–I think you look a lot like my future boyfriend.

–You look so handsome. I knew you’re my future boyfriend the moment I laid my eyes on you.

These kinds of “flirtatious” lines, Lu Xu Nan had heard people tell him numerous times. At present, hearing the “pleasantly surprised exclamation” in Ning Yi’s heart, he was both surprised and felt some uncontrollable anger–

So Ning Yiyi, this girl, was suddenly climbing over the wall 1? For a transfer student that she just met???

Lu Xu Nan lifted his eyes, looking over in the direction that Ning Yi was facing.

The guy standing next to Liu Ming looked about 180 cm, about the same as him. But he was as white as a little girl. With a single look, one could tell he was a homebody that didn’t see the light. There was even an artificial smile hanging on his lips, beaming no matter who he was looking at, like a walking host robot.

Kwpv zkjl vbkp, bl oyp nyryczl sq vaypbkdt bkx sd vbl cyzz nswav.

Gkuy, pxkzkdt ps bydepsxlzu, usw nyd vlzz okvb sdl zssj vbyv bl’p y tldvzl rlapsd yb!


Tydepsxl yde tldvzl? Mbyv obkvl nwv nbknjld2? Wsa alyz?

Nw Dw Lyd pwrralpple vbyv kxrwzpl kd bkp blyav vs aykpl bkp byde yde nshla Lkdt Zk’p lulp, yp bl zssjle vsoyae vbl vaydpqla pvweldv ytykd…

Xdzu, bl pyo vbyv rlapsd’p zkdl sq pktbv zssj shla kd vblka ekalnvksd. Ebld kv qlzz sd Lkdt Zk, kv schkswpzu rywple, qszzsokdt obknb vbyv ryka sq lqqlxkdyvl rlynb czsppsx lulp pweeldzu nwahle, yde bl ynvwyzzu alhlyzle y pxkzl okvb lktbv rlaqlnv vllvb!!!

Yu tse, bso kp vbkp y pxkzl yb? Mbkp kp y zkvvzl pwd! Tkp pxkzl kp ps eyggzkdt vbyv R nyd’v srld xu lulp!

Mbl aktbv byde bydtkdt yv Nw Dw Lyd’p pkel pokqvzu nzldnble. Tl qasodle, dsv hlau yxknyczu pzydvkdt y tzydnl yv vbl vaydpqla pvweldv.

The latter seemed to sense it, raising his eyes and making eye contact with him. The splendid smile from before slowly withdrew, his lips only carried a slight curve, and his right brow rose, seemingly perplexed, seemingly challenging.

Lu Xu Nan angrily glared at Ning Yi who was staring fixedly at other people without even turning her head and coldly humphed. He took two steps to the back door, raised his foot and kicked it open, then flung it shut behind him, making a loud “bang”.

Scaring the students in the classroom and the hallway.

Liu Ming sighed and didn’t say anything in the end. He shook his head and said, “Boys in their youth really have great hand strength.”

Ning Yi glanced at the tightly shut back door to the classroom, thinking in her heart: This rabies disease of Dog Lu’s really flares up intermittently ah?

Used to it, she took her gaze back and looked at Xu Xing Ji once more.

Looking so tall and handsome, with a beautiful face and a brilliant body, it was really such a shame for him to be an Nth tier supporting character.

Ning Yi remembered that there weren’t a lot of descriptions of Xu Xing Ji in the novel, but from what other students said, they generally described his figure as equally matched with Lu Xu Nan. But those other details regarding family background had never been mentioned.

His main purpose was to act as the tool “Ning Yi’” used in a fit of pique after Lu Xu Nan kissed Mu Wanqing at the Christmas dance.

Although “Ning Yi” liked Lu Xu Nan for so many years, the latter’s action of protecting and confessing to Mu Wanqing in front of everyone was undoubtedly ruthlessly slapping her face.

Her head was feverish from anger and she actually randomly grabbed a guy that was passing by her, reached out to seize his tie, and tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek.

And this person just happened to be Xu Xing Ji.

She tried to use this kind of childish method to anger Lu Xu Nan and make him jealous.

But in the end, naturally, things wouldn’t go as she wished.

And Xu Xing Ji, the “boyfriend” that she unilaterally announced, didn’t like her at all either. He didn’t deny what she said in front of everyone only because it wasn’t good to embarrass a girl in public.

Only, after the dance, he gently made his own attitude clear to her.

When Ning Yi was reading the novel, she felt this was truly a very gentle person.

But Xu Xing Ji, as an insignificant eighteenth tier supporting character, the amount of times he appeared could be counted on one hand. His scenes were so sparse that he couldn’t even make it to the scene where “Ning Yi” pushed Mu Wanqing into the lake, and ended his temporary attendance at Yi Zhong, leaving Yucheng.

Ning Yi calculated in her heart, her and Xu Xing Ji’s “love” lasted approximately just over a month.


An unfamiliar gentle male voice interrupted Ning Yi’s thoughts.

She raised her head and saw that Xu Xing Ji was already in front of her. At this moment, he had his head slightly lowered, a smile at the corner of his lips as he looked at her. “I am Xu Xing Ji.”

Ning Yi didn’t know why this person suddenly ran over to talk to her, but still unconsciously replied, “Ah, I am Ning Yi.”

Xu Xing Ji’s lips curved, revealing neat pure white teeth, his tone was a little meaningful. “I’m very happy to meet you.”

Ning Yi went “oh”, then out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw Mu Wanqing running over carrying that red plastic bag that she used for the uniform before. Feeling guilty, she hastily ran into the classroom through the front door.

“Teacher Liu, I…” Mu Wanqing called Liu Ming from the back, wanting to tell him about being deceived and locked in the restroom by Yang Zhenzhen.

But just as she opened her mouth, someone heavily bumped into her.


Duan Beilei insincerely apologized. The several other people standing beside her watched her coldly.

Mu Wanqing thought of the words that they threatened her with in the restroom. Immediately, she was a little hesitant.

Liu Ming asked, “What is it, Wanqing?”

Mu Wanqing clutched the plastic bag, lowering her eyes and shaking her head, “No- nothing.”

Just then, the bell for the start of class rang. Liu Ming then waved his hand, making all the lively students that were watching the transfer student enter the classroom.

Xu Xing Ji glanced at Mu Wanqing who had her lips pursed and her eyes lowered, then turned and looked in the direction where Ning Yi ran off. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

Over on Lu Xu Nan’s side, his big movement of kicking the door closed almost scared the few boys with a bad and guilty conscience who were gathered around doing who knows what out of their skin.

Fang Ci turned around. Seeing that it was him, he was obviously relieved. He moved both arms that he had immediately tightly pressed on top of the desk. Under his arms, a cover was revealed.

“It’s you ah, Brother Nan. You scared me to death, I thought the head teacher was coming to catch people.”

Lu Xu Nan hooked his long leg on his chair and dragged it backward, then sat down in his seat  arrogantly. His gaze swept across that magazine of an unhealthy color3 and frowned in dislike,  “If you have to look at it, go somewhere else! Bothersome!”

Fang Ci looked at his face, then subconsciously glanced out the wide back door and saw Ning Yi standing in the hallway.

This was another fight?

He stuffed the magazine in the arms of the student next to him, and waved his hand and said, “You guys have benefited, remember to return it to me next period.”

The several boys rapidly scattered.

“What happened, Brother Nan?”

Lu Xu Nan sounded melancholic. “Nothing.”

Fang Ci’s eyes spun, he asked, “How is your friend that fought with his childhood friend?”

Lu Xu Nan was rendered speechless from his question. He unhappily said, “What are you asking about this for?”

Fang Ci touched his nose, saying, “Hey, isn’t your friend my friend, just showing some concern!”

Lu Xu Nan pursed his lips. He was silent for a while before he indistinctly opened his mouth, “Nothing much.”

Fang Ci said in his heart, I’m truly a good dude who cares about his brother. He asked, patiently guiding, “What happened?”

Lu Xu Nan couldn’t find an exit for his moodiness. In his smooth sailing seventeen years of life, this kind of unfamiliar and upsetting mood had never appeared before.

“Say, can one person like two people at the same time?”

He asked a little hesitantly, but was also very perplexed.

The seventeen year old youth had still never experienced the taste of liking someone.

After hearing him, Fang Ci’s heart went bathump.

The matter of Lu Xu Nan helping Mu Wanqing, he had also heard of it somewhat.

When he pulled out his schoolbag this morning, he even saw him bring out a pastel blue gift bag. Only after asking out of curiosity did he find out that it was given by Mu Wanqing.

Thinking again about those interactions with Ning Yi before, Fang Ci had a vague guess in his heart–

So his Nan ge, this is… wavering between two girls?

Ning Yi was lively, pretty, and had a good family background while Mu Wanqing was a little worse in appearance, but gentle, obedient, and good at understanding others. Indeed, they each had their good points.

He personally actually looked down on that kind of King of the Sea that had a foot on both boats4, but the human heart was naturally deviant. When it was really his family’s brother’s turn, Fang Ci thought, with his Brother Nan’s qualifications, liking one or two or a good several, it seemed like it wasn’t a big deal?

Thinking like this, Fang Ci gave an example in an unconcerned and normal tone, “Why just two? Look at my little sister, she is chasing stars and her favorite changes all the time! Simultaneously, she’s had three husbands, N boyfriends…”

Who knew that once Lu Xu Nan heard this, his face became even darker instead, “Fickle.”

Fang Ci: “…”

Lu Xu Nan’s anger wasn’t resolved by saying one word and he supplemented it with another sentence, “A girl being so fickle appears a little casual, as her older brother, you don’t even know to teach her properly?”

Fang Ci who originally wanted to urge the other person not to be upset: “???”

Liu Ming knocked on the podium, indicating for the noisy students to quiet down. “Okay, okay, a lot of students already saw that there’s a new student in our class just now. Don’t curiously mumble amongst yourselves anymore. Before officially starting class, let him introduce himself to everybody.”

After he finished speaking, he took two steps back, letting the boy beside him stand up in his spot.

Xu Xing Ji spoke naturally, “Hello, everyone. I am Xu Xing Ji. The Xu with speech and noon, Xing as in brilliant as the sun, the moon, and the stars, Ji as in light breeze and a bright moon 5. In the coming days, please look after me.”

His words ended and he nodded slightly, showing everyone a gentle smile.

The classroom immediately sounded with flattering applause, the female students clapped the most fervently.

“Wow, this new student looks pretty good ah! Just that little bit worse compared to your family’s Lu Xu Nan~” Ju Meng clapped while she whispered in Ning Yi’s ear.

Even though Ning Yi wasn’t interested in Lu Xu Nan, she also had to admit— as the male lead, his appearance was indeed flawless.

She vaguely nodded. Hearing the surrounding female students, most of them were also saying “so handsome” and the like.

However, Lu Xu Nan in the back row frowned as he asked Fang Ci, “What star, what moon?”

Fang Ci hadn’t clearly heard which two idioms it was either. Only after asking someone next to him did he repeat it back again, “It’s the Xing from star, the Ji from bright moon scenery, the one with rain and even6.”

Lu Xu Nan inexplicably felt like he had been ridiculed, he tsked, and said, “I know how to write the Ji from bright moon scenery, no need to be that detailed. I just didn’t hear it clearly just now.”

After he finished talking, he used an incredibly sour tone that even he didn’t notice and said, “His entire name is just three words and he still had to throw out two idioms. Show off.”

Fang Ci was also an uncultured mediocre student. He nodded his head, deeply feeling the same way, and laughingly said, “Xu Xing Ji, Xu Xing Ji, don’t you think it sounds like Xiao Xue Ji.”

Hearing him say this, Lu Xu Nan for some reason suddenly thought of that “xxj007” that Ning Yi had PK’d before. His eyebrows furrowed.

Liu Ming raised his palm and pressed it downward, indicating for everyone to stop clapping. He continued to say, “Student Xu Xing Ji will be temporarily attending our school this semester, I hope everyone can all be friendly and amicable.”

After speaking, he pointed at the empty desk and chair sitting against the wall by the blackboard at the back of the classroom and said to Xu Xing Ji: “There isn’t any seat rearrangement for the time being. You’re tall, you can sit in the back first. Next time, after the monthly exams are over, we’ll switch again, is that okay?”

Xu Xing Ji was very compliant with the arrangement, “That works, I’m not nearsighted.”

He glanced at the last row of the classroom and asked, “Teacher Liu, I can sit anywhere in the back?”

Liu Ming thought, the back is so spacious, it’s just a desk, of course you can place it as you please. So he nodded. “Yes, see where you want to put it then. The desk and chair are wiped every day by the student on duty, they’re both clean. Quickly choose a good spot, we’re about to start class.”

Thus, Xu Xing Ji then lifted up the empty desk and chair with a relaxed attitude under the gaze of the entire class. They simply saw his gaze sweep the last row, then he directly went over in the direction of the back door.

With a bang, he placed the desk behind Lu Xu Nan…

The classroom immediately quieted down, everyone’s eyes were brightly placed on the two boys at the back of the classroom.

Lu Xu Nan’s heart jumped, he turned around and used his foot to press against the horizontal bar under the desk behind him, saying coldly, “No one sits behind me.”

Xu Xing Ji didn’t get mad or hurt because of his unfriendly tone. Instead, he smiled and said, “But Teacher Liu just said I can choose any spot in the back.”

Just after he spoke, several gasps immediately sounded in the classroom.

“F*ck, this new student is so strong.”

“Dang, going against God Lu when he just got here, so exciting?”

“Even though he’s smiling, why do I feel like there’s that little bit of intention to deliberately oppose Lu Xu Nan?”

“According to my Brother Nan’s violent temper, he might directly kick that desk away.”

Lu Xu Nan remained unmoved, his voice obviously a notch lower, “But I’m here, it won’t do.”

His aura was all out, like a lion that had his territory infringed.

Xu Xing Ji’s eyebrows slightly rose, yet rapidly collected the emotion that just slipped out. He cooperatively picked up his desk and moved it behind Fang Ci, “Then I’ll just sit here.”

Lu Xu Nan felt like he’d punched cotton, obviously he had just taken the upper hand yet there wasn’t a bit of happiness in his heart.

He glanced at Xu Xing Ji, a little sullen, and found that he was currently looking toward the front row with curved eyes. Following the other person’s line of sight, from the gap between two groups of students, he saw Ning Yi who had her head stretched out, looking toward the back.

Lu Xu Nan: …F*ck.

The author has something to say:

Lu VS Xu, round 1– idiom vocabulary PK.

Lu suffers a crushing defeat

[1] 爬墙: to cheat

[2] 白斩鸡: a dish also known as 白切鸡 or Cantonese poached chicken (Image)

[3] unhealthy color = yellow haha

[4] 脚踏两只船: a foot in both camps/ having an affair

[5] 言午许,炳若日星的星,霁风朗月的霁。: Xu Xing Ji’s name is 许星霁, he’s describing each character in his name. In the first part, he describes his last name 许 (Xu) by mentioning the components of the character separately- 言(speech) and 午(noon). In the second part, he references the 星 (xing/star) from a well-known idiom, and in the third part, he similarly references the 霁 (ji/clearing sky) from another idiom.

[6] 风光霁月: they used another idiom for Ji here, and described Ji by breaking down the components again