Lu Xu Nan was taken aback, La what now?

He silently picked up his phone, opened the browser, and entered “Lag theorem” based on his memory to conduct his vague search. The first result on the webpage was “Lagrange’s Theorem Baidu Online Encyclopedia”.

Lu Xu Nan tapped on it and saw the introduction–

[Lagrange’s Theorem] Exists in multiple academic disciplines, separated into: Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem in calculus: four-square theorem in number theory: Lagrange’s theorem in group theory (group theory).

[Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem] If a function f(x) is: 1) continuous in the closed interval [a,b]: 2) differentiable in the open interval (a,b): then there is at least one point within (a,b)…①1

Looking at the awkward-sounding explanation and complex formula on the screen, the space between Lu Xu Nan’s eyebrows became increasingly creased.

This Lagrange’s mean value theorem or something was calculus? Advanced maths? Ning Yiyi, someone who hadn’t met the minimum standard in math since junior high, knows this?

Ning Yi saw that the gaze that Lu Xu Nan was looking at her with was a little off. Puffing her cheeks, she explained: “…I don’t know how to do it, I copied it.”

Nw Dw Lyd alxykdle nyzx. Tl xwvvlale vs bkxplzq yde pweeldzu ypjle, “Ps usw jdso Nytaydtl’p xlyd hyzwl vblsalx?”

Ebyv vbl q*nj! Pst Nw, usw pvkzz byhl ydsvbla yvvakcwvl yde vbyv’p clkdt y aswdeosax2, aktbv?

Lkdt Zk pwqqlale y qaktbv. Fbl czkdjle, bla lulp okel yde aswde qasx clkdt pvyavzle. Valvldekdt vs cl zspv, pbl ypjle, “Gb? Ny obyv vblsalx? Tyhl ol zlyadle kv clqsal? R esd’v alxlxcla…”

Nw Dw Lyd dyaasole bkp lulp, hytwlzu pyukdt, “Fsxlvbkdt kd nyznwzwp, qsatlv ycswv kv kq usw esd’v jdso…”

Xb, usw yzps jdso nyznwzwp? Pke usw rypp vbl zypv xyvb lmyx? Oktbvu plhld rskdvp?

Lkdt Zk pjkzzqwzzu xykdvykdle bla qydtkaz nbyaynvla: “Eso! Uyznwzwp kp yehydnle xyvbp, aktbv? Lyd tltl, usw’al ps yolpsxl yb, usw jdso lhlauvbkdt!”

“…” Nw Dw Lyd obs nswzed’v lhld wdelapvyde vbl qsaxyz lmrzydyvksd qsa vbl vblsalx sdzu qlzv zkjl bl oyp clkdt ellrzu kdpwzvle yv vbkp xsxldv.

Fllkdt vbyv bl eked’v kdvlde vs pyu yduvbkdt, Lkdt Zk eked’v vyjl kv vs blyav lkvbla. Gqvla yzz, Nw Dw Lyd yzoyup bye y elye qynl yqvla zkpvldkdt vs bla raykpl bkx vs vbl blyhldp. Tldnl, yqvla pbl qkdkpble vyzjkdt, pbl nsdvkdwle vs zsola bla blye, zssjkdt vbaswtb vbl qsawxp yde xyjkdt rastalpp okvb bla alrsavkdt.

On the homepage of the forum, the popularity of the [Thread dedicated to scolding Mu Wanqing] had become much more popular. She had already flipped through five pages, the red “HOT” showing at the end of the posts was exceptionally eye-catching.

Ning Yi pursed her lips and entered the backend of the platform. The messages that she’d completed on the report page were lined up in a row on the Messages page. They hadn’t been opened and read at all.

She couldn’t help suspecting whether or not there was actually anyone managing the school forums, the so-called administrators wouldn’t have all abandoned their posts, right? How can it be like this?

Thinking that the matter of the forum was solved by Lu Xu Nan in the novel, Ning Yi tried it out. “Nan gege, are there administrators for our school’s forum?”

Lu Xu Nan didn’t even raise his head, extremely perfunctory: “Don’t know, I don’t go on the school forum.”

Ning Yi was choked half dead by his one sentence.

After a bit, Lu Xu Nan didn’t hear the other person cursing in her mind. Strangely feeling unaccustomed, he unconsciously raised his eyes, glanced at her, and asked, “Why do you ask?”

What for? Isn’t it because I’m worried to pieces for you!

Ning Yi was very annoyed and found a random excuse: “Nothing much, I saw that there were a lot of posts scolding you, so I sent a message to the administrators to get them to take the posts down. In the end, after waiting for half a day, there still isn’t any movement.”

Lu Xu Nan’s eyes flickered. Since he got the mind reading ability, this was the first time he heard Ning Yi’s heart and mouth in agreement.

The reason was unexpectedly because she couldn’t bear to see people scolding him online.

The way Lu Xu Nan looked at Ning Yi was a little complicated for a moment.

Just what was this girl thinking?

After he was able to hear her thoughts, he thought Ning Yi had been rejected by him too many times and instigated by sarcastic comments, came to think the opposite way, similar to “love turns to hate”, so she would scold him in her heart while deliberately being clingier than before to disgust him.

But she actually got mad because of people scolding him online and personally contacted the administrators to get them to remove the posts…

The complexity of this was simply even more complicated than the theorem that he looked at just now. Lu Xu Nan thought, a girl’s mind was too difficult to understand.

Ning Yi felt strange from Lu Xu Nan’s staring. She raised her hand and touched her face. “Why are you looking at me like that? There’s something on my face?”

Lu Xu Nan was just about to shake his head, then heard Teacher Qin calling his and Ning Yi’s names very unhappily.

“I’ve been watching you two for a long time. Since I entered the classroom, you’ve been mumbling in the back, chatting. Up to now, you still haven’t stopped. Since you like talking so much, just go outside and finish whispering our sweet nothings before coming back, don’t disturb other students from learning in the classroom!”

Teacher Qing was one that kept his word. His expression was grave as he stood on the platform with his lips pursed, looking at Ning Yi and Lu Xu Nan with a firm attitude of “If you don’t get out, I won’t lecture”.

I just knew nothing good comes out of being together with Dog Lu, really an unlucky star!

Ning Yi secretly scolded, her face red as she stood up, about to make her way out the back door. When she stood up, she didn’t pay attention and her hand hit the bottom of the desk. Her phone fell out of her hand and just happened to slide up to Lu Xu Nan’s feet, screen facing up.

Because the time that it takes for the screen to automatically lock hadn’t passed yet, when Lu Xu Nan inadvertently glanced at the reporting messages bent to pick up the phone.

[Recipient]: Administrator: Request/Complaint/Report an error/Report someone

[Subject]: Complaint that OP is insulting a schoolmate, hoping for removal as soon as possible.

[Recipient]: Administrator: Request/Complaint/Report an error/Report someone

[Subject]: Complaint that OP is inciting schoolmates to issue personal attacks against a classmate and starting rumors about their parents, extremely horrible influence, hoping for removal as soon as possible.

Lu Xu Nan immediately turned the phone over, threw it on Ning Yi’s desk, and turned around to make his way out the back door first.

Facing Teacher Qin’s “rotten wood cannot be carved” gaze, Ning Yi quickly grabbed her phone and immediately left through the back door.

Lu Xu Nan leaned against the wall, looking at the school forum on his phone. The first thing he saw on the homepage was that thread about Mu Wanqing. He clicked on it in passing. “Rat on the street”, “disease”, “AIDS”, and similar words filled with malice jumped out at him from time to time, making him uncomfortable.

Lu Xu Nan exited the thread, clicked on the forum search, and entered his own name. The search results page immediately showed several hundred results from posts.

His eyebrows rose in astonishment, he didn’t know that he was discussed so often in the school forums.

Lu Xu Nan scrolled down the page, glancing at the results, and discovered that most of the posts were still considered okay, there was an insulting one occasionally.

He clicked on a post titled [Just which part of Lu Xu is handsome? Don’t you think he looks very stupid pretending to be cool?]. Looking at most of the replies, there were plenty of people speaking for him, most of them calling the original poster stupid.

All the other posts slandering him were not much different.

This kind of post that you could tell with a glance emitted a sour smell from the screen was also worth her getting angry? Even he didn’t feel anything looking at it himself.

Lu Xu Nan couldn’t help turning his head and glancing at Ning Yi.

The other person’s head was down, looking a little disheartened.

Because she was wearing his shirt, the collar appeared a little too wide, revealing a slender neck. At the nape of her neck, the scattered little bits of baby hair looked soft and velvety.

Lu Xu Nan suddenly thought of a kitten with its hair standing on end from suffering a grievance.

He was a little lost in thought. Did Ning Yiyi mind so much about other people scolding and insulting him?

Sigh, are the forum administrators here for nothing? How come they still haven’t responded so long after the complaint? Really worrisome…

Ning Yi hung her head, refreshing the page several times. The status of the messages still remained unread, she was depressed.

“You really mind…” Lu Xu Nan paused, feeling like asking “you really mind people scolding me” was a little embarrassing, and instead asked, “Have those posts been deleted?”

Ning Yi unconsciously nodded. “Of course!”

I spent a whole afternoon copying those posts one by one to report them!

Lu Xu Nan’s eyes flickered, recalling the screen filled with complaint messages that he saw before, and couldn’t help being a little moved.

He looked deeply at Ning Yi, straightened his back, and made his way toward the stairs…

Ning Yi watched him suddenly leave, flabbergasted. She stood blankly for a bit before continuing to be depressed–

Ai, if this drags on, what about Mu Wanqing? The plot won’t be messed up again, right?

Although No. 1 Middle School was a public school, they still had a school council that supervised the school’s development plans and implemented educational policies. Of course, more importantly, they upgraded the quality of the hardware of the school in order to engage more social forces.

The one Lu Xu Nan went to look for was precisely the vice-principal Gong Jianyuan who was responsible for maintaining the relationship between the school and school council.

Gong Jianyuan saw Lu Xu Nan, this young master, looking for him at this time. Not only did he not ask him whether he was skipping class, he instead let him sit down on the sofa and very patiently asked him if he had encountered any difficulties.

Lu Xu Nan took the opportunity to state his reason for coming: “Principal Gong, there are people making posts slandering me on the school forum. Those posts are greatly impacting my mental and physical health.”

Gong Jianyuan couldn’t recall any school forum at the moment, but he didn’t show it. He showed an expression of slight surprise: “There’s actually such a matter?”

Lu Xu Nan took out his phone, showing Gong Jianyuan the most severe post that he had picked out. “Look, this original poster isn’t only insulting me and my family, they’re also threatening to make trouble for me. I feel very disturbed.”

[Isn’t Lu Xu Nan just relying on the fact that his family has money? Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant? Logically speaking, what does he have that’s outstanding? And he really thinks he’s all that. Pin this as proof at once, I’ll hit him every time I see him!]

Gong Jianyuan was silent, lifting his eyes to look at this Young Master Lu who was saying he felt “very disturbed from being threatened” yet didn’t appear frightened or worried at all. His tone was serious as he said, “The mental and physical well-being of students are important to the school, No. 1 Middle School definitely does not tolerate any form of bullying whether online or in person. Xiao Lu, don’t be scared, I will have people resolve this matter as soon as possible.”

“Then thank you, Principal Gong.” Lu Xu Nan immediately put his phone away upon hearing these words.

Gong Jianyuan affectionately waved his hand, saying, “Showing concern for students is our responsibility as teachers. Remember to send my regards to your parents.”

Lu Xu Nan nodded. “Then I won’t disturb your work.”

He got up and walked to the door and suddenly recalled seeing the posts about Mu Wanqing earlier.

Thinking that Ning Yiyi seemed to have a good relationship with her, Lu Xu Nan paused and turned back again…

Mu Wanqing only knew after her deskmate mentioned it to her that there were people freely insulting her on the school forum.

When she looked at the endless ridicule, rumors, and insults in the thread,  and especially when she saw that there were also people slandering her parents, she finally couldn’t bear it. She got so mad that her eyes were red.

It was true that her family circumstances weren’t very good, but her mother was a good and honest woman that relied on the meager earnings from honorable menial labor and her father was even more a good policeman who died on duty! How could these people be allowed to maliciously slander them?

Mu Wanqing turned her face away, wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes, grasping her phone tightly as she went to find the homeroom teacher.

After listening to her speak of the entire matter, Liu Ming’s always gentle face also showed some anger that couldn’t be suppressed.

He poured a cup of water for Mu Wanqing, told her to take a seat in the office, and consoled, “First, don’t cry, Teacher will definitely help you resolve this matter.”

Mu Wanqing sat there holding the cup in her hands, watching Liu Ming, her mood changing from resentment to astonishment, and finally becoming grateful and happy.

“Okay, Director. I know, I’ll trouble you.”

Liu Ming hung up the phone, smiling as he said to Mu Wanqing, “It turns out the school already knows about this problem and intends to deal with it seriously. Don’t worry, those posts will be taken down very soon.”

Mu Wanqing’s eyes widened. “How…”

Liu Ming smiled and said, “Lu Xu Nan saw those posts and reported them to the school.”

After saying this, he sighed and said, “He’s normally so cold, I didn’t expect him to actually be such a warmhearted good child.”

Looking at that girl that was blocking his way again, Lu Xu Nan raised his eyebrows. “What’s the matter this time?”

Mu Wanqing’s hands were nervously clenched at her sides as she gratefully looked at him. She said with sincerity, “I came to thank you, Classmate Lu. I found out from Teacher Liu that you helped me report the forum matter to the school, I, I’m extremely grateful!”

Saying this, she very formally bowed at 90 degrees.

Lu Xu Nan stepped to the side, avoiding her bow. Frowning, he said, “No need to thank me. If you have to thank someone, thank Ning Yi.”

If Ning Yi wasn’t busily helping him take down posts, he wouldn’t have seen the thread, and naturally wouldn’t have conveniently mentioned it at the office either.

But Mu Wanqing obviously misunderstood. She straightened up and said in astonishment, “Was, was it Ning Yi who made you help me?”

This matter was rather complicated, Lu Xu Nan was too lazy to explain nor did he feel like there was a need to, so he nodded his head.

Ning Yi was dragged over by Ju Meng to “catch them in the act of cheating”, she didn’t expect that what she heard upon arriving at the scene were actually these words!

She looked at the male and female lead in front of her in disbelief. Meeting Mu Wanqing’s eyes that lit up so brightly that it was astonishing, she was so angry she almost died on the spot–

Dog Lu, I’ll kill you!!!!