Chapter 1784: Step down, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Elma smiled unscrupulously, and said, "Carroll! These things you say are just your personal thoughts. I would also like to say something you don't like to hear! Managing a company is managing a company. There is no need to engage in any cultural integration. Now that they have taken advantage of the company, they must of course obey the company's management and protect the company's interests. They cannot let them feel that they have nothing to spare. Our global entertainment! Is the world's largest entertainment company. Even Sok Times and Miao Media are not our opponents in terms of capital and channels. What kind of Asian music in your country can't even enter the top 20 in the world.

The creator named Zhang Yu, if he refuses to sign a contract, let alone foreign countries, I guarantee that he will not be able to mix in your country. No matter how powerful a genius is, there is no recommendation channel and it is useless. And there is no shortage of genius in this world! In the entertainment industry, those who dare to oppose our global entertainment simply want to say goodbye to this business. "

Bai Ying's tone of seeing Elma began to harden, and she also looked sad. The woman on the opposite side was a child of the Campbell family after all, and she was more than herself in the company, even more than Mill Gerald. If she holds Zhang Yu's mentality of three officers in office and says this to Zhang Yu, there will definitely be a conflict. In the event that the two get upset, the possibility of the last two shots is also possible, forcing Zhang away. Yu, the last loss was the company, which was definitely not what she wanted to see.

Thinking of this, Bai Ying couldn't die with Elma, so she was only able to wink at one side of Mill Gerald, hoping that he could speak up at a critical moment.

Seeing this, Mill Gerald was a little bit crying, but now this situation, he feels a bit tricky. Both sides are the backbone of the company. One of them is also the sister of the president. He is not important to the other. How can he easily stand in line? But if you don't speak! The smell of gunpowder in the room was indeed a bit big. Thinking of this, I cleared my throat and said, "Irma! Right now, when the company is handing over, it is still too early to talk about the contract. I think so You take the team for a few months, and when you are familiar with the situation here, it is not too late to decide on the contract. "

"Mill is right! If you do n’t have a contract, let it go. How do you say you just came to the company, or get familiar with it first! After everything is familiar, it is not too late to say it." For Bai Ying Gerrard's solution may be that there is no solution at present.

Elma heard the words silent for a while ... Because considering that Ying Ying hadn't left yet, if she had noisy with the other party, it really affected the harmony of the team, nodded her head, and said, "Well, then! Let's talk in a few days! "

Bai Ying was relieved when she heard her words! Although it is just dragging the trouble into the future, if we can make the two more contacts in this interval, it is difficult to guarantee that Elma will not change her mind, how to say it is stronger than the conflict now.


Due to traffic jams on the road, Zhang Yulai was a little bit late. When he entered the conference room, most of the important people in the company were basically there.

Zhang Yu pushed the door into the meeting room, and suddenly the noisy meeting room quieted down. He followed the people who didn't know each other, stood up with a smile and greeted Zhang Yu. Especially those celebrities, the one called by Mr. Zhang.

After all, there are not many opportunities for Zhang Yu to come to the company, and now it is time for Zhang Yu to produce works once a year. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to get familiar with Zhang Yu, then in the next line of lead songs, it is difficult to ensure that Zhang Yu will not be confused. Although the quality of Zhang Yu's works is very high, even in high-quality works, there are still good and particularly good. So letting Zhang Yu create a piece of work for himself is the result that these people want most.

Zhang Yu didn't expect the company's conference room, this time it actually crowded so many people. It seems that this CEO transition is a big deal for the entire company. Although from my own perspective, I don't want Bai Ying to leave, but there is no way. This is a matter inside other companies. I am just a creator and I ca n’t blend in.

Zhang Yu and some familiar people talked and laughed for a few moments before they walked towards Zhong Jialan, who kept waving to himself.

The surrounding stars know that Zhong Jialan and Zhang Yu have a better personal relationship. It can be said that each of Zhang Yu's new songs has Zhong Jialan's share, and they are all excellent works created by Zhang Yu for them. It is precisely this that is the envy of many global entertainment stars. It seems that Zhang Yu's tunes need not be said this year, and Zhong Jialan can take away more than two songs from a young age, which is definitely not good news for others. But there is no way, who makes Zhong Jialan the eldest sister of the company's female artists, most people complain about her, can only think about it.

After Zhong Jialan waited for Zhang Yu to sit down, she whispered a few words, and said something about Bai Ying's farewell party at night. Zhang Yu nodded, keeping the time and the hotel name in mind. Soon the conference room was restored to its previous noisy state, and it was not until this time that Bai Ying took a few people into the conference room that it was quiet again.

Regarding the rumors of the new president, before Bai Ying left, it was not a secret that the global entertainment industry had been speculating. As one of the vice presidents of the main company, Mill Gerald, the old enough managers and stars in the company basically know. Instead, Elma Campbell was relatively eye-catching.

Many people have their eyes on Elma in a professional outfit, although Bai Ying hasn't introduced it yet. But most people have already felt that this woman should be the new president of Greater China who was sent by the head office to take over Bai Ying's position.

I just didn't expect it to be a foreign chick!

"Everyone be quiet!" Bai Ying glanced at the crowd in the room and said loudly, "I have brought you all over today. For what, I believe you should all know a little bit. Me! I am about to step down. Our global entertainment Greater China I ’m going to be the CEO of the Southeast Asian branch. The head office has assigned a colleague to take over my current position, and everyone will cooperate with her in the future. So now I will introduce it to you! What about this man? Some people know, some don't. He is the former CEO of our Greater China region, and is currently the executive vice president of the company, Mr. Gerrard. And this lady is the new company of our company in the Greater China region. CEO, Miss Elma Campbell! Everyone applaud ... "