Chapter 1801: Choose a major, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Later, when Ge Wenhui estimated 701, Su Qianqian, and Tan Xiaonan, both of them had estimated more than 700 percent. Li Yunliang is sitting on the cloud! As for the results of other people in the class, for the time being he was not in a hurry to know, holding the scores he ran to Jia Jilin to report the good news.

After Li Yunliang left, the people in the class continued to evaluate the scores ... It can be said that in the end they all evaluated the scores to their satisfaction. In fact, everyone deliberately underestimated some scores, mainly because they were afraid that in the end they would be very sad. However, even if the score is deliberately underestimated, most people feel that they can be admitted to the university of their choice, and the final result is naturally very happy.

Everyone in the twelfth class has finished the assessment! The only thing left to do is what school and major to choose.

Zhao Zhijun said, "Yes! Fat! Have you decided what major you want to study?"

Wu Jie slipped his lips and said, "I haven't figured it out yet! But my mother wants me to be a dentist."

Lu Zhiquan said: "The dentist is very good! It's very profitable to get teeth now. Fatty is a good specialty! Just choose it!"

Ge Wenhui heard the interjection: "Any level of dental college scores are not low! Fat, your score, I'm afraid I can't get to 1985."

Zhao Zhijun said: "I can't get to 1985! Just go to 211! The key is to look at the professional disagreement!"

Ge Wenhui nodded and said: "Two one one must be enough! By the way, Zhao! What kind of profession do you want to apply for?"

"I!" Zhao Zhijun thought for a while, and said, "My dad wants me to study communication engineering! But I want to study environmental engineering!"

"Okay, old Zhao! I didn't expect your kid to be an environmental enthusiast." Lu Zhiquan patted Zhao Zhijun's shoulder with a smile.

"Just more interested!" Zhao Zhijun smiled.

Li Jie interjected: "But the environmental major is an unpopular major, right?"

Wu Jie said: "The upset is not better! Get a 985, that's awesome. Old Zhao! I support you."

Ge Wenhui said: "Environmental specialty is not an upset! Now environmental protection is a big environment, and many people learn it. I'm afraid you can't get enough of Zhao from the 1985! If you don't get it, you have to choose 21

Zhao Zhijun heard a bitter smile and said, "The key now is not the relationship I want to choose! It is my dad who wants me to study communication engineering."

Lu Zhiquan interjected: "You think you should listen to your dad! The environment major feels very unreliable. Communication engineering is good! My cousin just studied this major, and the employment prospects are very good."

Wu Jie said: "But if you don't like it! It's boring to learn hard, isn't it?"

Lu Zhiquan laughed: "But I like everything! Don't I all go to the game specialty!

"Hehehehe!" The surrounding people laughed at the same time.

Zhao Zhijun smiled bitterly: "Okay! Don't say me anymore. By the way, Lu! Don't you like comics very much? Are you planning to take an animation major this time!"

Lu Zhiquan sighed and said, "I just think about it! My dad would definitely not agree with me to study animation. Besides! The animation major belongs to the art major! You need to take the professional class exam in advance. I have not even taken the exam! Actually It's no play. "

Wu Jie said: "That's a shame! Right! I remember the Academy Committee said before, would you take Jingying's professional exam? How's it going?"

Zhou Ying heard a smile and said: "Xiao Nan has passed long ago! It can be said that he has already passed the test."

Cai Leilei also smiled when she heard: "Xiao Nan's cultural class is at least seven hundred percent at least! I believe it must have broken the highest record of Beijing Film Culture Class."

Wu Jie thought about it, then shook his head again, and said, "Actually, the score of the academic committee! It should be a big blue and white. Is it a bit wasteful to go to Jingying?"

Cai Leilei said: "Fat! Do you think that Jingying is so good at taking the test? The admission rate is lower than that of Blue and White! Let ’s go! Become a champion. Xiao Nan in case of becoming a big star in the future! Your kid will go out later When blowing, isn't it more powerful than having a big blue-and-white classmate! "

"Also! How can I forget this?" Wu Jie heard his head and smiled.

"Hehehehe!" The people in the class also smiled when they heard.

Zhao Zhijun smiled and said, "Right! Did the class deputy say he wanted to study law last time! I wonder if you want to go to the blue and white law school? Or the law school?"

Zhou Ying heard a smile and said, "Zhao Zhijun! This is a foreigner. When it comes to law school, the best university is the People's Congress and Political Law! Blue and white tea is a big deal."

"Isn't it! Most of the blue-and-white flowers will not work?" Zhao Zhijun was surprised.

Zhou Ying said, "Do you think anything big is blue and white? Qianqian wants to go to the People's Congress! Right?"

Seeing everyone looking at herself, Su Qianqian nodded with a smile.

"Oh! Such a great score doesn't go to the blue and white! It's too wasteful." Zhao Zhijun shook his head helplessly.

Tan Xiaonan said: "The People's Congress is actually very good! They are all in Beijing. I usually go to Qianqian to play during the holidays. Yeah Qianqian!"

Su Qianqian laughed and said, "Yeah! I will have a big star like you!"

Tan Xiaonan smiled when he heard the words, and said, "In fact, that's because you don't want to be a star! Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with your appearance in Beijing Film Festival."

The people in the class also nodded when they heard the words ... In fact, if the value of P is only Tan, Tan Xiaonan and Su Qianqian are basically Chunlan Qiuju. If we went to Jingying together, I believe it must be two school flowers.

Li Jie said with a strange expression: "Well? I think of a question! Don't our class be a big blue-and-white grandmother?"

Wu Jie laughed: "How is that possible! Isn't there still Lao Ge! Right Lao Ge! You should be a blue-and-white grandma!"

Ge Wenhui nodded, but was a little helpless: "I want to choose another one! The key is my dad will not let him! He has been watching the strategy guide for me to choose a major in these days! I don't know what bird to choose Be professional. "

Wu Jie laughed: "Do you still need to say this! My uncle Ge will definitely choose a financial management major for you. Becoming a company manager in the future! Isn't it nice?"

Ge Wenhui sighed and said, "It's so easy to be a boss! It's better to learn some technology. Otherwise, I'll go to university law!" After finishing, I also gave a stern reflection to Su Qianqian's direction. .

The people in the class couldn't help laughing or crying! Everyone in the class knew that Ge Wenhui liked Su Qianqian. Now it's just that King Xiang deliberately has no intention. And the heart of the goddess is still on others. Ge Wenhui is destined to be on the sidelines.

Wu Jie said with a smile: "Come on, Lao Ge! Your dad must not let you go to a school other than the Blue and White University. So you! Just die that heart!"

Ge Wenhui sighed upon hearing this! In fact, he knew it well, let alone his dad, even if he was his own grandma, he would not agree to let him go to another school.