Chapter 58: The Past of Jiang Yun 2 One day, as Jiang Yun was feeding the horses, a mysterious group of people suddenly appeared. They rushed toward him without any explanation. Before he could react or defend himself, they attacked him, leaving him gravely injured and unconscious. Without a trace, they whisked him away like shadows disappearing into the darkness. No one saw, no one knew—it all happened so quickly, as if it were a nightmare.

When Jiang Yun opened his eyes again, he found himself in an unfamiliar place. There was nothing he recognized. The dim light from candles flickered across the room, and a group of people surrounded him. Their faces were unfamiliar, and all eyes were fixed on his body. He could feel something being pulled from within him.


A scream of unbearable pain erupted from him. Jiang Yun felt excruciating pain tearing through every fiber of his being. He tried to scream again, but this time no sound came out. The agony overwhelmed his mind, and soon he passed out again.

When he regained consciousness, everything around him was blank. His mind was a fog of confusion, with no memories of who he was or where he came from. Nothing remained—no fragments of the past. All he knew was his name: Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun looked around at the strange place he had awakened in. It resembled an old, abandoned junkyard. But what caught his eye were two small children, a boy and a girl, searching through piles of scattered trash. They were around his age, wearing ragged, torn clothes and sporting unkempt hair. Despite their disheveled appearance, there was a fragile glimmer of hope in their eyes, like a flicker of light in a harsh world.

Jiang Yun watched as the children rummaged through the trash until the boy found a piece of moldy bread. They divided it between themselves, eating hungrily without care for its condition. They had no other choice. Suddenly, they noticed Jiang Yun lying by the trash pile, covered in wounds.

The boy and girl stopped in their tracks, staring at Jiang Yun in surprise. But soon, they understood—he was no different from them, another soul abandoned to face the cruel world alone.

Without hesitation, the boy walked over to Jiang Yun and spoke softly, his voice gentle yet full of understanding.

"You... were left here like us, weren't you?"

Jiang Yun didn't know how to respond. His mind was still a whirlwind of confusion. But in the eyes of the two children, he saw something warm and inviting—a faint kindness shining through the coldness of the world.

The girl extended her hand with a faint smile. "Come with us, if you don't want to be alone."

Though unsure of what was happening, Jiang Yun reached out and took her hand. They led him deeper into the forest, away from the desolate city, to their

hidden base. This was a place they called home—the home for the forgotten, for those who had nowhere else to go.

When Jiang Yun arrived at the secret base, the sight before him was both heartwarming and melancholic. A group of twelve children, just like the boy and girl who had found him, were scattered around the base. Some were playing joyfully, while others rested in exhaustion. It was clear that everyone here had been abandoned, just like him.

The boy and girl who had helped him began distributing food they had gathered from the trash fairly among the group. The children eagerly received the food, grateful for even the smallest morsels. There wasn't much talking, but their faces radiated appreciation and happiness, despite their circumstances.

Once everyone had eaten, the boy turned to Jiang Yun and introduced himself, "My name is Yang Hao, and this is Lan Fang," he said, pointing to the girl beside him. He then proceeded to introduce the rest of the group, each child with their own unique name and personality.

"And you? What's your name?" Yang Hao asked curiously.

Jiang Yun hesitated, still overwhelmed with confusion. He couldn't remember who he truly was, but something inside him sparked a memory. "Jiang... Yun," he said softly.

Yang Hao smiled and handed Jiang Yun a piece of bread. "Nice to meet you, Jiang Yun! Let's help each other survive in this world."

Jiang Yun, though still unsure of everything, felt a warmth in his heart. He smiled back and accepted the bread from Yang Hao.

From that day on, Jiang Yun quickly grew close to the other children. They offered him something he hadn't experienced in a long time—a sense of family, of warmth. Days passed by quickly, filled with moments of joy and camaraderie. Together, they fished, played make-believe cultivators, shared meals, and explored the forests surrounding their hidden base.

However, as winter approached, the harshness of the season began to make its presence known. Food became scarcer, and the challenges of survival weighed heavily on them. Yang Hao, Lan Fang, and Jiang Yun, being the oldest, started discussing the looming problem.

"If things keep going like this, we'll run out of food," Yang Hao said, his voice laced with concern, as they sat inside their base, the cold creeping in from outside.

Jiang Yun nodded silently, his gaze drifting to the younger children, still playing unaware of the impending difficulties.

Amidst the silence, Lan Fang proposed an idea, "Why don't we gather firewood and sell it in the town? At least we'll have some money to buy food."

Yang Hao nodded after a moment of thought. "Good idea! Let's try that." He turned to the group and explained the plan, and the children, filled with determination, eagerly set out to gather wood.

Laughter echoed through the forest as they worked together, collecting wood and even scavenging for any edible plants they could find. Their teamwork brought a sense of joy and hope, but amidst their efforts, a sudden scream shattered the peace.


It was Lan Fang's voice. Without hesitation, everyone rushed toward the sound, hearts pounding with fear.

"What happened?!" Yang Hao arrived first, followed by Jiang Yun, both of them anxious.

What they saw when they arrived froze them in place.

Two men were dragging Lan Fang away, their arms wrapped around her struggling form. The symbol on their belts caught Jiang Yun's eye—a symbol of the Jiang Clan's servants. It felt familiar to him, though he couldn't dwell on it now.

Lan Fang fought desperately, resisting with all her strength, but the two men overpowered her. Without thinking, Jiang Yun and Yang Hao rushed to help her, determined to pull her away from the men's grasp. But despite their efforts, they were no match for the men's superior strength. Every punch and kick from Jiang Yun and Yang Hao seemed ineffective, like striking stone.

The other children, seeing what was happening, joined in with a surge of courage. Though they had no weapons and no training, their hearts were filled with a fierce will to protect their friend. However, the men showed no mercy. They retaliated with brutal force, pushing the children away. Some were sent flying, others left with broken bones. Cries of pain echoed through the forest.

"You little brats!"

"Don't cry... Just come with us. Young Master Jiang Feng can give you a better life."

Lan Fang, still resisting, bit the man's hand, but in response, she was slapped so hard that her body flew against a tree with a loud thud. She fell to the ground, severely injured. Jiang Yun, witnessing this, felt everything inside him freeze. The sight of his friend gravely hurt triggered something deep within him.

The other children had been beaten unconscious, leaving Jiang Yun as the only one still standing. Pain coursed through his body, but he refused to fall. One of the two men turned to him and sneered.


Suddenly, an unfamiliar power surged within Jiang Yun, a power he had never known existed. He couldn't explain where it came from or how it happened, but in the blink of an eye, the two men who had harmed the children collapsed and died instantly. Jiang Yun stood there, shocked and confused, staring at the lifeless bodies, unsure of what had just transpired.

With no time to process what had happened, Jiang Yun rushed to check on the children. They were all seriously injured, but Lan Fang's condition was the worst; her body seemed almost crippled.

Jiang Yun, despite being on the verge of collapse himself, gathered all his strength. He found nearby vines and tied them around his body and the injured children, painstakingly dragging them back to the hidden base.

Every step was agonizing. Exhaustion overwhelmed him, and his body screamed in pain, but his heart was filled with determination. He would not leave anyone behind.

At last, he made it back to the hidden base, his body collapsing to the ground as soon as they arrived. His mind swirled with exhaustion and confusion, and he passed out.

When Jiang Yun opened his eyes, every inch of his body was sore. He found himself back at the hidden base, surrounded by silence. His friends lay unconscious, still injured. He quickly stood up, checking on each of them carefully, unaware that he had somehow managed to heal some of their wounds with remarkable skill, a skill that felt strangely familiar to him.

Jiang Yun tended to everyone as best as he could, but when he reached Lan Fang, her injuries were too severe. Her face was pale, and her body was badly bruised. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out how to heal her. Worry flooded his heart.

After some thought, he made a firm decision: he would take Lan Fang to the town to find help. There was no time to waste. He scrawled a message on the ground, telling Yang Hao and the others that he was taking Lan Fang to the town and urging them to rest and recover until he returned.

With Lan Fang on his back, Jiang Yun set off. The sky darkened, and snow began to fall in an eerie and unusual way. But he didn't care; his only focus was saving Lan Fang. The journey was filled with hardship. His feet were numb from the biting cold, and pain radiated with each step, but he pressed on, refusing to stop or give up.

After walking through the freezing snow for what felt like an eternity, Jiang Yun finally reached the town. Desperate, he approached a man selling buns at the market.

"Help her... She's gravely injured," Jiang Yun pleaded, his voice trembling.

Instead of offering help, the man struck Jiang Yun across the face with a wooden stick.

"Get out of here! We don't welcome beggars. You're making my shop look filthy!" the man shouted.

Staggering back in shock, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth. The pain from the blow didn't deter him. He continued to carry Lan Fang, asking everyone who passed by for help, but all he received were cold stares and harsh rejections. Some even pushed him away without mercy.

"Please help her!"

"Help her!"

"Help her!" Jiang Yun cried out, but each plea was met with another blow. His face was swollen and bruised, blood trickling down, but the cold quickly numbed it. He barely felt the physical pain anymore; it was the despair that crushed his heart, especially as Lan Fang's condition worsened. Jiang Yun looked up at the snow-filled sky, his tears silently falling.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, an old man in a worn-out cloak approached him. The old man looked at Jiang Yun with calm, warm eyes.

"Boy, don't cry. A man doesn't shed tears so easily," the old man said gently, his voice full of understanding and compassion.

Jiang Yun looked up at the old man, his eyes filled with hopeless tears. But the old man's words stirred something within his heart. Despite his exhaustion and pain, he continued to stand tall, still carrying Lan Fang on his back. He would never abandon his friend.

The old man's wrinkled hand gently checked Lan Fang's injuries, and after a moment, he smiled sympathetically. "You want to save her, don't you, boy?" he asked softly.

Jiang Yun, overwhelmed by despair, replied anxiously, "Please help her... I beg you... Please."

The old man nodded, considering her injuries. "She's gravely injured," he said, causing Jiang Yun's heart to sink further, but the old man continued, "But I have medicine that can save her."

"Please, I beg you, help her!" Jiang Yun's voice trembled.

"But you'll need spirit stones in exchange for my medicine," the old man said, smiling kindly.

"I don't have any spirit stones," Jiang Yun replied, his voice hoarse with desperation.

The old man glanced at the bun seller who had struck Jiang Yun earlier. "Do you see that pouch over there? It's full of spirit stones, enough to buy my medicine. Go take it."

Jiang Yun was stunned. He had never stolen anything in his life, but now, nothing mattered to him anymore. He saw hope in saving Lan Fang, and his goal was clear. Nodding to the old man, he quickly made his move.

Sneaking behind the bun seller, Jiang Yun waited for the right moment. As the seller was busy, Jiang Yun lunged forward and grabbed the pouch hanging by the seller's side, then fled as fast as he could.

The bun seller shouted in shock and chased after him, yelling, "Thief! Thief!" Jiang Yun ran with all his might, but suddenly, something caused him to stumble and fall. His already battered body grew even more worn.

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang," the steamed bun seller said.

Then, he approached Jiang Yun and violently kicked him before stomping on him repeatedly, leaving Jiang Yun severely injured. Satisfied, the man retrieved the pouch of spirit stones. Suddenly, he turned back to Jiang Yun and asked, "Which hand did you use to steal my spirit stones?"

Jiang Yun remained silent.

"Since you won't answer, I'll break your left arm then," the man said.

The sound of Jiang Yun's left arm breaking was louder than his cries, but despite the excruciating pain, he didn't make a sound. Tears streamed down his face, but he didn't let out a single cry of agony. He just tried his best to crawl away while the steamed bun seller, satisfied with his actions, walked away, leaving Jiang Yun gravely injured.

After the seller left, Jiang Yun, in his weakened state, tried to crawl back to where Lan Fang and the old man were. As he did, he overheard a familiar voice of a young woman.

"Why is there a thief in this town? I've never seen one before," she said. S~eaʀᴄh the Nôvel(F)ire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Jiang Li, stop talking. Let's go buy the gift for Jiang Feng. I'm going to make sure he can't stop smiling once he sees my present," another young woman chimed in, pulling the first one away.

Jiang Yun, unable to recognize them, remained trapped in his pain and despair. Yet, in his hand, he clutched something tightly. Upon closer inspection, it was a low-grade spirit stone.

Jiang Yun smiled with a sense of accomplishment, as he had managed to pocket a few spirit stones while running earlier. Despite his wounds, he dragged his battered body back to the narrow space where Lan Fang and the old man were hiding.

When the old man saw Jiang Yun's battered state—his swollen face and bloodied appearance, along with his broken left arm—the old man asked worriedly, "Did you get it?"

Jiang Yun pulled out the spirit stones. The old man was surprised and delighted. "For your effort, I'll give you a discount. Here, take it," the old man said as he handed over the healing pill.

However, as soon as Jiang Yun took the pill, he turned to look at the old man, but the old man had already disappeared. Filled with gratitude, Jiang Yun hurried over to Lan Fang. When she awoke and saw Jiang Yun's bloody and swollen face, his body covered in wounds, and his broken arm, her heart ached.

"Jiang Yun... why didn't... you heal... yourself first?" Lan Fang asked weakly.

"I'm fine... this is nothing," Jiang Yun responded cheerfully.

But Lan Fang was shocked as she saw Jiang Yun's bloodied and swollen face.

"Why did you... why did you..." she murmured weakly, her body growing weaker.

"Don't speak anymore. Here, take this pill—it will heal you," Jiang Yun urged her.

"Heal me... heal me from what?" Lan Fang asked, only to realize in horror that she couldn't move her body. Tears welled up in her small eyes immediately.

"Jiang Yun... what's wrong with me... why can't I... move?" Lan Fang said tearfully.

"Don't worry. If you take this pill, you'll be able to move again. I promise," Jiang Yun said, interrupting her.

"But... you yourself..." Lan Fang's voice trailed off, filled with concern and weakness.

"It's nothing, my wounds are easy to heal. It won't take long," Jiang Yun said with a shaky voice.

Lan Fang smiled with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Jiang Yun," she said gratefully.

Jiang Yun helped her swallow the pill. Soon after, Lan Fang started to show signs of improvement, and Jiang Yun smiled in relief. Seeing her condition improving, he lifted her onto his back, preparing to return to their secret base. But as soon as he hoisted her up, Lan Fang suddenly coughed violently, spitting blood that stained the white snow red.

In that moment, Jiang Yun looked at Lan Fang, who was bleeding from her mouth, ears, and eyes. He was horrified. He spoke with a voice full of worry and fear, "Lan Fang... are you okay?" He shook her body, trying to wake her.

"Lan Fang... wake up... don't sleep yet... Lan Fang... wake up," Jiang Yun said with a sobbing voice.

"Wake up quickly... there's bread here... the honey bread you like," Jiang Yun continued, his voice trembling.

Lan Fang opened her eyes and spoke in a pained voice, blood flowing endlessly from her.

"Jiang Yun... I hurt... I... hurt so much... it's so torturous... please... help... help me."

Jiang Yun held her hand tightly and immediately carried her, running while shouting for help.

"Anyone... please help her... I beg you," but instead of receiving help, passersby ignored him and walked away indifferently.

"Jiang Yun... I... feel sleepy... and it hurts... so much... I'm hungry..." Lan Fang said weakly.

Jiang Yun spoke through tears and sobs, "Once you get better... we and everyone else will go find... sweet honey... in the forest and bring back soft... big bread and pour lots of honey on it, just like you love to eat with everyone..."

Lan Fang let out a weak laugh, blood still flowing from her.

"That's right... right now... I really want to... see... everyone... I want to go fishing again... and... have adventures in the forest... with... everyone... and play... as a cultivator... with... everyone... again."

Jiang Yun said with a trembling voice, "Of course, we will play together again."

Lan Fang smiled slightly and said, "I... will endure... for..." before she began to close her eyes in agony.

"I beg you... help her."

"Help her, I can do anything in time."

"Please... help her... save her life."

Jiang Yun ran tirelessly, continuously shouting for help, until suddenly he was punched in the face violently, causing Lan Fang to be thrown off his back.

Jiang Yun ignored everything. He crawled towards Lan Fang immediately, tears flowing uncontrollably as he tried to gather his last strength to help Lan Fang lying on the snowy ground. The man who punched him spoke mockingly.

"Why are you carrying a corpse around the city?"

Jiang Yun tried to suppress the pain and fear. He held Lan Fang's body tightly and spoke with a voice full of hope, "Lan Fang... wake up... there's bread... lots of honey here." But her body remained silent.

The man ignored him and punched Jiang Yun again, causing him to faint and be thrown out of the city mercilessly. When Jiang Yun woke up, he was dazed and hopeless as he saw Lan Fang's lifeless body, unresponsive in the slightest. Her body was cold when he touched her. His arms felt weak as his heart had lost someone important in his life. He spoke with a voice full of guilt and cried out.

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have brought you to this city... I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Exhausted and heartbroken, Jiang Yun could do nothing but carry Lan Fang's lifeless body back to their secret base. He walked barefoot through the cold, painful snowy fields, but as he neared the secret base, his body came to a halt when he saw flames consuming everything in the mountains where they lived and said, "Please..."

Jiang Yun immediately lost his mind. He rushed to the secret base, carrying Lan Fang's lifeless body on his back. Along the way, he stepped on sharp twigs and stones, but he no longer cared about the pain. He quickly reached the entrance of the cave that was their secret base, and suddenly the pain and guilt crushed his heart as he saw the sight before him: 13 people engulfed in flames, all 13 tightly embracing each other, and he saw the burned bodies of Yang Hao and others. His heart shattered.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" A cry of pain erupted from Jiang Yun.

Memories flooded back as he felt like the world was collapsing:

"Jiang Yun, when we grow up, I want to help all the children who share our fate, to create a place where they can live happily."

"This is a special honey bread recipe. I guarantee it's delicious. Try it, and you'll love it."

"Brother Jiang Yun, look at the hat I made; it's prettier than Lan Fang's."

"When I grow up, I want to be knowledgeable and smart like Brother Jiang Yun."

"Brother Jiang Yun, I give you this flower."

"Brother Jiang, look at my fish; it's bigger than yours."




"Brother Jiang Yun"




"Brother Jiang Yun"

These memories swirled in his mind, making him feel the intense pain of loss and failure, causing him to lose control of his senses. He rushed into the flames immediately, shouting,

"Why... why did it turn out like this... what did I do wrong..."

As Jiang Yun was running into the fire, an explosion suddenly occurred from some kind of attack, sending him flying and leaving him severely injured from the blast, with blood flowing out uncontrollably.

The light from the flames consuming his friends was so bright that even the heavy falling snow could not extinguish it. As he fell onto the snowy ground, his consciousness slowly drifted away. The pain from his wounds and the sorrow in his heart were leading him into darkness, leaving him in a world of pain and lingering memories.