Chapter 1808: Li Yunliang's suggestion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Li Yunliang was of course very happy, and not only did he have a few super learners in his class. The scores of other students are also very outstanding. More than a dozen 985, a large number of 211, and even the worst Li Jie have also written a copy.

The twelve class average scores refreshed the school's ordinary class record, and can even be compared to the experimental class. It can be said that since Li Yunliang became a high school teacher, it has never been so beautiful. The other teachers in group D were also very happy.

Although the grades of the same group are average, the average grade of the same group is still good under the pull of the 12th class. The large bonus and commendation meeting at the end of the year is naturally something that can be expected.


After the results of the college entrance examination came out, the school immediately organized teachers in each class to meet, mainly to arrange students to fill in voluntary things. After all, for the school, it is their ultimate purpose to have more students report to famous schools.

Moreover, whether the number of top students or the average score of ordinary students in the first middle school this time is among the best in the province, crushing the old rival Beitong High School. This is also a situation that the first middle school has not seen for many years. Naturally, it is very important.

Li Yunliang, as a class teacher holding the provincial champion Yuanlang and several top students, is a key focus of the school, and he asked him to follow up on a few people to fill in voluntary matters.

Li Yunliang certainly promised! Because for him, Zhang Yu was his proud student, so he naturally had to stand in his last post.


After the meeting, Vice-President Ning Qin left Li Yunliang alone and said he had something to tell him.

Of course, Li Yunliang was a little strange. I didn't know what Ning Qin wanted to say to himself. But soon Ning Qin introduced him to a few people, headed by a surname of Ji, the admissions office of Gyeonggi University, which had to be said to surprise Li Yunliang.

Gyeonggi University, but a deputy unit of the state, even if the director of the admissions office is placed in Dongxing Province, it is also a big cadre. People will come to see such a small class teacher in person, which will inevitably make Li Yunliang a little sincere and frightened, and his heart is a bit lacking.

A few people made it simple, and Li Yunliang slowly heard a taste ... It turned out that Ning Qin's daughter was a graduate student at Gyeonggi University. In fact, he had already heard this. But he didn't know that Ning Qin's daughter meant to stay in school. So in other words, Ning Qin hopes that she can do a little favor for the discipline director of Gyeonggi University and let the other party take her kindness.

The principal asked for a task, and Li Yunliang certainly did not dare to refuse. And from his point of view, he just moved his mouth, and it seemed that the discipline director did not put much pressure on himself. Of course, if it becomes better, then Ning Qin will owe herself a favor, which will definitely be a great help to her future development in the first middle school.


Soon, the time has come to fill out the voluntary ...

On the first day of volunteering, Li Yunliang called all the people in the class who were qualified for 985 to the school. It is said that they volunteered for them uniformly. In fact, this is also the school's arrangement to avoid problems and troubles caused by improper personal operation.

In addition to Tan Xiaonan in the class, basically all will go to 985, but the majors are different.

Ge Wenhui finally made a decision and decided to apply for the blue and white financial management major. Li Yunliang has no objection to this. In his opinion, the financial management major of Blue and White ranks first in the country, and it is natural to want to learn financial management.

However, at this time Li Yunliang was most concerned about Zhang Yu's affairs. Others still waited until they had volunteered to report to Zhang Yu.

Li Yunliang opened his laptop, connected to the Internet, and called Zhang Yu in front of him, and said, "Zhang Yu! What university do you want to report to?"

"Computer major at Blue and White University!"

"Nice popular major! Okay! You sit here to operate."

Zhang Yu nodded, sat in front of the computer, and logged in to the Dongxing Provincial College Entrance Examination Volunteer Reporting System according to Li Yunliang's prompts, entered his exam number, changed his password, and logged in to the registration webpage.

However, when Zhang Yu opened the page of Qinghua University, there was a problem. There was only scattered information in the interface, which inevitably left Zhang Yu confused.

"Miss Li! What's the matter?" Zhang Yu looked at Li Yunliang.

"It should be your chosen major. Blue and White has no enrollment plan in our province."

"But those in blue and white said, I can choose a professional one?" Zhang Yu said strangely.

"That's impossible! They have no enrollment plan, how could you choose anyway. Right! Is it because you misunderstood what they mean! They may want you to apply for a major in liberal arts or after a shift, and then help Are you adjusting? "

"Tuning? What do you mean?"

"That is to say! When they want to get you a major, they will get you a major."

"Then I keep thinking about computers?"

"That's hard to say! At that time your files are held in their hands. Which major you want to pursue depends on what other people think, you can't decide."

Zhang Yuwenyan was depressed, and he clicked with the mouse to see that he didn't like a few science-compatible majors.

Is it true that you really need to apply for a profession you don't like, and then help yourself adjust it there? Thinking of this, Zhang Yu said, "Mr. Li! I don't know if I don't like my major after entering school, can I change?"

"You can change it! You just need to take the exam! Of course, I know that the exam is a piece of cake for you, but the key is trouble. Besides, isn't your kid most afraid of trouble!"

Zhang Yuwenyan was depressed, and said, "Why ... I'll call the teacher in the admissions office of Blue and White to ask?"

Li Yunliang heard his words and turned his eyes, and said, "Zhang Yu! Don't blame me for asking. Don't you want to learn computers? Why should you report to the blue and white! It's OK to report to Beijing!"

"Gyeonggi?" Zhang Yuwenyan frowned. "But Gyeonggi is a strong liberal arts student! I am a science major, shouldn't it be more appropriate to report blue and white?"

"Ha ha ha! How can that be said! Gyeonggi University is a comprehensive university with a strong science. And their computer majors are among the best in the country. The most important thing is the comparison of their departments. Fine, and electronics, if you want to change to a new major in the future, do n’t you have more options! "

Zhang Yu heard this for a moment, and it seemed that Li Yunliang was not unreasonable. In fact, he didn't want to study any major, but the number of majors he could choose now was too few, and he was too indifferent. If he thought about the troubles that might arise in the future, he might not have to report to blue and white.