Ning Yi flew through the test paper that the teacher had just assigned for after-class practice. Each answer jumped into her mind the instant she finished reading the problem.

As a top student who worked through the WuSan while studying the HuangGang1, who felt it hard to bear not studying for a day, who couldn’t wait to have a profound discussion with Mr. Wang Hou Xiong and Mr. Xue Jin Xing2 on writing exams, Ning Yi was once dubbed by her worshiping classmates as the living problem-solving machine.

Unfortunately, a month ago, under the instigation of her deskmate, she read a novel with a supporting character that shared her name. The next day, she discovered that she had transmigrated.

Henceforth, top student Ning Yi disappeared and there was only mediocre trash student Ning Yi who can’t even recite the first three elements on the periodic table!

Under the control of the plot, she could only act according to the original host’s character design, unable to exercise free will. If there was any deviation, she would experience a headache.

I am really too difficult! 3

Nevertheless, life actually went for her, this little top student that loved studying like it was her life. QAQ

Rp vblal pvkzz xlydkdt kd y zkql oblal pbl nyd’v es Rdvladyvksdyz Yyvblxyvknyz Xzuxrkye rasczlxp, nyd’v oyvnb《Lyvwal》, yde nyd’v lhld osaj vbaswtb vbl EwFyd yde TwydtQydt cssjp?

Mbkp oyp ypjkdt qsa bla zkql!

Jlnywpl sq vbkp, pbl bye yzalyeu pwahkhle vbaswtb y xsdvb sq byrru, xweezlblyele eyup oblal pbl nswze sdzu lyv, eakdj, yde rzyu.


Rv oyp iwkvl rzlypydv. [qynlryzx]

Jyb! Ls!

Lkdt Zk qkaxzu (?) clzklhle vbkp oyp Qse’p rwdkpbxldv qsa calyjkdt bla plhldvlld ulyap sq plzq-ekpnkrzkdl vsoyae pvweukdt!

Lkdt Zk lmralpplp y zsv sq altalv, lmvalxl altalv!

Really, if the Heavens could give her another chance, she swears she will never touch even a word of a novel!

“Yiyi, your family’s Lu Xu Nan is here!”

Her deskmate, Ju Meng, suddenly poked her, getting her attention with a whisper.

Ning Yi was forced to reluctantly put down the test paper that she had already more or less worked through mentally. She piously smoothed the corner that had been scrunched by her hand, picked up a little cake wrapped in pink sitting in the upper right corner of her desk, stood up, and walked toward the back row of the classroom.

She was going to give Lu Xu Nan, who was also the novel’s male lead, a cake.

This thing that she felt was completely meaningless, she had already done for a month since she transmigrated.

Because the original host liked Lu Xu Nan. As for how much she liked him? Starting from kindergarten in elementary school, she had liked him for thirteen years – that much.

She didn’t know where she heard the rumor that said that if you make a strawberry cake to give to the person you like, the two of you will have a lifetime of happiness.

From then on, she began to give Lu Xu Nan cake every day.

Ning Yi transmigrated over on the first day.

Thus, she used her own hands that were originally used for problem-solving, that belonged to the future top scorer of the national college entrance exam to make cake for Lu Xu Nan for a month.

Honestly speaking, she herself also envied Lu Xu Nan, this lucky man. : )

Although in a month’s time, Ning Yi had to do this kind of thing that lowered one’s IQ by at least 100 points, she had at least gained something.

At the very least, through the passage of time and her own continuous testing, Ning Yi discovered that the character design could be gradually adjusted.

For example, right now. She had already transformed from that original host’s condition of a world expert at acting spoiled that modified the grammar of the Chinese language to include “ying”4 in the list of modal particles5 into a normal person that was ok with going “ying” a few times a day.

She had reason to believe, so long as she completed her part as a supporting character, the binding of this world’s plot would completely lose its power over her!

The original host, as the villainous female supporting character of this novel called “Shining Starlight on Wanqing”, was the small boss that the female lead, Mu Wanqing, met during high school and was also a stepping stone for the development of feelings between the protagonists, destined to court death with her low intellect and lay a wide and open road to happiness for the protagonists.

The original host’s family and the Lu family were long time friends. They were both among the greatest noble families in Yucheng, an appropriate match.

The little ones were born in the same year around the same time and the other family’s parents had watched them grow up. As for this pair of green plum and bamboo horse6 dating, so long as they don’t prematurely cross any boundaries, they tacitly accepted it and even encouraged it. The two friendly families were becoming even closer after all! It was so much that even before the two children had been born, they had already orally agreed on an arranged betrothal of the two.

Since young, the original host would often hear joking words like “Be NanNan’s wife after Yiyi grows up, okay?” When they were small, there was also a little kid who played with them that sang a rhyme, “Ning Yiyi, dressed in red, marrying NanNan to be a little wife7,” to make fun of the two of them.

So in the original host’s heart, she and Lu Xu Nan were destined to be together.

Starting from junior high, she had always considered herself to be Lu Xu Nan’s fiancee, pushing away any female that appeared beside Lu Xu Nan.

Later, following the development of feelings between Mu Wanqing and Lu Xu Nan, this kind of possessiveness caused the original host to begin continuously picking on Mu Wanqing and then continuously being face slapped by Lu Xu Nan, a cyclic journey of courting death.

Finally, the original host was thoroughly spurned by Lu Xu Nan because she pushed Mu Wanqing into the lake and nearly caused her to drown. After being strangled at the hospital and threatened with death, she finally gave up and was arranged to go study abroad by her family. Her role completely ended there.

At that time, which school should she attend? Both Harvard and Oxford were pretty good, but I like MIT even more!

Ning Yi was thinking freely about her future. She couldn’t help sighing when she suddenly caught sight of Mu Wanqing sitting ramrod straight by the window wearing a pair of unsophisticated black framed glasses working on her problems.

The ugly duckling hadn’t yet begun to transform into a swan, when will her days without the freedom to act independently finally come to an end? TAT

So envious of everyone else who can openly do questions!

Ning Yi sourly took her gaze back, walked to the last row of the classroom, and extended her hands holding the cake toward the young man that was sleeping on his desk.

Jiayou, Ning Yi! Today is the last day, after giving this, you won’t need to wake up early every day to make cake!

“Nan gege, you definitely didn’t eat breakfast again, right? I made this myself ying~”


Lu Xu Nan didn’t even raise his head, pretending not to hear her.

Ning Yi had already been subjected to Lu Xu Nan’s cold reception for a month. Although she wasn’t the original host and didn’t feel hurt, she also really couldn’t come up with any good opinions of this person!

Was the WuSan not fun to work through? Had he completed the exercise booklet already?

Liking anything was fine, must you like a jerk so lacking in elegance?

The hands that held the cake didn’t move. Ning Yi continued to softly and sweetly ask: “Nan gege? Did you not sleep well last night? Do you have a headache?”


There was still no movement.

He obviously just laid down! Even a pig wouldn’t be able to sleep so fast, okay?

Ning Yi was speechless, but in order to give the cake, she had no choice but to continue like she was calling a spirit8: “Nan gege, Nan gege? Gege?! Are you okay? Ying ying~ You wouldn’t have fainted, right?”

She called him while she used the cake box to push Lu Xu Nan’s arm.

Lu Xu Nan finally raised his head under her unceasing persistence. His sword-like brows were tightly knit and his face was filled with impatience.

Ning Yi turned a blind eye, sending her cake forward with pleasant surprise: “Nan gege, the cake I made for you~ For you to eat, after you finish eating it, can you teach me? I don’t know how to do a lot of the worksheet that the teacher just assigned.”

Since before bed last night, Lu Xu Nan had been continuously hearing a sound similar to tinnitus ringing. In the beginning, the sound wasn’t very loud, but later, it became more and more severe. He tossed and turned the whole night. When he woke up early this morning, it had already gotten to the point where his head hurt.

He took a trip to the hospital first thing in the morning, but no cause was found. Just now, when he laid down on the desk, his mind suddenly became extremely calm and quiet. The ringing had disappeared!

Lu Xu Nan who had just planned to have a good rest was called,” weng weng weng9” like the buzzing of a fly, a number of times by Ning Yi. His head hurt even more.

He swept a glance at the cake in the other’s hands, not concealing his annoyance and impatience at all. His thin lips opened and closed, coldly spitting out six words: “Not eating, not teaching, get lost.”

Huh, old Dog Lu!

Ning Yi pursed her lips, the rims of her eyes slightly red, she still staunchly placed the cake on Lu Xu Nan’s desk: “Nan gege, remember to eat it, not eating breakfast is bad for your stomach.”

What Lu Xu Nan couldn’t stand seeing the most was this weeping and aggrieved face of hers.

Every day, if it wasn’t ying ying ying, then it was wu wu wu10.

Since she was small, as long as Ning Yi showed this expression, he would suffer a calamity. Regardless of whether he was right or wrong, in short, he wouldn’t be able to escape being scolded by his dad.

If he was wrong? You were wrong yet still won’t admit it? So old yet you actually still bully your meimei, you deserve to be scolded!

If he was right? Boys should yield to their meimei, how can you be so petty over little things and even make your meimei cry, you deserve to be scolded!

Thinking of those countless annoying matters, Lu Xu Nan was even more vexed in his heart. He directly snatched up that little pink box and tossed it backwards. With a clang, it was accurately and unmistakably thrown in the trash.

Ning Yi clutched her skirt tightly, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to endure it and pull out a 40 meter long knife11.

Ahhhh! Draw your knife, Dog Lu!

So angry! How can there be trash like this in the world!

Be very thankful that you’re the male lead, otherwise the Exam God’s hand would already be gripping your fate by its throat!

Ning Yi lowered her head, squeezed out a few tears, casted an aggrieved look at Lu Xu Nan, then turned around and left.

This time, even Lu Xu Nan’s deskmate, Fang Ci, couldn’t watch on, he urged: “Ai, Brother Nan, it wasn’t so bad to the point…”

Ning Yi who was wiping her tears on the surface was, however, raging in her heart.

Stinky trashy, stinky dog poop! Teach me? Are you worthy?! When your dad was sweeping through questions, you were still wearing open-crotch pants12 playing with mud somewhere!

After getting rid of the nuisance, Lu Xu Nan who was just about to lay down to continue sleeping looked at Ning Yi’s slender back in alarm.

Ning Yi was scolding him just now???

[1] WuSan and HuangGang are both sets of test prep materials for the college entrance exam

[2] Wang Hou Xiong and Xue Jin Xing are people involved in the education system as chairmen/directors

[3] Orig. “太难了真的!”, 太难了 is an expression that roughly expresses the sentiments of “my life is too difficult”

[4] 嘤 (yīng) is used in acting cute or spoiled, it can also be added at the end of sentences for this purpose

[5] “[Modal particles] are used to indicate how the speaker thinks that the content of the sentence relates to the participants’ common knowledge or add mood to the meaning of the sentence” – Wikipedia

[6] 青梅竹马: childhood sweethearts

[7] Orig. 宁一一,红衣服,嫁给南南当小媳妇: The rhyme sounds a little better in CN since the second and third parts do rhyme.^^;

[8] 叫魂: superstitions suggest that the sick are sick because their spirits are leaving their body and calling the sick person’s name will cause the spirit to return to the body and cure the illness

[9] 嗡嗡嗡 (wēngwēngwēng): the sound of buzzing or droning 

[10] 呜呜呜 (wū wū wū): here, it is the sound of crying (generally normal crying)

[11] 40米长的大刀: “40-m long knife” originated from a typo in the title of a Tencent article that was meant to say 40-cm and became a meme.

[12] Open-crotch pants are worn by babies and infants to make going to the bathroom more convenient. As the name suggests, the crotch can/is open.