Chapter 44… The Admiral who was heartbroken again

The little mermaid whose mind was not very clear had no idea of ​​the danger of his actions and words. Lu Mian did not respond to him immediately, so he thought that the other party was shy.

Song Huai continued to say, “Well, in fact, you don’t have to be too shy. I know that it’s normal for you soldiers to have illnesses and pains. Don’t feel inferior. Don’t worry, I won’t dislike you.”

There seemed to be an invisible pressure in the air suddenly.

Song Huai raised his head and met Admiral Lu Mian’s heavy eyes and sensed the impending storm.

Next, Lu Mian used practical actions to prove to Song Huai how stupid what he just thought was.

Waking up in the morning, Song Huai’s whole body seemed to have been dismantled and then reassembled.

The mouth, palms and thighs were the hardest hit areas. The softest parts of the thighs had been rubbed off, and they were still red. The lips were red and swollen. Lu Mian was too fierce last night. He kissed and gnawed at him. For a moment, Song Huai thought he was the fish on the plate, and he was about to be eaten by Lu Mian. After entering the abdomen, even the skin would not be left.

Song Huai lay on the bed, wanting to cry without tears.

So who gave him the illusion and courage at that time that he dared to provoke Lu Mian, and even thought of going to top Lu Mian?

Well. The little mermaid who tasted the pain was ashamed.

In the end, he couldn’t hold back his grievance and pinched the man, in whose arms he was sleeping in, with his fingers. But as soon as he raised his head to meet that face, Song Huai’s face immediately turned red like a tomato.

How can Lu Mian be so good-looking?

Moreover, it is too foul to wake up in the other’s arms as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.

The tip of his nose was full of the smell of a mature man. Song Huai couldn’t help but soften his heart. He didn’t use much force, it was more like a kitten coquettishly tickling.

In fact, when Song Huai opened his eyes, Lu Mian was already awake.

He has a regular schedule and wakes up at five o’clock on time. Before this time, he had already gotten out of bed and washed up. But thinking of the little mermaid’s dissatisfaction last night when he was drunk, saying that every time he got up too early and he couldn’t wake up in his arms.

Lu Mian thought for a while and tightened the arm that hugged Song Huai.

The child who was still sleeping at that time felt the external force. When he was sleeping, he pursed his mouth and murmured, “Don’t come again, uh.”

But his face subconsciously moved closer to his arms.

Lu Mian was so soft-hearted by the unconscious little movements that he looked at Song Huai for a while, then glanced at the obvious hickey on the other party’s chest. He then looked away uncomfortably.

He tried his best to suppress the desire in his eyes.

For a moment last night, Lu Mian, who was only rubbing outside, almost went in.

But the extremely determined admiral thought of his promise to Song Huai’s parents, and he endured it again.

There are still six days.

Lu Mian lowered his head and placed a kiss on Song Huai’s red mouth.

At that moment, the little boy who was quietly nesting in his arms had red eyes. Last night, Lu Mian pressed him and bullied him for most of the night. Song Huai’s throat was hoarse, and tears could not flow out anymore after crying so much.

When the two looked at each other, Song Huai’s face flushed red.

He wanted to be angry, but when he saw Lu Mian, he couldn’t get angry.

But thinking of the hardships he had suffered last night, Song Huai thought to himself: If I don’t get angry today, I can’t imagine how Lu Mian will bully me when we actually do it in the future.

So the little mermaid turned around angrily, waiting for a certain someone to coax him.

The admiral was keenly aware of the child’s emotions. He gently pressed his forehead against the back of Song Huai’s head, and his voice sounded rough: “Are you angry?”

Song Huai pouted and said aggrievedly: “You bullied me. I said no, but you still bullied me. Someone can’t open their mouth anymore, their hands are almost broken… Hmm…”

A sudden hot kiss interrupted the rest of his words.

As soon as the kiss was over, Song Huai’s head was dazed by the kiss. He just stared at Lu Mian with his almond-shaped eyes open for no reason.

The desire that was just suppressed was hooked up again because of the child’s look.

The darkness in Lu Mian’s eyes was a little deeper. He bit the child’s earlobe, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down, his voice was even more hoarse than before, and the hot air was blowing in Song Huai’s ear, revealing an indescribable ambiguousness: “There are six more days left.”

Of course, Song Huai knew what Lu Mian meant by the six days.

Well. Song Huai didn’t have time to get angry, and shyly covered his burning red face.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

It was the day when Song Huai and Lu Mian went to collect the certificate.

Since the last time he saw Lu Mian’s power, Song Huai didn’t dare to run to Lu Mian’s bed these days. And he understood one thing, Lu Mian didn’t touch him until he was eighteen, it was all out of respect for him.

Thinking of this, Song Huai felt sweet in his heart.

Standing at the entrance, Lu Mian stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the child: “What are you thinking about?”

Song Huai recovered and saw the man in front of him wearing the same suit as him.

Today’s Lu Mian combed back all the broken hair on his forehead, and matched with a formal suit with a tight slit, the whole person looked meticulous.

Lu Mian’s appearance was too aggressive, and he always had a straight face, refusing people from thousands of miles away. But when looking at Song Huai, there was always a tenderness in his eyes that was different from others, and a pair of beautiful eyes made people blush and have a speeding heartbeat.

Such a good-looking person would be his own now.

Song Huai was so excited that he stood on tiptoe, held Lu Mian’s face, and kissed him.

When the emperor of the empire learned that they were going to get married, he opened a special channel.

Lu Mian and Song Huai got up early on purpose. But because they had a special channel, they didn’t realize what everyone often said on Interstellar Network about having to queue for a long time to get married on a good day.

Thinking of this, Song Huai still had some regrets.

But because of Lu Mian’s identity, it is not convenient to disclose it immediately. Besides, he was very happy to be able to get the certificate earlier.

With a click of the camera, the photo freezes.

About ten minutes later, Song Huai and Lu Mian got their marriage certificate.

Inside the car.

Song Huai held the small red notebook. Looking at the name and photo on it, he smiled so much that his mouth couldn’t close.

How does he look at Lu Mian in the photo?

The admiral on the side was robbed of his attention by a marriage certificate. He tapped his fingers back and forth on his knees several times.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, Song Huai’s attention was still on the marriage certificate.

Song Huai put the marriage certificate in front of him, and praised him sincerely: “You are so good-looking!”

After hearing this, Lu Mian’s expression changed: “Do you just think that I’m good-looking?”

Lu Mian suddenly came over, Song Huai was caught off guard, he stammered: “Well, um, there is no one more good-looking than you.”

Hearing this, Lu Mian’s heart suddenly became a little complicated, his expression moved slightly, and then he turned his eyes out the window.

In the evening, Song Huai, as usual, knocked on Lu Mian’s door.

The Admiral, who had been pacing in the room for a long time, opened the door almost immediately.

Since the last time he suffered from Lu Mian, Song Huai didn’t dare to seduce him again. He finally realized how hard it was for his boyfriend to endure.

But a good night kiss every day is essential.

Although kissing has become the norm now, good night kisses seem to have become a tacit ritual for both of them.

Lu Mian pushed open the door and saw the little boyfriend outside the door — no— now he is his husband.

Song Huai couldn’t wait to come over just after taking a shower, with a cute rabbit headband tied around his forehead to pull up all the broken hair on his forehead, revealing a clean forehead. Holding his favourite rabbit doll in his arms, he looked carefully, and there was a slight redness on both sides of his cheeks: “Well, that, can I sleep here tonight?”

Today was the day of getting the certificate, and he wanted to talk to Lu Mian and sleep together.

The child tonight was extraordinarily cute. Lu Mian’s throat tightened, he lowered his eyes to cover the surging heat inside: “Okay.”

Almost as soon as they entered the door, the two couldn’t wait to kiss each other.

Lu Mian overwhelmed the person on the bed, kissing him from the lips to the neck.

Song Huai grabbed Lu Mian’s head, panted low, pouted his red lips, and looked at the man with teary eyes: “I still want to kiss.” The child’s eyes were stained with moisture. The skin exposed outside the cute pajamas, from the cheeks to the neck to the chest, is dyed pink.

Who can resist his request?

Lu Mian lowered her head and kissed Song Huai’s lips again.

From the lips to the corners of the mouth, licking every inch.

When the two separated again, Song Huai panted for breath, his eyes were red, and looked like he was being bullied badly.

But he still came up to kiss Lu Mian’s lips.

Admiral Lu tried his best to restrain himself from taking things further ahead and helplessly pressed the back of the person’s head, pecking and kissing the other person’s mouth again and again, and said indulgently, “Why does my little baby love kissing so much?”

Song Huai rubbed the other person’s nose with his head: “Don’t you like it?”

“I like you.” Lu Mian kissed the other person’s cheek again, “As long as you like it, I will like everything.”

This was the first time that Lu Mian has officially said that he liked him. Song Huai was stunned. A few seconds later, his face flushed red, and the bottom of his heart jumped with excitement.

Looking at his small appearance, Lu Mian thought, and asked with a bit of bewitching: “Does Dudu like me?”

Although he has said in his heart that he liked Lu Mian countless times. He also said it when he was bullied and pressed by the other party in bed, but this is the first time in such a serious place.

Song Huai was a little embarrassed.

He stammered for a while, then took the initiative to wrap his hands around the man’s neck and whispered, “I like you, I like you.”

Lu Mian’s heart was unreasonably soft at the other party’s obedient, soft and honest tone.

He asked again: “Where do you like me the most?”

Song Huai said almost without hesitation: “I like your face the most, it looks so good.”

The author has something to say:

General Lu: It’s a heartbreak.

Editor: Jieamnin

E/N : *lights a candle for Admiral Lu’s broken heart*