Chapter 7 - This Little Girl Is Amazing! She’s Definitely One of Those Perfect Kids You Hear about From Other Families!

Chapter 7 This Little Girl Is Amazing! She’s Definitely One of Those Perfect Kids You Hear about From Other Families!At the entrance of the alley, Liu’s Fried Noodles stall was bustling with activity. Master Liu’s fried noodles were the best-selling in the university area, and sometimes customers even had to queue up. At this moment, there were already six or seven customers waiting for their orders.

“Master, you’re so skilled with that wok! You must have graduated from Xindongfang, right?” One customer praised.

“I only eat Master Liu’s fried noodles,” another customer chimed in. “They’re perfectly spicy and flavorful. I come by every few days for a fix.”

Master Liu, proud of the compliments, smiled and worked the wok with even more flair as flames leaped up from the stove. Wiping sweat from his forehead, he boasted.

“Xindongfang is nothing. When I was younger, I traveled far and wide. I learned my fried noodle technique from an old master in Shantou who cooked noodles his entire life. His recipe was the real deal, and I learned it all!”

“No wonder,” said one of the customers. “My girlfriend loves your noodles, and every time she craves them, I end up making a run for them.”

Master Liu grinned.

“If she loves them, come every day! Don’t underestimate how tricky making fried noodles can be. For example, should you fry the egg first or the noodles? There’s so much to it!”

Just then, a group of eight or nine excited customers rushed over.

“Is this the right alley? Which stall sells those amazing noodles?”

“This is the alley! There’s a super handsome guy selling fried noodles, and they’re out of this world!”

Master Liu was momentarily confused but quickly jumped in.

“You must be talking about my fried noodles! Please line up, there are five orders ahead of you.”

“Uncle, no way, we’re not talking about you.”

“This stall’s noodles are okay, but they’re nowhere near as good as the handsome guy’s.”

Master Liu was bewildered.

“What? I don’t want to brag, but around this university, there’s no better fried noodle stall than mine.”

“His noodles are way better, and the owner is super handsome too.”

Master Liu joked.

“Super handsome? More handsome than me?”

A customer drinking water spat it out in laughter. The group didn’t stick around and headed further into the alley. The four or five customers waiting in line at Liu’s stall suddenly looked tempted to leave.

“Master, have you started on my order yet? If not, I don’t want it anymore.”

“Same here, cancel mine too.”

Master Liu, still holding his spatula, started to panic.

“Wait, wait…”

Two of the customers had already paid in advance. Otherwise, they might have joined the rush to the other stall as well.

Master Liu was baffled.

He glanced at his remaining customers, trying to convince them.

“You should trust what you’ve already tried. Don’t get caught up in the hype, you might regret it.”

The two remaining customers exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. There was a good chance they could be disappointed if they followed the crowd, so they decided to wait for their noodles.

Meanwhile, further inside the alley, a seasoned stall owner selling oden gave Lu Qin a nod.

“You came late today, huh? Missed out on the prime spots near the entrance. Looks like things are slow back here, so maybe call it a night early.”

The oden seller had been setting up in the university area for three years and had seen this pattern before. He was sure business wouldn’t pick up much.

Lu Qin checked the time—it was 8:30. He thought about how his daughter usually went to bed around 9:30. It was a bit early, but if there weren’t any more customers, they could head home. One benefit of running a stall was the freedom.

He figured he would try to focus on setting up during the day and spend more evenings with his little one.

“Yao Yao, it’s getting late. Let’s pack up.”

“Huh? But Daddy, it’s only 8:30!”

The little one was so fascinated by the whole stall experience that she wasn’t bored at all. Besides, she was waiting to get hungry so she could eat another serving of her dad’s delicious fried noodles. S~eaʀᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Tomorrow’s Friday, and you have preschool. We can’t stay out too late.”

Lu Qin wasn’t too discouraged by the lack of sales. He had expected it. After all, no one knew about his stall yet. How could he expect to sell much?

Just as they were about to pack up, a group of customers—both men and women—rushed over.

“This is it!”

“There’s the handsome guy, and he’s got a kid with him!”

Lu Qin paused, surprised, and looked at them.

“You all are…”

“Boss, are you closing up already? That’s way too early!”

“No, not yet. What can I get for you?”

“One order of fried noodles, quick!”

“Same for me! No, wait, make it two!”

Business had suddenly picked up, leaving the nearby oden seller dumbfounded.

Where did all these people come from? Why were they so eager for fried noodles?

“Hey, how about some oden instead?” The oden seller offered.

“No thanks, we just want the fried noodles.”

“…Alright then.”

Lu Xiyao was thrilled to see so many customers.

“Everyone, you need to line up! No queue, no food!” She said with her hands on her hips, pretending to manage the crowd like a little boss, which made everyone laugh.

As customers scanned the payment code, Lu Qin quickly heated up his wok. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he expertly tossed rice noodles, vegetables, diced meat, and seasonings into the pan, stirring it all together over high heat.

Those paying close attention noticed how fluid and precise his movements were. He tossed the noodles without spilling a single strand, showing his mastery of both skill and control. The flames leaped as the noodles sizzled, and the scene was mesmerizing. The customers waiting in line couldn’t help but gasp in admiration.

“Such skilled hands! Definitely a pro.”

“Wow! The boss makes cooking look so cool!”

“Can I get the boss to-go?”

Soon, the delicious aroma wafted around the stall, making everyone’s mouths water.

Lu Qin efficiently cooked three servings at a time, portioning them out with a quick flick of his wrist, and not a single noodle fell outside the container. This level of cleanliness and precision was pleasing to watch.

Adding to the clean and tidy presentation, Lu Qin wore an apron and a transparent plastic face mask. The ingredients on his counter were covered with a clean cloth, and all the condiments were neatly arranged. The stall’s clean and organized appearance was a stark contrast to the greasy, grimy setups of other stalls.

“Wow, it’s so hygienic here. It’s rare to find such a clean stall.”

“And the boss and his little girl are so cute! These noodles smell amazing. I bet they taste great too.”

Little Lu Xiyao was already helping with the packaging.

“Daddy, you keep cooking. I’ll handle the packing!”

She reached out with her little hands and carefully grabbed a plastic bag, shaking it as she had seen her dad do earlier before placing it on the counter. Then she neatly covered the noodles, moving slowly but precisely, double-checking to ensure the lid was on properly before handing the food over with a satisfied nod.

The young customers waiting for their orders watched with amusement, entertained by her diligent but slow pace. After all, no one could resist watching such an adorable and sweet child. Next, she placed napkins and disposable chopsticks in the plastic bag and tied a neat double-knot, just like her dad had taught her.

“Mister, here’s your order!” She said cheerfully.

“It’s mine? Thank you!” The young man responded.

Little Xiyao leaned forward to hand him the noodles but quickly pulled back.

“Mister, did you pay yet?”

The young man burst into laughter.

“Yes, I paid.”

He showed her his phone, displaying the payment confirmation.

“Alright then, here you go!” She said softly, finally handing him the noodles.

Her actions made the rest of the line break out in laughter.

“Haha, this little one is so smart. She’s already learned how to run a business!”

“What a clever kid! She even checks to make sure you paid!”

“She’s so wonderful! Definitely one of those kids everyone wishes they had—so well-behaved and adorable. Unlike mine, who’s a little monster! I swear, I feel like throwing him in the trash sometimes!”
