Chapter 2022: Word of mouth burst

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the god-level star system!

The night of the premiere!

The Director of the Culture Department visited the scene personally and had to be said to be the most important guest of the audience. Although Zhang Yu had seen each other before, the two sides were not very familiar at that time. However, this time, "The Phantom of the Opera" was completely messed up, which made the cultural system have a lot of face. The Cultural Department also attached great importance to it, so the director came to watch the performance in person. It is not good to let all the high-level officials of the Peking Opera House.

The audience in the venue is naturally looking forward to it! Hope to see a work with a big brain hole.

But after the opening!

The audience found out that this work is not the kind of Beijing opera that they imagined, but a traditional Beijing opera.

The main line of the story is the story of the bandits who went up the mountain in the early days of the country.

Many opera fans were actually traditional Beijing operas at first glance, and suddenly they lacked interest. To be honest, they regretted running over to see this kind of thing. After all, who has n’t watched Peking Opera and performed it every Spring Festival Evening, but it ’s just that most people do n’t have a cold for Peking Opera.

But the money was also spent, and it was impossible to leave, so I could just sit around and watch.

As the plot unfolded, soon those who didn't care were attracted to the plot. What surprised them even more is that this Peking Opera is pretty good.

Although "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" is a Beijing opera in a broad sense, it has changed to the traditional Beijing opera model with oil paint on its face. The characters are all dressed up a little bit of life, what I know is Peking Opera, but I do n’t know it is stage drama!

In fact, from this point of view, "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" already has a certain stage style of opera and drama. It's just that the character design here is more concise and more in line with the actual situation at that time, while the Western opera set is more gorgeous, the scene is more grand, and people express the kind of Baroque shock.

Of course, what surprises the audience is even more. "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" does not continue the traditional Beijing opera gongs and drums soundtrack, but joins the symphony in a tremendous amount.

It turns out that symphony can also be added to Peking Opera, and it sounds particularly good.

In fact, the biggest shortcoming of traditional musical instruments is that there is more melody and insufficient harmony. When expressing the mood of the work, it is too monotonous, not as large and gorgeous as the symphony. After adding symphony tuning, the work's soundtrack system suddenly rose and complemented each other, and it was no longer as monotonous as before.

As the plot to outlaw Weihushan continues to advance, even audiences who have not heard of Peking Opera before are deeply attracted by the plot. "Let's Change the World", "Writing Spring and Autumn" and so on ... It even aroused applause.

The managers of the three major regiments and foreign media reporters, while watching the plot briefing and the actors, have to say that they are also interested in watching. This is also the first time they have seen what is called Peking Opera. Although they were not as enjoyable as when they watched "Phantom of the Opera", they have to say that they have a different flavor.

The role setting of Peking opera is more precise than that of opera. The decent is the decent, the villain is the villain, and the opposition is not like it. What's more, "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" is a real literary drama, the drama plot is outstanding, it is definitely full of highlights.

Especially in the last battle scene, for these foreigners, it is simply new. You have to know that there are no fighting scenes in the opera. I have to say that this alone shocked many foreigners. It was the first time I saw this kind of magic drama from the East.

Of course, in addition to these old folks, there are also some old experts in the domestic Peking Opera system who also came to see the performance. I have to say that the impact of the work on them is unimaginable. The layman looks at the excitement while the layman looks at the doorway.

In fact, in their view, a new drama, even if the plot is novel and the singing is excellent, it must be precipitated and polished over time in order to mature a little bit. The stage image of "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" is a very mature work almost as soon as it appears. It can be said that there are no shortcomings in the middle, which makes these old experts also incredible.

Such a mature work, wouldn't it be that the author had completed it so high from the beginning?

If this is the case! I'm afraid that Zhang Yu, the composer they haven't heard before, is really not talented in music.

The plot on the stage, step by step ...

*** Deep in Weihu Mountain, and finally captured the bandit's first mountain sculpture, the audience burst into warm cheers and applause.

I have to say that many people who didn't watch Peking Opera before, have watched "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain", and they have greatly changed Peking Opera.

Peking Opera at this moment is no longer the stereotype in their hearts, and it has become like a stage play, easy to understand. Moreover, Zhang Yu is still in the work, and it is a bit of a ballet stage style.

Many people understand this, it seems that the modern Peking Opera proposed by Zhang Yu is a new concept. Whether it is dress, dance, characters, soundtrack, it has changed the stereotype of the previous Peking Opera. Many people feel that he may have opened a new Peking Opera genre.

Modern Peking Opera!


The premiere of "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" ends!

The major news media have given this **** a very high evaluation. Although this divine drama is still Beijing opera in a broad sense, no matter whether it is packaging, soundtrack, or scene, it uses a completely new concept of Beijing opera.

Some media even believe that this is the future development route that Beijing Opera should take. At this time no one said that Zhang Yu's work was too foreign. Because "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" has been localized to the extreme, but also generated greater controversy.

Some people think that Zhang Yu's approach is disrespect to traditional Beijing opera. Some people believe that the state should resist such blasphemy. Some people also turned out the old posts that Zhang Yu had originally posted, pointing out that he had long been wrong with the national essence, and some even proposed to block him.

But Zhang Yu didn't care. Because the official media are all unanimously praised, as for the self-media that speculates on the topic and some people who deliberately do bad things, he doesn't care. As long as there are works, there will be arguments, and people who do n’t want others to be good will always exist. Anyway, for him, the more people talking, the better, just to help him hype.

The three-day consecutive performance of "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" is also full.

After the performance, many people still felt that they were still unsatisfied and asked for additional performances.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Yu, the rest will be left to others.

Although he gave the Song and Dance Theatre and Peking Opera Troupe one month of permission. But both theaters want to extend the performance, and even want to buy the copyright of the work.

Of course, I would not agree to buy copyright Zhang Yu! Whether it is "The Phantom of the Opera" or "Wisdom Outlaw" is his cash cow, how can it be sold to others.