Chapter 42… It’s better to use something else to bite Dudu

Coming down from the room upstairs, Song Huai saw Lu Mian standing at the entrance of the stairs looking at him.

Seeing the other party’s focused gaze, he felt incredibly proud in his heart.

Song Huai stopped at the last step. He stood on the step and was almost the same height as Lu Mian.

There was no one around at the moment, only the two of them at the entrance of the stairs.

Song Huai stretched out his hand to encircle Lu Mian’s neck and looked around, afraid of being seen by someone again.

Seeing Song Huai’s messy hair, Lu Mian stretched out his hand to fix the person’s hair.

As soon as Song Huai saw Lu Mian’s face, he couldn’t restrain his blush and heartbeat. He bit his lip: “What did you just say to my mother upstairs?”

Lu Mian’s expression moved slightly.

Song Huai pouted: “You don’t tell me but you can tell my mother. Why can’t you tell me.”

In the corner of the wall near the entrance of the stairs, six heads poked out.

”What is Brother Dudu doing?”

”Is this kissy kissy?”

”It doesn’t seem to be, isn’t it about sucking the mouth?”

”Hey, they’re starting to suck!”

The children of the Song family who were watching the fun were interrupted by Liu Xiaomeng: “You little guys, what are you doing here?”

Liu Xiaomeng followed their gaze and saw the scene of love again. At the same time, Song Huai heard the movement and looked over. Once again, their eyes met, and Song Huai hurriedly let go.

Lu Mian also followed. He frowned at being interrupted. When his eyes swept over, Liu Xiaomeng’s scalp was numb.

She turned around like a wooden body, disappeared around the corner and ran again: “Mom! I ran into Lu Mian and Dudu kissing again, and he tried to murder me with his man!”

Song Huai: …

Lu Mian: …


“I won’t leave you for dinner either. It’s time, you can go.”

While Mother Song was talking to them, a golden retriever suddenly jumped to Song Huai’s feet.

The golden retriever and Song Huai have a very close relationship. It kept rubbing against Song Huai’s legs. Song Huai squatted down, and the golden retriever rubbed Song Huai’s face, making Song Huai giggle.

”Wangwang, stop making trouble.”

Lu Mian’s face froze for a moment when he heard the name Wangwang.


The houses of the Song family and the Lu family are just a few steps away.

In the past, Song Huai came to visit every three or five times, but when he walked to this familiar door today, Song Huai wanted to retreat.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he and Lu Mian have returned to Lu’s house together as partners.

Lu Mian saw his nervousness and took the initiative to hold Song Huai’s hand.

Song Huai said softly, “I didn’t even prepare a present for Grandpa Lu today.”

The admiral, who was Song Huai’s uncle, fell into deep thought again.

There was a knock on the door.

Song Huai took a deep breath and hugged Lu Mian’s arm slightly to hide behind Lu Mian.

It was Lu Qiwen who opened the door himself. Seeing the intimate appearance of the two of them with their arms intertwined, Lu Qiwen burst into laughter: “We are here!”

Song Huai, who was originally overly nervous, saw Lu Qiwen’s kind and enthusiastic appearance and instantly stopped being nervous.

”Hello, Grandpa Lu!”

Lu Qiwen smiled when he heard the title, but then looked up at Lu Mian.

Lu Mian’s face darkened even more.

There was a happy atmosphere downstairs. Song Huai was a frequent visitor to the Lu family. He had a sweet mouth and could chatter a lot. He soon coaxed the old man till he was unable to close his smile.

The aunt at home reminded Lu Qiwen that dinner was about to start, and most of the family members were in the living room.

Lu Qiwen glanced at it and said to his aunt, “Go upstairs and ask Aze to come down for dinner.”

The aunt went upstairs and knocked on Lu Chengze’s door: “Little young master, the admiral is back, and the old master told you to go down for dinner.”

There was no movement in the room, and after a long time, a sentence replied: “I know.”

After Lu Chengze came back from school, he locked himself in his room.

He frantically went through his chat records with Song Huai. The last time Song Huai sent him a message was two months ago. It was the day before Song Huai was thrown into the hospital by a basketball. Song Huai has never contacted him since that day.

Lu Chengze flipped through the text messages one by one, including Song Huai’s punctual birthday wishes every year, text messages for New Year’s and holidays, and daily chatting. When it’s windy and rainy, let him remember to bring an umbrella, and when the weather cools, let him wear a little more… and so on, one by one, every message.

Most of them were Song Huai’s own texts, and Lu Chengze’s replies were few and far between.

Seeing this, Lu Chengze’s heart felt suffocated.

Afterwards, he went to the school’s forum to read the news related to Song Huai. He wanted to see what happened to Song Huai during this time that caused his attitude towards him to change so quickly.

Lu Chengze turned to Song Huai and Lu Mian’s cp posts, but his fingers didn’t click in for a long time.

The scene of the afternoon reappeared before his eyes.

Lu Chengze shook his head, convinced that he must have read it wrong. Or maybe they just got along better.

However, how could Song Huai have a good relationship with his cold-spoken uncle?

How good is the relationship that Lu Mian can take the initiative to hug people?

No matter how Lu Chengze thought about it, he couldn’t figure it out. The truth was so strange that he didn’t dare to face it at all until his aunt knocked on the door.

The lights were not turned on in his room, Lu Chengze turned around and looked at the dark door. Suddenly, a strong feeling surged up from the bottom of his heart, as if it was something extremely terrifying. Once it was revealed, everything would collapse.

The dinner plates downstairs have been placed, and the adults and children have been seated.

There were more than a dozen people in the Lu family for dinner tonight, and everyone took their seats according to the rules.

Lu Mian sat next to Lu Qiwen, and Song Huai was next to Lu Mian.

Lu Chengze walked to the door in despair and twisted the doorknob.

As soon as Lu Chengze came down the stairs, he saw Song Huai chatting with Lu Qiwen, with Lu Mian in the middle leaning back slightly and looking at Song Huai seriously. The expression on his face had a tenderness that Lu Chengze had never seen before.

Lu Chengze’s footsteps were nailed, and it was not until his father spoke out that the lost Lu Chengze was called back.

Lu Chengze’s seat was a bit far away from Song Huai.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lu Qiwen clapped his hands, and the table was completely quiet.

Lu Qiwen announced: “The purpose of bringing everyone together today is that there is an important thing to announce. Lu Mian and Dudu will be officially married next week. I am also relieved of my worries.” Lu Qiwen raised his glass and stood up.

The rest of the juniors raised their glasses and stood up one after another, and even the child who was stealing food was dragged up by the parents.

Song Huai stood close to Lu Mian, feeling very happy.

At the entire dinner table, only Lu Chengze did not stand up.

Lu Qiwen looked in Lu Chengze’s direction and frowned. Lu Chengze’s father stepped on the latter’s foot and whispered, “Aze, why are you so stunned!”

The same wine, some people taste the sweetness, some taste the bitterness.

Lu Chengze looked at Lu Mian, who was serving Song Huai’s soup, and the former’s smiling eyes that were bent.

The fire of jealousy in his heart became more intense. 1 Original text : 心底的妒火越少越烈

Lu Chengze glanced at the seat beside him. When Song Huai came to Lu’s house, he always sat beside him and asked him what he liked to eat. Or whispered coquettishly and asked him to help with the dishes.

But now, he was kicked out and the scene changed to Song Huai and his uncle. And he was like a fool, ignorant.

So when did it all start?

Laughter could be heard from the half where Song Huai was sitting, and everyone seemed to be happy.

Lu Qiwen saw that his youngest son, who was as cold as an iceberg, was saddled with Song Huai, and even his eyes had a little more brilliance than usual, and his heart was filled with joy.

He deliberately teased Song Huai: “Dudu, did A-Mian bully you at home?”

Lu Mian wiped the last bit of sauce on Song Huai’s mouth. He rubbed his palm.

Song Huai said, “He treats me so well, and I like him very much.”


Lu Mian put down her handkerchief, lowered her eyelids slightly to hide the joy in his eyes, and then set his eyes on Song Huai’s face again.

Lu Qiwen couldn’t stop smiling: “If you like it, just like it.”

Song Huai noticed that Lu Mian was looking at him, and remembering what he just said, his face suddenly burned. He raised his chin slightly, pretending to be righteous, and said arrogantly, “Don’t you like me?”

Lu Mian looked at him, and the emotions in his eyes became denser.

Song Huai couldn’t help but get angry when he didn’t get an answer for the first time. He pouted and held Lu Mian’s hand.

If Lu Mian’s answer doesn’t satisfy him, he will prick him with his nails! right! stab him! Let him know how awesome he is!

The child’s actions amused Lu Mian.

The Lu family sitting at the dining table was the first to see Lu Mian laugh and suddenly fell silent.

Lu Mian raised his eyelashes and looked at Song Huai with a focused and serious gaze.

His Adam’s apple moved slightly as if he was preparing for an answer.

Suddenly, there was a cracking sound of the porcelain bowl falling to the ground, and everyone’s eyes focused on the other side.

Lu Chengze stood up, his face pale and ugly.

He looked at Song Huai, and seemed to be looking at Lu Qiwen who was not far from Song Huai: “I’m full.”

Lu Qiwen waved his hand: “Let’s get off the table when you’re full.”

Lu Chengze walked in the direction where Song Huai and Lu Mian were sitting.

He stood in front of Song Huai, and the Song family had different thoughts.

Lu Qiwen said softly, “Aze.”

”Dudu.” Lu Chengze turned a deaf ear, and after a long time, he found his voice.

At the seat just now, Lu Mian and Song Huai’s intimate interaction seemed to burn his eyes.

Everything has a reasonable explanation.

Some time ago, he had heard that the family wanted to find a partner for Lu Mian, but why was this person Song Huai?

And why did Song Huai change his mind so quickly.

Even if this person is his uncle.

”Dudu.” Lu Chengze reached out and wanted to pull Song Huai.

At that moment, too many thoughts rushed through his mind.

Maybe Song Huai was just being fascinated and bewitched for a while.

Yes, it must be so! Song Huai liked him so much, Song Huai had followed him for so many years, how could he suddenly change?

At the beginning of this year, Song Huai waited for him outside the door against the snow for so long, just to give him a bunch of tulips.

Lu Chengze’s hand reaching out stopped, and Song Huai drilled into Lu Mian’s arms.

Lu Mian raised his head and looked at Lu Chengze.

Lu Chengze, whose thoughts were wandering all the time, was stunned when he caught Lu Min’s line of sight.

This is Lu Mian, not only of their Lu family but also the glory of the empire.

How can he, Lu Chengze, compare with Lu Mian?

Under the pressure of Lu Mian, Lu Chengze took two steps back unconsciously.

After a while, he regained his voice: “Dudu, congratulations.”

His voice was astringent and hoarse.

Song Huai showed a pair of eyes, and said with a sullen and angry expression: “Thank you, we will be a family from now on.”


”Father, when did you know about it, why didn’t you tell me?”

Lu Chengze rested his hands on the edge of the balcony on the second floor, the cold wind kept hitting his face, his hands were clenched into fists, his expression was painful, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

His father patted him on the shoulder. He finally sighed, said nothing, turned and walked into the house.

Lu Mian and Song Huai were about to leave, and the thought of catching up instantly occupied Lu Chengze’s mind.

But the fear of Lu Mian finally made him lose his courage.

Lu Chengze could only watch as Lu Mian circled Song Huai with one hand, took the man into the car, and walked away.


Song Huai drank again tonight.

The child is not good at drinking, so he gets drunk as soon as he drinks it.

In the car, Song Huai sat like a boneless person on Lu Mian’s lap and suddenly started shouting he felt hot again, clamoring to take off his clothes.

Lu Mian kept coaxing him, and the secretary in front didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

”Okay, then I won’t take it off.” Song Huai leaned against Lu Mian’s shoulder, pouted, and his eyes were extremely blurred.

Suddenly he stood up and pretended to be mysterious: “Do you know why Lu Chengze is unhappy today?”

Hearing the child talking about Lu Chengze, Lu Mian’s eyes darkened.

Song Huai suddenly giggled: “Hey hey, let me tell you a secret.”

He leaned into Lu Mian’s ear and whispered, “Because Lu Chengze is in love with Li Ziqing. Li Ziqing has a conflict with him, so he didn’t come to school today. So Lu Chengze is not happy hahahahahaha!”

Lu Mian was helpless at Song Huai’s whimsical thoughts.

Song Huai leaned on Lu Mian’s shoulder, rubbed restlessly, raised his face and pouted: “Dudu wants to kiss my beautiful brother.”

Lu Mian held Song Huai’s waist so that he could not move. His fingers rubbed Song Huai’s rosy lips.

Thinking of something, the admiral looked ugly for a moment. He lowered his body and leaned into Song Huai’s ear: “Dudu can kiss me if you answer a question.”

”Okay!” Hearing that the other party wanted to kiss him, Song Huai agreed with no delay.

Lu Mian pondered for a few seconds, then asked, “Wangwang is the dog of the Song family?”

Lu Mian still remembers that when Song Huai first came to ask him for a kiss, he said that Wangwang was so kissable. Because of this, the Admiral was still depressed for a long time. He even investigated the relationship of the Song family privately, but there was no such person named Wangwang.

Song Huai nodded heavily.

Lu Mian was about to laugh angrily. Song Huai dared to compare him to a dog. As if that wasn’t enough, he even got angry with a dog.

”Why don’t you come and kiss me? The pretty brother lied.” Song Huai’s mouth narrowed, and he was about to cry.

Lu Mian lightly bit the tip of his nose and scratched the bridge of his nose as punishment for the little villain.

Song Huai touched his nose and was stunned: “Why are you biting Dudu?” The drunk kid was illogical.

After questioning Lu Mian for one second, he kneeled on Lu Mian’s lap in the next second. He put his arms around Lu Mian’s neck, bit Lu Mian’s earlobe and said, “Brother, can you bite Dudu more? Use something else to bite Dudu.”

Editor: Jieamnin