"

"Huh! How dare you play with me!" Zhang Yu said coldly.

"I swear to heaven! I have never seen it before. I didn't know he had a girlfriend before today. And he never mentioned his affairs in the team! Several of our captains thought he was single, I also think about helping him find a girlfriend together! You don't believe it, you can ask ... "An Lu said that it was awkward, and then it was really hard to confirm this when I remembered it! After thinking about it, I hurriedly said, "If you don't believe it! I can now send a voice message to the other captains! Let them confirm my statement. I promise everything is true!"

Standing behind Zhang Yu, Xia Ziqi with a mask trembled before slowly squatting in Zhang Yu's ear, whispering a few words.

Zhang Yu nodded and smiled: "Okay! I believe you said. Since you and Lin Baochang are not male and female friends! Then everything is easy to discuss." After that, beckoned.

When Wu Jie saw this, he retreated and returned to Zhang Yu.

An Lu was relieved when she saw this! Although it is true that she betrayed Lin Baochang from her perspective. But there is no way, I am also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. I ca n’t protect myself, so now I still marry my father and mother, take care of myself!

Zhang Yu suddenly got up from his seat and walked towards Anlu ...

"Hey! What are you doing?" An Lu saw this mysterious boss, getting closer and closer, but also nervous. But the key is to move and not move, and his face naturally changes.

Zhang Yu went to An Lu's side and whispered something to her.

An Lu's complexion has also changed ...