Chapter 1845: Advantage swap, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Lin Jianxuan stood on the side and saw the two ignited when they practiced. However, at first, he thought that Zhang Yu could not be Tang Jianan's opponent. After all, the actual combat thing is also about experience, how to talk about routines, and don't spend a few months on the field, it is difficult to have a certain practical ability. Not to mention that Tang Jian'an is the first person in the elite team to capture and fight. The absolute main force of the competition in the martial arts is not necessarily Zhang Yu's opponent. Therefore, in Lin Jianxuan's opinion, letting Zhang Yu touch the wall is also an exercise for him.

However, after Zhang Tang's confrontation, the result was unexpectedly unexpected by Lin Jianxuan. Zhang Yu actually had the upper hand, especially when he finally defeated Tang Jianan's action, using a very beautiful, not like a novice can make it out? Is this kid also talented in fighting?


Tang Jian'an seemed to react to this situation, and slowly stood up. Since everyone around him was looking at him, his face was a bit shameless. As the first person in the team to capture and fight, it was acceptable to lose to instructor Lin Jianxuan, but losing to a new novice in the team meant that he could not accept anything.

Tang Jian'an thought of this, and looked at Zhang Yu again, and said, "I didn't watch out just now! Do you dare to come again?"

"Again?" Zhang Yuwenyan smiled. "I don't think so! I'm afraid you won't be on guard at that time. It's not good."

When Tang Jianan heard the old face flushed, he hurriedly said, "I admit that I underestimated you before! You can rest assured that this loss is not a bad thing. And whoever won this time, who is the best player in the team, is who."

Zhang Yu thought for a while and thought, "I'm not interested in the first master or anything. But it can be interesting to learn it. Come on!"

When Tang Jianan heard this, he didn't say anything. He took a step back and put on a serious expression.


Everyone in the elite team saw that they were going to do it again, and they stopped studying and looked at them.

Lin Jianxuan did not express his dissatisfaction with the elite team's unauthorized stop. He was also watching the two, and seemed to be very interested in the second encounter between the two.


Since Tang Jian'an planned to come true this time, he didn't mean to discuss it. He rushed up and punched Zhang Yu directly.

Zhang Yu opened his stance, moved with one foot, and made a backward move, widening the distance from the opponent.

Tang Jianan also seemed very conservative afterwards, but rushed forward aggressively, a continuous combination of punches, it seemed that he wanted to find a chance to knock down the opponent from the rapid attack.

Zhang Yu seemed very conservative, frequently moving his footsteps, doing fast back-and-forth dodges, and those who could hide 2 were able to dodge, but those who could not hide were blocked by a few hands, mainly for the time being.

The two flashed back and forth with one attack and one defense. Tang Jianan attacked frequently and aggressively, Zhang Yu frequently avoided it, but he didn't want to bump into the opponent.


The elite team looked at each other and smiled. Although Zhang Yu was slightly negative on the scene, it cannot be said that Tang Jianan had the advantage. But one thing is certain. Tang Jian'an is more serious and positive than Zhang Yu, and in the eyes of everyone, his behavior is slightly naive. How to say Zhang Yu is also a recruit. As a veteran, is it necessary for Tang Jianan to be so serious with the other party!


Tang Jian'an actively attacked for a period of time, hardly any achievements, and always could not hit each other. Even if there are occasional contacts, it is because the other party does not have enough distance to avoid, simply blocking with a few hands. This made him inevitably a little anxious, because this stalemate continued, and it was himself who was laughed at in the end.

Tang Jian'an thought of this biting his teeth, no longer cautious, increased the range of action, widened and closed between his fists and kicks, and wanted to bump against each other.

Although Tang Jian'an moved faster and faster, Zhang Yu still hovered around him and seemed to be very flexible, without the intention of actively attacking.

Tang Jian'an fought back and forth, always unable to hit each other, and a little bit angry, and then angrily said: "Boy! Hiding is not a hero! Have the patience!" After that, he raised his foot Kicked at the opponent.

Zhang Yu suddenly smiled, and kicked the kick kicked by the opponent, followed by a rush forward, hitting Tang Jian'an with his whole body.

Tang Jian'an did not watch out for the other party's sudden retreat and hurriedly pushed Zhang Yu with his hand. What just didn't make him think of it was that Zhang Yu hit him with a lot of strength, and immediately hit him like a puppet.

The flustered Tang Jianan could only grab Zhang Yu's shoulders with both hands to stabilize his upper body.

However, before Tang Jian'an adjusted his body, Zhang Yu posted it already hugged him and hugged him, followed by a fierce effort, lifting him up, it seemed that he was going to fall down.

Tang Jianan also had considerable practical experience in saying how, when he was lifted by Zhang Yu, he also pinched his neck.

Because for Tang Jianan, if Zhang Yu plans to slam himself, he will bring him down, and no one will take any advantage at that time.

Just when Tang Jian'an felt Zhang Yu was afraid to fall, the other side suddenly slammed down and bent his arm.

Zhang Yu lifted one leg of Tang Jianan, carried his entire body in one fell swoop, and took Tang Jianan, who lost his center of gravity, slammed into the ground.


Everyone in the elite team and Lin Jianxuan were shocked! Because Tang Jianan has lost his focus at this moment, his head is hitting the ground straight! If it hits the head, the cervical spine will be injured 100%, but that is a very serious incident.

However, because the crowd was still a long way from the two, even if they wanted to go to the rescue, it was too late. They could only watch Tang Jianan's head and slammed into the ground.


However, when Tang Jianan hit the ground in the end, Zhang Yu suddenly turned his body and did not let his head hit the ground, and finally just ran into the ground sideways.


The elite team and Lin Jianxuan were relieved at the same time!


Although Tang Jianan's head wasn't on the ground, he fell sideways and fell hard enough, but now he doesn't have time to think too much. He hurriedly struck Zhang Yu's neck again to prevent him from getting up and intending to tangle with him Bucket.

But Tang Jianan underestimated Zhang Yu's strength! As soon as Zhang Yu made a force, Tang Jian'an couldn't hold it.

After Zhang Yu's people turned around, they held Tang Jian'an aside and took him up again.


The elite of the elite team can be seen now, Zhang Yu's strength is far above Tang Jianan. It's really a hundred drops! Don't look at Zhang Yu who is thin and thin, but it is not difficult to carry Tang Jianan who is tall and strong. It seems that Tang Jian'an's strength advantage before is now at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for his own eyes, everyone would be a little unconvinced.