Because he didn’t want to eat cat food, Su Du angrily “squeaked”, flapped his big tail, and left.

Then, Yang Yin, who was cooking at home, suddenly heard a sound of scratching at the door, accompanied by a soft “squeak”. He was a little surprised, rushed to the door, and opened the door.

A little white fox was crouching at the door, staring at him.

“Little fox!” Yang Yin was happy: “You escaped back!”

Su Du jumped into the house and smelled a scent.

“I think you really want to, of course the fox is the smartest.”

Yang Yin took it and closed the door to go inside. “I bought a roast chicken, are you hungry, want to eat?”

Little white fox: “Zeezz!”


He rubbed his body against Yang Yin, and his feathers slowly emitted a bit of golden light.

Yang Yin naturally didn’t notice, let the little white fox jump onto the sofa, and took out a plate of fragrant roast chicken from the kitchen, and tore off a chicken leg.

“Eat it.”

The outer skin of the grilled chicken was slightly burnt, but the chicken inside was tender and juicy. The little white fox first licked its bite, then its little claws pressed against the chicken’s leg, burying its head in biting it.

Yang Yin saw him eating well, and was happy and worried: “That Chu Daoist treats you well? He won’t starve you, will he?”

Su Du: Heh.

The little white fox kept burying his head to eat, Yang Yin rubbed his head, then came out of the room with a wooden box, and he put it on the foot of the coffee table.

The wooden box was piled with bright yellow empty talisman paper, vermilion sand, and a brush. Yang Yin took out one of them, dipped the brush in vermilion, and drew a special rune on the talisman paper.

The runes were not complicated, but the strokes were very slow, as if painting on stone, and they were quite resistant. When the little white fox finished gnawing the chicken leg, he looked up and saw that Yang Yin’s forehead was cold with sweat, and the hand holding the brush was trembling slightly.

Su Du narrowed his eyes slightly and realized that it was a talisman.

It was lying on the table, and he lazily licked his paws, watching Yang Yin finish drawing the talisman with difficulty, relieved, and took the next talisman paper.

Some Demon Hunters are good at making talismans, but making talismans consumes magic power. Yang Yin’s magic power is not high, the quality of the talisman he made seems to be inferior, at least because of Li Xia’s coercion a few days ago, this talisman is very difficult to deal with.

Stupid, making this talisman would be like wanting to die.

Su Dou slowly flicked his tail and watched as Yang Yin started to draw the second talisman.

Making the second was more laborious than the first, but still working, followed by a third, fourth.

Su Du silently counted until the fifth talisman paper was pulled out. Yang Yin finally couldn’t hold on, he dropped the brush and immediately fainted.

The brush dyed with vermilion twirled on the floor a few times and was lifted up by a long jade-like hand.

A young man appeared at the edge of the sofa, crow-like eyelashes slightly drooping, he took out a sheet of talisman paper, and drew extremely complicated runes in a flowing manner.

The youth’s eyes narrowed in satisfaction, his eyes long and slender. Her teary eyes were filled with light, and a soul-stirring glint when slightly turned upside down.

It is an incomparably declining beauty, but no one in the hut has seen it, and the only master has long been unconscious.

Su Du folded the painted talisman paper and stuffed it between Yang Yin’s daoist robes. Right after he did all this, the door to the house suddenly clicked and was pushed open by someone from outside.

Chu Yuan stood in the doorway, his face cold.

A little white fox was eating a roast chicken, with its head buried and its chomping sound. And Yang Yin was still lying on the sofa.

Chu Yuan had a special compass in his hand, the compass pointer pointed at The Little White Fox that was still trying to gnaw the roast chicken.

He stepped into the room, The Little White Fox seemed to have noticed it, and not even his roast chicken was eaten anymore. The Little White Fox jumped into the old cotton made of soft pillows.

Chu Yuan walked over, The Little White Fox didn’t move.

Chu Yuan bent down and tried to pick up the little white fox. The little fox wrapped itself into a soft ball with its big tail, and only gave it a round butt.

Chu Yuan raised his eyebrows, pinched the back of the little white fox’s neck skin, and directly picked up this temperamental little white ball.

“I don’t like pets running around.” He said, “If you still run next time, I will take your skin.”

Su Du: You’re crazy.

The Little White Fox sullenly hugged its little legs, and still ignored it.

Chu Yuan took him and shook him, took the little white fox into his arms, stroked its fluffy fur and said, “I’m not normal, you have to get used to it.”

It’s not quite normal.

Su Du pondered alone and curled up into a ball.

Rub, food and forget.

Chu Yuan naturally couldn’t hear the words of his heart. He insisted on Yang Yin next, and held the little white fox left here.

Chu Yuan’s house, the food is still on display, the pot of cat food is also well placed. And there was a visitor in the living room, a striking woman.

Holding a cup of tea, she smiled as she saw a little white fox lying down beside the aura of a cold man, and burying its head in milk.

The man brought a dish of milk for it, and though his expression remained indifferent, the other side placed on the back of the fox’s neck was light and gentle.

“Rarely, you actually know how to raise pets too.” Zhen Yan said, “Or the pretty little fox.”

Chu Yuan said, “Say something truthful.”

“The Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox is still missing, we can’t find it.”

Zhen Yan said, “The clan leader disappeared in the human world, and the fox clan is not good at giving explanations, now Sun Lao is anxious.”

The Little White Fox drank the warm and sweet milk while feeling Chu Yuan’s finger scratching the back of his neck, and he immediately shrunk his little neck.

“The fox clan will soon have a new leader,” Chu Yuan said lightly, “Don’t drink too much, you’ll get gas.”

The last part of the sentence was said to The Little White Fox, he rubbed the white fox’s tender little belly and took his milk away.

The Little White Fox was rubbed by him to lie on his back on the sofa, revealing a small tender belly milking, snorted and stretched his legs.

Zhen Yan looked at the little fox and wanted to touch it, but she knew Chu Yuan’s temperament, so she held back.

“No wonder you agreed without hesitation when Sun Lao asked you to set up a formation to kill the demon fox.”

Zhen Yan said, “Could it be that this little fox—”

Chu Yuan said: “It’s just an ordinary little fox.”

He said while scratching the little white fox’s soft belly, and added in a salty manner: “It’s ugly, not as good as him.”

Su Du: ????

Su Du suddenly turned around and plopped down on the side of the sofa.

“Ouch, he’s mad.” Zhen Yan smiled, “But I heard that the prototype of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox is an extremely beautiful mature white fox, or one of the top beauties in the devil world, it would be nice to meet one.”

Speaking of this, Chu Yuan’s tone was slightly mocking: “He is the best at seducing people, you’d better not look at him.”

“It can’t be helped, foxes are born with enchantment techniques and captivate people’s hearts.” Zhen Yan said, “If this little white fox of yours is a devil, I think you should also be captivated by it.”

Chu Yuan snorted softly and picked up the little white fox, casually fiddling with its fox ears.

The fox ears are soft, with a hint of heat. Chu Yuan pinched it between his long fingers, and the little white fox lightly trembled, its snow white fur seemingly covered with a pink lining.

He “squeaked” to bite Chu Yuan’s fingertips, the fluffy tail wrapped itself into a glutinous rice dumpling.

Chu Yuan’s eyes seemed to contain a hint of laughter, Zhen Yan looked gloomy and said, “You don’t tease him, and I can’t help but want to touch him.”

Chu Yuan said coldly: “Then leave one hand here.”

Zhen Yan: “What??”

She found it impossible to stay in this place, and with a dry laugh, he got up and said: “The Ghost Festival is coming soon, and unlike you, I don’t have to work like you do, so I have to, be prepared in advance. Good bye.”

She left the place after she finished speaking, and Chu Yuan did not stay any longer.

He found that the little white fox didn’t want to tease his ears for him, so he stroked its snow-white fluffy fur and said after a while.

“Where do you think he will be?”

His words were faint, no more emotion could be heard. The Little White Fox tilted its head, its black eyes full of written innocence.

How do I know, I don’t know her.

Chu Yuan and the little white fox looked at each other for a few seconds, eyes narrowed slightly.

“She’s the best at running away, if I catch her I’ll have to break her legs and fuck her so much that she can’t get out of bed.”

His tone gradually cooled down, and his pitch-black eyes were tinged with a sinister red blood. The Little White Fox looked at the man’s eyes, not knowing if he hurt him, suddenly jumped on his head and whistled at him.

Damn it, why did you break her leg? You bad guy.

Chu Yuan: “…”

He carried a little white fox playing on his head and said: “Let’s go take a bath.”

Su Du: ????

As a nine-tailed heavenly fox, he does not stain the dust of the human world, and besides, when a demon turns into a prototype covered with the breath they are familiar with, it really dislikes the breath being erased.

So now he really hates very evil water.

Little White Fox: “Zeezzzz!!!”

Won’t take a shower!!

He flapped his little legs and tried to escape from Chu Yuan’s hand, but Chu Yuan had already grabbed the back of his neck with unquestionable precision and directly brought him to the second floor.

Second floor master bedroom, Chu Yuan threw The Little Fox onto the middle bed, turned around and walked into the bathroom.

The little white fox flew up, looked around and hid in the soft bed.

The sound of water immediately came from the bathroom, and the moment Chu Yuan stepped out again, he found that The Little White Fox had left the big bed and only a big fluffy tail was visible outside the quilt, still trying to shrug inward.


He raised his eyebrows and watched for a while, and when the big tail was completely gone, he walked over to the bed and lifted the quilt.

A drooping little white dumpling lay on the big bed, motionless and pretending to be dead.

Chu Yuan: “You are quite smart.”

This sentence really couldn’t be heard as satire or praise, and then he gently picked up The Little White Fox that despite its resistance, and took the little guy straight to the bathroom.

The tub had been filled with a shallow layer of warm water, enough to cover half The Little White Fox’s head.

Chu Yuan did not directly throw it into the water, but in order to keep his little body warm, he first adjusted to the water’s temperature.

The little white Fox’s ears drooped, and it carefully snuggled into Chu Yuan’s palm. Slow to explore the situation that occurred, like a dragonfly touching the water.


Then it bounced like a bird of prey and jumped onto Chu Yuan’s shoulder all at once, and splashed water all over Chu Yuan’s face.

Chu Yuan: “…”

The Little White Fox opened his wet eyes like black jewels and stared back at him innocently.

What are you looking at me for? It’s none of my business.

The little fox’s fluffy fur was slightly moist, and he only stared at Chu Yuan without blinking. Chu Yuan looked at him gloomily for a while, and without saying another word, he got up to leave him in the bathroom.

Chu Yuan went out to take off his coat and he returned with only the shirt on his upper body, wearing a pendant around his neck, with a light blue bottle hanging from below.

Su Du was still wagging his tail slowly, with an innocent and well-behaved look. But when he saw the pendant, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

If he was right, the pendant—

Suddenly he felt that his fox tail was about to break off.

The Little White Fox ran to Chu Yuan with a thud-da-da sound, tilted its little head to grab Chu Yuan’s trouser leg, and turned around to reveal a soft and milking little belly.


Hug me~

Chu Yuan expressionlessly stared at it for a few seconds, bent down and picked it up.

Su Du got what he wanted and held the locket down with one leg. Just as he was about to take a closer look, his body suddenly stiffened and he couldn’t move.

Su Du: ???

The Little White Fox was confused, but Chu Yuan sneered and raised his hand high and after that—


The Little White Fox fell into the water.

Su Du: “…”
