The original neat and clean living room is now full of wreckage, simply can not look. Chu Yuan was silent for a full half minute before looking down at the Little White Fox in his arms.

The Little White Fox tucked his paws, his black eyes looked at him innocently.


Chu Yuan: “…”

Chu Yuan said: “This is what you do?”

The Little White Fox’s big tail flicked and covered its head into the fluffy tail.

It this cover up look living Chu Yuan angry laugh, pinch the little white dumpling’s neck skin to lift it up, and ignore its “squeak” struggle, directly lock it into a vacant room.

Behind the door came The Little White Fox’s tender and aggrieved cry, the hard-hearted Chu Yuan did not pay attention, he rushed to the living room and threw a talisman paper, only to see the bright yellow talisman paper shattered in the air, and turning into countless small paper people. The floor candy cleaned up, and replaced with a new sofa cover and carpet.

The living room was quickly refreshed, Chu Yuan still did not bother with The Little White Fox. He went into the kitchen and began to prepare today’s lunch.

An hour later, the kitchen wafted out the rich aroma of dishes. Chu Yuan washed his hands at the cooking table, then slowly walked to the room where The Little White Fox was kept and opened the door.

The Little White Fox is picking at the door, “squeaking” and scratching the door. Because the door was opened unexpectedly, it pounced out, lying at Chu Yuan’s feet.

Chu Yuan lowered his eyes and looked at it from a high position: “Know your mistake?”

Little White Fox: “…”

The Little White Fox ran back to his room, his big tail wrapped itself into a ball, leaving Chu Yuan with only a round butt.

Chu Yuan: “…”

He didn’t expect this little fox to still have a temper with him, and then sneered: “Then you stay here.”

When he finished, he turned around and went back to the dining room and ate his lunch by himself.

The aroma of the food drifted from the dining room through the living room and into the room. The Little White Fox’s ears were slightly erected, scratching the carpet once and for all.

Chu Yuan sat at the table, ignoring the thin barking sounds coming from the other side of the room.

The scream continued for a while, gradually weakened, and in the end it was inaudible. Chu Yuan waited for a few minutes, put down his chopsticks and walked to the room with a cold face.

A snow-white fur ball wilted lying on the ground. Soft fox ears drooping down, The Little White Fox from the big fluffy tail to show a little head, gem-like black eyes wet, covered with a layer of water mist, with sound: Boing!

The aggrieved baba.

Chu Yuan: “…”

Chu Yuan expressionlessly walked over and stretched out a hand to it.

The Little White Fox again “squaked”, pitifully shrunk his head back, not moving.

Chu Yuan immediately picked up the little white ball, scratched its fluffy fur, and said: “Won’t you just be quiet and not explosive?”

The Little White Fox slapped him with a paw in aggravation.

Chu Yuan: “Got it, it’s my fault.”

His voice was low, and there was some rare helplessness in his tone. The Little White Fox twitched its ears in his arms and slowly rubbed him.

It this small action is considered reconciliation, Chu Yuan carried The Little White Fox out of the room, back to the dining table.

In addition to his dishes, there was a small plate on the dining table. The dish held a milk-like pure white fish soup, emitting a fresh smell.

The Little White Fox glanced at the pot of fish soup, fox ears erected a little.

Chu Yuan let go of his hand, The Little White Fox jumped to the table at once, big tail wagging, buried his head and drank the fish soup.

It drank the fish soup very quickly, and in a flash the plate was at the bottom. And it is still a little bit not enough, licking the pink tongue, aiming at a plate of salt baked chicken.

The Little White Fox first tentatively hooked with a small claw, see Chu Yuan did not respond, and gently hold down the plate of salt baked chicken, towards Chu Yuan softly “squeak”.

Chu Yuan: “Want to eat?”

Little White Fox: “Squeak~”

Chu Yuan reached out and scratched its little belly.

The Little White Fox turned over at once, showing him a soft little belly, rubbing around next to his hand.

Chu Yuan rubbed its little belly, and stroked it from head to tail. The Little White Fox grunted and gently nibbled on Chu Yuan’s fingertips.

Chu Yuan said: “Eat.”

He chucked a few pieces of chicken into The Little White Fox’s plate, and The Little White Fox happily cocked its tail and buried its head to nibble.

The chicken was tender and fragrant, The Little White Fox obviously liked it, and after it finished eating the chicken, Chu Yuan used chopsticks to tear some chicken meat and put it in his plate.

The Little White Fox didn’t eat much, licked Chu Yuan’s finger, and jumped off the table, resting comfortably on Chu Yuan’s lap.

Chu Yuan scratched his chin and said: “You eat so little, no wonder you’re so small.”

The Little White Fox narrowed his eyes and squeaked, twirling around on his lap to indulge himself.

Chu Yuan gave a short laugh, his fingers hooked its fox ears and pinched them between his fingers.

The Little White Fox bit down on his finger.

Chu Yuan raised his eyebrows: “So sensitive, can’t even touch it?”

The Little White Fox jumped to the floor and ran away.

The big fluffy tail jumped and jumped like a snow-white flame. The Little White Fox lightly jumped up the stairs and disappeared into the second floor in a flash.

Chu Yuan did not rush to find, he slowly and methodically finished his lunch, and only then walked to the second floor, back to his room.

The soft blanket was spread out on the bed, with a small puffy bundle in the center. Chu Yuan lifted the blanket and saw a Little White Fox nestled in the center of the bed, hugging its tail and sleeping.

The Little White Fox was in the shape of a round ball as she slept, fox ears drooping softly, a small head buried in his soft, gently undulating tail.

Chu Yuan stared at this Little Fox for a few seconds, rubbing his head, feeling the warm heat under his palm, and he slightly raised the corners of his lips.

The Little White Fox ate and slept, and slept all night. Late at night, the whole house was fast asleep, and the room became dark.

In the silence of the big bed, The Little White Fox nestled near the pillow put on its fox ears and opened its eyes.

Its eyes were a beautiful deep red color at night, as bright as dancing flames. The Little White Fox moved slightly and looked at Chu Yuan’s face who was sleeping less than three centimeters away from it.

The man remained as handsome as ever in his sleep, but his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was having a not-so-good dream.

The Little White Fox stared at him for a moment and wordlessly jumped off the bed and transformed into human form.

The youth lay on his back at the head of the bed, with one hand supporting his jaw. The moonlight hair ink flowed down, down the slender shoulders on the carpet, his teary eyes reflecting Chu Yuan’s side face, eyebrows slightly arched, and his eyes rippling with a smile of autumn water.

Su Du gently reached out a hand. His white jade-like fingers caressed Chu Yuan’s eyebrows, seemingly wanting to tidy up his furrowed brows. And Chu Yuan seemed to have common sense, suddenly raising his hand, tightly grabbing Su Du’s wrist.

Su Du: “…”

Su Du was a little surprised, wanting to break Chu Yuan’s fingers, Chu Yuan but the tighter the grip, as if his hand was something very precious, once released it would be lost forever.

“Are you a dog?!”

Because Chu Yuan pushed too hard, Su Dou sucked in his breath repeatedly and it was so painful that he almost wanted to bite him.

“Let go!”

His voice was so small that the sleeping Chu Yuan could not hear him. Su Du was so angry that he wanted to turn around to his place, and finally couldn’t resist and bit Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan did not respond.

Su Du: “…”

Su Du loosened his mouth, sadly changed back to his original form, then jumped onto Chu Yuan’s head and clawed it.

The Little White Fox clawed him softly, these claws did not hinder much. And still angry, and stepped on Chu Yuan several times.

After doing this, the little white fox leaped off the bed and ran out of the room.

It ran down the stairs and came to the first floor. The living room was precisely dark at this time, with only the moonlight spilling through the window, faintly glowing.

Su Du ran to the window and looked up at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, wagging his tail once and for all.

The little fiery red bird that came to him today was the Vermilion Bird, who had known him a thousand years ago and could predict calamities, and had come to him to tell him that something big was about to happen.

And just now, he suddenly sensed the breath of one of his fox tails in the Northwest.

Thousands of years ago, in order to keep his power from being taken away, he severed six fox tails, one of which was left to Chu Yuan, and the remaining five were thrown to the four directions. Each foxtail contains his power, and once it is used, he can sense it.

Should I go and get my foxtail back?

Su Du silently thought.

That would require leaving from Chu Yuan’s side…


The night wind blew coldly, and the trees outside the window seemed to float. Su Du suddenly saw an additional shadow on the ground and immediately turned his head.

Under the cold moonlight, half of Chu Yuan’s face was buried in shadow, and he could not see what expression was displayed on his face.

Su Du: “…”

The Little White Fox ran to Chu Yuan’s side and rubbed his pants leg.

Chu Yuan picked it up and said: “Going out?”

The Little White Fox looked at him innocently and confused: “Zee?”

Chu Yuan stared at it for a few seconds, the corners of his mouth raised mockingly as he carried it into the room: “I just had a dream.”

The Little White Fox tilted his head.

“I dreamt a long time ago, a man said he would always protect me and always be with me.” Chu Yuan stroked the fluffy fur of the little white fox, his tone of voice not slow, not cold: “Back then I was a child, and I casually believed him.”

Su Du: “…”

The Little White Fox bowed his head slowly.

“But then he left.”

Chu Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of red aura flashed under his pitch-black eyes: “He lied to me and left me alone.”

The Little White Fox dropped its fox ears, looking sleepy.

Chu Yuan looked at him and said: “Wasn’t you so excited earlier, why are you sleepy again this time?”

He said and went to ruffle The Little White Fox’s big tail, and the little white fox snorted unhappily, hugged its own tail and nested into a ball.

Seeing that The little fox was unhappy taking care of itself, Chu Yuan put it on the edge of the bed and said indifferently.

“Forget it, you can’t understand it anyway, go to sleep.”

He lay down on the bed and pulled up the blanket, only to cover the little white fox.

The Little White Fox rubbed against the man and curled up into a small ball, feeling his familiar scent and body heat.

After a while, Chu Yuan’s breathing gradually stabilized, as if he had fallen asleep. Su Du himself leaned his forehead against Chu Yuan’s shoulder, confused about many things.

Chu Yuan’s words reminded him that leaving back then was a necessity, and now after awakening and more trouble, if he did not regain his strength as soon as possible, it is estimated that he will have to go through the same road again a thousand years ago.

Since he has a fox tail appeared in the Northwest, he must go to take back.

But to get there, he had to turn into human form, and his only remaining power was consumed by Chu Yuan’s formation when he woke up, so he could only last less than a day if he turned into human form.

Is it to go to Yang Yin to rub some merit golden light, or—

Su Du’s fox ears suddenly twitched and sobered up a bit.

He turned his head to look at Chu Yuan and waved his fox tail, as if he thought of something.

Fox demons are born charmed, there are many ways to get power, one of the fastest ways is intercourse.