“No, what’s all this commotion at this hour of the morning?”

The innkeeper’s wife, awakened by the commotion, rubbed her eyes and stumbled into the kitchen.

As soon as she looked in, she was horrified.

Normally, her husband, who seemed to lose all vitality whenever he entered the kitchen, was now cooking.

“Oh my goodness. What’s gotten into you? Is it the end of the world or something?”

“You’re awake, good to see you. Hurry out to the backyard and get some geese. We need to finish this before the guests wake up.”

“What are you talking about? Business hasn’t been good lately, so why do you suddenly want me to go out and catch geese? What about dinner for our family?”

The innkeeper, who was stirring the soup with a ladle, pulled out a gold coin from his pocket.

His wife’s eyes widened and she wondered if it was a fake.

Because of the scarcity of gold, the use of gold coins was mostly reserved for nobles or wealthy individuals with substantial cash reserves.

Merchants rarely saw gold coins unless they took their accumulated silver coins to the bank to be exchanged.

“Is it real?”

“They gave me a sack full of it, and it’s an advance payment! What’s a goose for? I can close my business for the month and go traveling.”

“But geese aren’t enough, we have to catch sheep!”

“Yes. Then come with me.”

A short time later, Nikolai brought in a bucket full of trout.

He told them they could keep all of them, except to leave enough for Katya to eat.

The innkeepers were so thrilled with the advance payment and the trout that they decided to serve the fish as a service to all their guests.

And so, the result of all that effort was the breakfast spread before them.

“Does it taste good?”

“Yes. This one, that one. No, it’s just all so delicious.”

The innkeeper’s wife had skillfully prepared the home-cooked meals to Nikolai’s specifications, making them easy to digest and not too spicy.

It was a wonder her stomach hadn’t freaked out after all she’d eaten.

Her cheeks puffed up like a squirrel, and her plump and soft-looking lips were constantly smacking as she ate.

It was amazing how adorably she enjoyed her food.

Nikolai stared at her with an amused expression, like a mother bird watching her baby bird eat.

The look of pleasure on his face made the early morning rush worth it.

Satisfied with her meal, Katya patted her bulging belly and leaned against the head of the bed.

“I must have eaten too much. I don’t think I can move anymore.”

“Let’s wait for it to digest, then.”

Nikolai, who had set the table aside, suddenly grabbed both her ankles with one hand and lifted her slender legs into his lap.

Then he wrapped a hot washcloth around one ankle.

“What is it?”

“I should have untied it for you yesterday, but I completely forgot. When you sprain your ankle, you need to apply hot compresses.”

“You know how to do that too? Ah, I guess you’re like a mercenary of sorts.”

Glancing down, he roughly grabbed the other leg and began pressing firmly below the calf.

“This side isn’t injured, though?”

“It’s just that the muscles are tense from walking predominantly on the unaffected leg. I need to loosen them up.”

Just then, Boris, who had come to report to Nikolai that they were ready to leave, led the knights to the door and stood in front of the two.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard a woman moan from inside.

“Hmph……. Ah! Don’t touch that.”

“It’s only going to get worse for you if I don’t release it now.”

“Hmph. Oh, no— No, no…….”

“Don’t squeeze, just relax, it’ll be quick.”

Despite the woman’s shouting, Nikolai was busy doing his job.

“Aah— Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!”

“Hang in there, it’s almost done.”

“Uh, how long are you going to do this, ahhh!”

“You’re not going to keep hurting, are you?”

“Ha-ha. Stop, stop……!”

While the new knights blushed like carrots at the embarrassing lines, the other knights held back their laughter.

“Ahem! His Highness certainly has a way with words, even in the morning…”

Boris coughed and stepped back.

“He’s in his prime, after all. I trust you understand.”

“I was worried since he showed no interest in women, but it seems things have worked out well, haven’t they?”

“I thought he was merciless only during duels, but it seems he’s equally relentless in other matters.”

“It seems like it will take some time, so we’ll take our leave for now.”

Outside, Nikolai concentrated on his massage, oblivious to the fact that Boris and the knights had disappeared with a great deal of misunderstanding.

“Didn’t I tell you not to squeeze it?”

Katya shook her head and folded her legs so that he couldn’t press on her calves any further.

Nikolai’s hand was now sandwiched between her thigh and calf.

He was annoyed, but eventually stopped the massage.

“Very well then. Let’s move your legs a bit.”

Katya let go of his hand and moved her legs this way and that.

It definitely felt less swollen and lighter.

“I’m sorry, I kept struggling.”

“It’s good that you know.”

“Thank you. But it weighs on my mind that the debt keeps increasing.”

Even though it was technically Nikolai who drove away the assassin, it would have been a stretch to say that she had fully repaid her debt to him for what happened yesterday.

This man continued to treat her well.

“In a relationship of trust, the debtor’s heart is heavy and the lender’s heart is light.”


“It’s unscrupulous if the person who owes you doesn’t intend to pay you back, and it makes the person you lent it to feel lighter. You’re going to pay it back, right?”

“Yes. I will.”

Katya nodded, her eyes as innocent as a lamb’s.

Nikolai looked at her and smiled genuinely.

He was going to get her into as much debt as possible and charge her interest.

So much that she would never be able to pay it back, if possible.

He was sure the day would come quickly when he could collect from her.


After a friendly farewell from the innkeepers, they were in front of Duke Smirnov’s estate before noon.

Katya’s father, Pavtiski Smirnov, was a heavy morning sleeper and usually didn’t wake up until after noon.

If she ran into him, she would have to explain what had happened, so she hurried to get into the house before he woke up.

But first, she wanted to freshen up in her room.

On the front window grille, there was a ribbon tied that Katia had previously tied to the tree.

Fortunately, it seemed that Bianca had arrived first.

“Didn’t you say you had to get in without being seen by your father? Then someone would have to come out.”

“Luckily, I have backup.”

Katya put a hand to her mouth and whistled loudly.

Just then, a small door opened under the porch and her backup came trotting out.

As soon as Laika, now an old dog, saw Katya, she trotted excitedly to the front door.

“Was that support…… a dog?”

“Just step back and hide for a moment, she’s gentle, but she doesn’t like men except for my father—”

Before she could finish her sentence, Laika rushed to his side, not Katya’s.

The two of them were now pressed up against the gate, so if Laika stuck her snout through the grate, he was in danger of being bitten.

“Nikki, dodge!”

Startled, Katya jerked her head to the side.

Ahead of her was a truly bizarre sight.

Laika, who had been wary of men since she was badly mauled by Ivan twelve years earlier, was suddenly wagging her tail in a trance and eagerly licking Nikolai’s palm.

It was like a touching reunion with a long-lost master.

Nikolai bent down and smiled, reaching through the bars to stroke Laika’s head.

It was impossible to tell who was the real owner.

“She doesn’t usually do this…….”

“Huh? What?”

Nikolai asked, turning his head to look up at her.

Seeing the warm smile on his face, Katya couldn’t help but smile back.

She could see why Laika was doing this.

They say that animals recognize good people first.

“Is this Laika? I heard you look like me.”

“Yes. Isn’t she cute?”

“She’s cute.”

Nikolai felt a little better now that he had actually seen Laika.

Did she really think he looked this cute in her eyes?

“Laika, hurry up and get Bianca.”

Understanding her master’s words instantly, Laika took up the task and ran excitedly towards the house.

Nikolai stood up with his hands clammy and covered in drool.

Seeing it, Katya giggled.

“Give it to me.”

She took the hand of this good-hearted man, who held it still as the dog licked it, and then pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and began to wipe his large palm thoroughly.

As she drew closer, the scent of soap from yesterday tickled Nikolai’s nose.

His hand tingled in hers.

Soon, Laika appeared with Bianca.

As the sisters shared a tearful reunion, Nikolai quietly slipped away.

By the time Katya looked back, he was gone.

“When did he leave? I didn’t even ask him where he lives…….”

She muttered wistfully.

Nikolai, seeing Katya safely inside the building from a distance, started his horse.

Nikolai’s horse was unsteady as if he had grown fond of Katya during that time, so he awkwardly walked, forcing himself forward.

“I see you feel the same way.”

Nikolai laughed and stroked the horse’s mane, and it snorted angrily, like it didn’t want to be touched except by Katya.

He leaned forward, smirking, and Boris and the knights who had been waiting around appeared.

“Now that your work in Padovangrad is done, you must depart as scheduled. I’m sure the Grand Duchess Oksana will be pleased to have you ascend as soon as possible.”

The Grand Duchess had drawn up a list of candidates who met her requirements, and she wanted them to marry as soon as possible.

His stepmother, Oksana, still wielded great power in the palace after the death of the previous Grand Duke.

All the candidates she chose were women from influential households who had pledged their loyalty to Okssana, serving as her faithful informants to monitor Nikolai’s every move, rather than as grand duchesses.

“Since Mother desires me to meet the Grand Duchess so fervently, I should fulfill her wish.”

Nikolai murmured with a meaningful smile.