Chapter 47… Final Chapter

[Part (1/2)]

“The third prince of the empire has sent a congratulatory gift.”

Upon hearing this news, except for Song Huai and Lu Mian, the rest of the people at the scene looked at each other in dismay. Unlike the Lu family, the Song family had nothing to do with the palace.

Seeing Song Huai’s reaction, Lu Mian guessed that Song Huai knew Li Ziqing’s true identity.

Dad Song asked Song Huai, “Dudu, what’s going on?”

Even if the people in the palace knew that Song Huai and Lu Mian were getting married, it should not be the third prince of this empire who sent gifts for Lu Mian’s sake.

Song Huai said, “Dad, in fact, the third prince of the Empire is my classmate. You’ve seen him before. It’s Li Ziqing, who went to the training camp with me last time.” As soon as he finished speaking, a strange gasping sound came from the bed. Gu Yang, who just woke up, heard Song Huai’s words and fainted again in shock.

Ten minutes later.

On the bed, Gu Yang opened his eyes and saw Song Huai sitting in front of him: “A’ Huai, I just had a dream.”

When he turned his eyes to Lu Mian who was standing not far away, his voice came to an abrupt end. Gu Yang pinched himself, it really hurts.

Man, it wasn’t a dream.

Gu Yang pressed his temples: “You let me understand it first. You and Admiral Lu—”

Song Huai nodded and said, “We are already married. We got the certificate on the day I asked for leave.”

Gu Yang: Gasping.

He said sternly: “When did it happen?”

Song Huai said, “It was during—the Lu family’s banquet.”

Gu Yang digested this shocking news with difficulty. After a while, he asked again, “Li Ziqing is the third prince of the empire?” He nodded.

Gu Yang: …


The atmosphere of the dinner party was quite harmonious. What Song Huai did not expect was that Lu Chengze would also come.

When Song Huai went to the bathroom and came out, Lu Chengze was standing at the entrance of the stairs with a cigarette in his hand. Seeing Song Huai coming out, he pressed the cigarette butt against the wall, and immediately stood up straight, looking at Song Huai with bright eyes: “Dudu, happy birthday.”

With that, Lu Chengze took out a bunch of lilies from behind, with pure white petals, emitting a light fragrance. It was exactly the same as the one Song Huai gave him at the beginning of this year.

Song Huai didn’t take it, he just said politely, “Thank you.”

When he was about to leave, Lu Chengze grabbed Song Huai. Song Huai turned his head and glared at Lu Chengze.

Lu Chengze let go, his voice a little pleading: “I apologize to you for what happened in the past.”

Song Huai looked at Lu Chengze suspiciously. He knew him too well, Lu Chengze was not someone who would apologize.

Seeing his suspicion, Lu Chengze felt a pain in his heart. He smiled bitterly: “I’m going to Star Estan soon.”

Star Estan is the most difficult and marginal planet in the empire, which was often harassed by interstellar pirates, and can be said to be the most uneasy place in the entire empire now.

“Oh, goodbye.” Song Huai replied without emotion.

Lu Chengze asked, “Why don’t you ask me where I am going, when I will be back?”

Song Huai had a disinterested expression on his face.

Lu Chengze murmured: “I knew it, I knew it.”

He took a deep breath: “I gave up the recommended quota and filled out the military entry form. I don’t know when I will be able to come back this time. If you can, maybe you—” would you like to go out with me?

“Are you finished?” Song Huai interrupted, “I’ll leave if you’re done. The cake hasn’t been cut yet.”

Song Huai left without looking back. Lu Chengze stood alone in the shadow of the corridor, clenching his fists tightly. In the darkness, there was a self-deprecating chuckle.

No one knows when Lu Chengze left.

Song Huai only knew that he was very happy today, so many people gathered to celebrate his birthday. The happiest thing is that Lu Mian is also by his side.

After the banquet was over, Song Huai drank wine, laid on Lu Mian’s chest, and wanted to go home.

Lu Mian said goodbye to the elders at home and went back with Song Huai in his arms.

After getting in the car, Song Huai was still lying on Lu Mian’s body, making a fuss to go back.

Lu Mian pressed against the person’s nose: “This is also Dudu’s house.”

Song Huai hiccupped and blushed. He has the physique to blush even after drinking just a little wine. On this important day, he deliberately drank a little less so as not to be like before, waking up the next day not knowing what had happened. Hence, he looks very drunk, but there is still a little awareness.”

Song Huai rubbed the tip of Lu Mian’s nose: “Dudu wants to go home with you.”

Lu Mian’s heart was about to be sweetened.

“Okay.” His Adam’s apple rolled, “Let’s go back now.”

Song Huai circled Lu Mian’s neck and said in a loud voice, “I like the gift you gave me, and I also have a gift for you.”

When Lu Mian asked what it was, the child shyly buried his face in his chest, and said mysteriously, “You’ll know when I go back.”

When Lu Mian came out of the bathroom at night to wash up, he found that the lights in the room had been turned off at some point.

On the side of the bed, there was a slight breathing sound.

Lu Mian reached out to turn on the lights but was stopped: “Don’t turn on the lights! It’s not ready yet.”

Lu Mian didn’t know what the kid was doing, but he patiently waited aside.

After a while, he heard Song Huai’s shy, timid and soft voice: “Now, now it’s alright.” At that moment, Lu Mian turned on the bedside lamp, as if out of some intuition.

Under the warm yellow light, Song Huai, the “little rabbit” who wanted to hide, was exposed.

He clenched his hands nervously, plucked up the courage to raise his head, and lowered his head abruptly at Lu Mian’s scorching hot gaze.

Song Huai clenched his fists and gave himself a boost in his heart, which forced all his shyness down. He raised his chest and abdomen, raised his small buttocks decorated with a rabbit tail, grabbed the lace on the costume with one hand nervously, and stumbled to ask: “Do you, like it?”

Lu Mian is so fierce.

Song Huai, who was tossed for a night, only had this cognition in his head. Incidentally, he felt stupid for thinking that Lu Mian couldn’t do it.

The lower back was sore, and that place also had a burning pain.

Last night, he accidentally became obsessed with Lu Mian’s face, saying that Lu Mian was really good-looking. The other party seemed to become even more fierce. He was bullied and burst into tears. He wasn’t let go even when he cried and hiccupped.

When Song Huai woke up, Lu Mian was no longer in bed.

His body is dry and his pajamas have been changed.

Song Huai thought to himself: For the sake of being so gentle and considerate, let’s forgive him for a while.

There seemed to be residual warmth by the bedside, with a special fragrance.

Song Huai buried his head on the pillow Lu Mian had laid on and took a deep breath, excitedly wanting to kick his feet.

At this time, there was movement outside the door. Song Huai climbed out of bed, opened the door, and his face suddenly sank when he saw the person standing outside the door.

Zhou Xueying saw Song Huai reveal the ambiguous traces through his collar. His eyes were cold like a blade. He restrained his emotions and showed a hint of ridicule.

“Why are you here! Lu Mian opened the door for you?”

Zhou Xueying said, “I’m Admiral Lu’s adjutant. Before you entered this house, I had the password.”

“You are talking nonsense! Lu Mian won’t tell you the password.” Song Huai shouted a few times, but it was useless as he could not get a response from Lu Mian, who was not at home.

Zhou Xueying pressed him step by step: “You are just someone who has a marriage contract with the Admiral. If you didn’t have this marriage contract, what kind of thing do you think you would be to fall into the eyes of the Admiral? Don’t you want to know why I’m here? Well, I’ll tell you, I’m here to deliver the radio. Do you know the source of this radio?”

Zhou Xueying observed the expression on Song Huai’s face: “It seems that you don’t know.”

“I don’t know.” He had indeed seen this radio. But Lu Mian had never told him what it was about. Thinking about it, Lu Mian had never told him about his past.

Song Huai said, “So what if I don’t know? I don’t mind!”

“Do you really not mind?” Zhou Xueying sneered, “Even if the admiral liked someone else, would you not mind?”

Song Huaii: “What do you mean?”

“When the admiral was on the battlefield, it was the voice on the radio that saved him. When he was in Puzhaoxing, he also relied on it to persevere. The admiral has always asked me to look for the person with this voice. Do you think that after that person is found, you will still have your position?”

When Lu Mian came back from shopping in the supermarket, he found that the door was opened.

Is Song Huai awake?

Lu Mian pushed the door in and heard the sound of things shattering from upstairs.

Lu Mian hurriedly put down the bag in his hand. He ran upstairs before he could change his shoes. He saw Song Huai and Zhou Xueying standing facing each other, with a broken radio between them. The radio was smashed to pieces, shards flying around.

Song Huai looked up and saw Lu Mian appearing at the entrance of the stairs, with a hint of surprise on his flushed cheeks. But then his eyes quickly dimmed.

He bit his lip and turned his head away.

If Lu Mian is angry with him because he dropped the radio. If Lu Mian really likes others. Well—he will never be with Lu Mian again.

Zhou Xueying looked back and saw Lu Mian, with surprise in his eyes: “Admiral, I’m here to send you the repaired radio. Master Song smashed it when he heard about it.”

Lu Mian glanced sideways at the debris on the ground. Without giving Zhou Xueying a glance, he walked straight to Song Huai.

He bent down slightly and touched Song Huai’s face with his fingers. Song Huai was still angry, he turned his head and didn’t want Lu Mian to touch it. But he hummed twice and still didn’t dodge.

Lu Mian put his palm on Song Huai’s face, and gently wiped Song Huai’s red eyes with his fingers, wiping away his tears: “Why are you crying?”

Only then did Song Huai realize that he was actually crying! In front of Zhou Xueying!

Song Huai was even more unhappy.

Lu Mian coaxed him carefully for a while.

Zhou Xueying watched from the side, his fingers were about to leave marks on the palm of his hand. He suppressed the jealousy in his heart and continued to remind with a smile: “Admiral—” Lu Mian interrupted him before he finished speaking. Zhou Xueying froze.

Lu Mian’s expression was unprecedentedly cold: “Who let you in?”

According to Song Huai’s temper, it was impossible to open the door to Zhou Xueying.

Lu Mian’s expression completely sank: “Do you know the password?”

Lu Mian, who was irritated, had spiritual pressure beyond ordinary people, and Zhou Xueying could not resist at all. He suppressed the panic in his heart and answered truthfully: “I secretly wrote it down when I watched Secretary Ai open the door.”

So he was lying to him just now. Song Huai, who was guarded by Lu Mian behind him, peeked at him.

Lu Mian said, “You can get out.”

After working together for so many years, it was the first time that Lu Mian used the word “get out” to him.

Lu Mian scolded again coldly: “Adjutant Zhou, don’t you understand human language?”

Zhou Xueying’s forehead kept sweating, and goosebumps appeared all over his body unconsciously. He bowed deeply: “This subordinate is leaving now.”

Before leaving, Zhou Xueying heard Lu Mian say again: “The handover procedures for the Capital Military Region have been completed, and it just so happened that His Majesty mentioned to me a few days ago that Esten Star needs an officer to be responsible for the development. Prepare yourself. Let’s set off with the warship in the afternoon.” The blue veins protruded on the tightly clenched fists. Zhou Xueying gritted his teeth, and squeezed a word out of the teeth: “Yes.”

Editor : Jieamnin