Fang Ci didn’t purposely look at the messages on Lu Xu Nan’s phone. He couldn’t find his pen again, so habitually reached his arm out to take one next to him.

Lu Xu Nan was replying to messages out in the open, and with just the effort to extend and retrieve, he (Fang Ci) accidentally saw the message that had just popped up in his chat window.

“Fuck! What kind of death message are you sending? Hurry hurry, withdraw it!” Fang Ci nearly jabbed the pen into the screen.

The speed that Lu Xu Nan usually had when carrying in game was not completely reflected at this moment as he pressed in a flurry before hurriedly withdrawing and crafting a new response at the fastest speed under Fang Ci’s teaching and guidance.

Before pressing send, he frowned as he asked for confirmation. “Do I have to use this emote? So girly…”


Fang Ci pressed Lu Xu Nan’s hovering hand down as he criticized, “If not? Do you want to send that chuckle just now? Like you haven’t expressed your taunting enough?”

“I used to send it like that before…” Lu Xu Nan mumbled to himself. Under Fang Ci’s “how can it be the same now?” look, he reflected on himself for a couple seconds, and finally reacted belatedly, a little worried: “She shouldn’t have seen it, right?”

Fang Ci stuck his neck out and looked toward the front. Not seeing anything significant, he thought a bit and said, “Probably not, you withdrew rather quickly. But actually, even if Ning Yi sees it, it won’t be anything big, right? She’s already used to the way you spoke before after all. But the situation now is different, since you want to be nice to her, then you have to start changing from all aspects!”

Nw Dw Lyd dseele, vbld hlau iwknjzu nyxl vs bkp pldplp. Tl ypjle kd nsxrzlvl ypvsdkpbxldv: “Tso es usw jdso R… wb, bla…”

Wydt Uk pyke y ckv blzrzlppzu, “Jasvbla Lyd, kpd’v ‘R byhl y qaklde’ cypknyzzu nsel qsa uswaplzq? Ebyv’p xsal, nsdpkelakdt swa alzyvksdpbkr, obknb qaklde sq uswap es R dsv jdso?”

Nw Dw Lyd…

Wydt Uk nsdpkelayvlzu vwadle vbl pwcflnv yoyu, “Jwv, Jasvbla Lyd,okvb uswa rlaqsaxydnl fwpv dso, R vbkdj clqsal swa ryxrlakdt rzyd, ol pbswze rascyczu yee y tsyz qsa bso vs vyzj yde ynv…”

Nw Dw Lyd oyp lhld xsal elralpple, cwv sd vbl pwaqynl, bl oyp rknju yde ekpeykdqwz: “Ebyv ryxrlakdt rzyd, nyd usw tlv ydu tasppla? R dlhla pyke…”

Wydt Uk tsse-dyvwalezu ytalle, “Tyk, kpd’v vbkp fwpv vbl dyxl R aydesxzu nyxl wr okvb? Rv’p qkdl yp zsdt yp usw jdso obyv kv kp, sa lzpl usw xyjl sdl wr uswaplzq?”

Nw Dw Lyd alyzzu vbswtbv ycswv kv plakswpzu. Tkp lulp polrv ynaspp vbl vsr sq vbl nbyv pnalld yde bl pzktbvzu qzwpble yp bl pyke, “Kwpv…nyzz kv vbl Nkvvzl Fvayoclaau Vzyd!”

Wydt Uk nswzed’v blzr vbkdjkdt sq y dsv hlau blyzvbu yppsnkyvksd. Nw Dw Lyd aykple bkp lulcasop kd yddsuydnl: “Tlu! Ebyv yal usw vbkdjkdt?”

Fang Ci laughed “hehe”, and not very decently replied, “I wasn’t thinking anything.”


Lu Xu Nan didn’t believe him. He lifted his leg and kicked the leg of his desk. As he was going to say “hold less yellow waste in that head of yours”, he suddenly heard Xu Xing Ji’s low laugh coming from behind him.

“Little strawberry? Is it Yiyi? Oh, it fits pretty well. She seems to love eating strawberry candy, she always smells sweet like strawberries.”

Fang Ci was scared by him, “Fuck, when did you come? You didn’t make a sound!”

“I was here before the bell rang, but you guys were too focused on your phone…” Xu Xing Ji said and even smiled.

Contrarily, Lu Xu Nan’s face was incredibly stinky, his brows tightly knit. He said coldly, “You’re not familiar with Ning Yi, what are you doing calling her so intimately?”

“Yiyi told me to.” Xu Xing Ji still had that smiling face as he asked back, “Could it be that she didn’t tell you that?”

Lu Xu Nan sneered, “I’ve been calling her this way since I could talk.”

This was not a lie. Because the two families had a good relationship and lived close to each other, the two children have been playing together since they were infants. Perhaps it was because he heard the adults say it a lot that when Lu Xu Nan was learning to talk at nine months, what he said first wasn’t mom or dad, but “Yiyi”.

Even now, when the two families talk together about the past, they still laugh about this.

Lu Xu Nan was annoyed every time he heard the story and didn’t understand why the older generation always liked to chit chat about things that he had no memory of. This was the first time he had taken the initiative to bring it up and even felt a faint sense of accomplishment.

It was a pity that the target of his sense of accomplishment didn’t care very much. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Oh, is that so? But what about it? Aren’t you still pursuing Yiyi from the same starting line as me right now? Oh, that’s not right, we should be different. Perhaps I’m even a bit better off? After all…I should have more topics I can talk about with Yiyi than you.”

At the end, Xu Xing Ji’s tone was a bit meaningful.


Lu Xu Nan was shocked, “You know that she’s…”

Xu Xing Ji smiled and did not deny it.

Lu Xu Nan also remembered. Xu Xing Ji is “xxj007” and often competes with Ning Yi in Quiz King, so…Ning Yi actually told him about her identity? She trusted this xiaoxue ji so much?

Thinking up to here, Lu Xu Nan felt like his lungs were going to burst from anger.

But it was impossible for him to show weakness, never in this life.

He secretly grit his teeth, glared at Xu Xing Ji, and pretending as if it didn’t affect him, said, “So you guys just talk about studying? Then we are indeed different, after all, there’s too much to talk about between childhood friends with Yiyi.”

Only it was a pity that no matter how good his mouth was, he was still panicking in his heart.

Ning Yi used to pretend to be a bad student because of him, but now she had taken the initiative to openly compete with Yan Ziyun. Clearly, she did not plan to pretend anymore.

Doesn’t this mean that she already doesn’t care what type he likes or dislikes now?

Connecting that with her thoughts when she first saw Xu Xing Ji and the interactions between the two of them on the field trip, Lu Xu Nan felt a deep sense of crisis. This directly caused the “Little Strawberry Plan” to be temporarily set aside.

Facing Fang Ci’s questioning, Lu Xu Nan threw a test paper at his face–

“Plan what plan? Do well in the midterms first!”


Because Lu Xu Nan came out to speak for Ning Yi in a rare move, the gossip in the classroom had lessened a lot, but it still couldn’t stop this matter from fermenting in the class forum.

Although there was no suspense in the battle between the bad student and the top student, an influential figure in the school Lu Xu Nan’s “fury for a beauty” caused a lot of discussion and even the votes on winning and losing became even more lopsided. Even if Ju Meng was lobbying for votes everywhere, Number 1 God (Yan Ziyun)’s votes dominated. The blue bar was incredibly tall, and on top of Ning Yi’s name, there was only a shallow red line, votes so low that it was pitiful.

Time passed very quickly. Soon, the newest edition of the school newspaper was passed out to every class as usual.

Seeing the popularity of <Almighty Quiz King> amongst the student body, the school newspaper made Yan Ziyun’s featured interview the biggest headline of this edition of the school paper. With “Yan Ziyun: The Mysterious Number 1 God that Broke Records Time and Time Again in Quiz King, an Outstanding Student Willing to Help Others in Class” as the headline, coupled with a few pictures posed for in the classroom, the article occupied over half of the front page.

In this way, the attention that Yan Ziyun received increased. No matter where she went, all the students’ and even teachers’ attention can’t help but fall on her. It was the most glorious half a week that she had ever had since she had started at this school, until grades and rankings for the midterms came out…

Before school started Monday, on Sunday evening, the informer had already gone to Liu Ming to ask about grades. After getting a response, that student directly threw the screenshot of the private message into the group, then used nearly a screen full of exclamation marks to express their astonishment.

Liu Ming said it very clearly in the screenshot.

[Teacher Liu]: Because the grading for Physics is more tedious, the teacher for that subject hasn’t compiled those grades for me yet. Currently, Ning Yi’s total for Chinese, Math, and English is 449, ranking first. Xu Xing Ji ranks second with 440 points, Mu Wanqing and Yan Ziyun 436, tied for third. Although the questions weren’t very difficult because this is the first time we’re carrying out a comprehensive mock exam, Ning Yi got full points in both Math and English! Very good! She made exceptional progress this time which is an incredible leap! This proves that as long as you work hard, anything is possible! She is a worthy model for all students to learn from!

This was simply one stone making a thousand ripples, the group was filled with question marks and exclamation marks in a flash.

This progress seems more than big? It was simply defying nature, okay?! Full points in two subjects, only one point off in Chinese! Just her grades in these three subjects were already more than their total on last semester’s final!

After the surprise, someone immediately brought up the battle between Ning Yi and Yan Ziyun before the exam.


–According to the current scores, Number 1 God still needs to get 14 more points than her to take first…

–Although it feels a lot like science fiction, Ning Yi could get full marks in math, so her Physics shouldn’t be much worse, right? Don’t be full marks again! My little heart won’t be able to take it.

–Number 1 God is so awesome in Quiz King, how can she do bad on the exam? I remember Xu Xing Ji lost to her when he played against her on Quiz King, right? As a result, she’s even 4 points less than his second place this time.

–Don’t say anymore, I originally wanted to see Number 1 God set a record for the shortest test time on site this time! I can only see the system announcement in Quiz King every time after all…a shame that the teacher doesn’t let people hand in their exams early.

–[Raises hand silently] Actually I’ve secretly observed, but…Number 1 God’s speed at doing questions isn’t as fast as I thought… However, Ning Yi was super fast. When I was just starting on the fill in the blank for Math, she had already turned the page. When I turned the page, she was already laying down and sleeping… At the time, I even thought she couldn’t do it. I didn’t expect…

–Uh, even though saying this doesn’t seem so good, am I the only one that thinks that Number 1 God’s scores online… maybe, could they be padded…

–Me too…


[xxx]: Please, do you not know what kind of grades Ning Yi had before? You can go from last place to first over the course of summer vacation? Did you eat a magic pill? How can she score better than Yan Ziyun? This is simply abnormal! She definitely cheated!

Once this argument came out, some students also couldn’t help being skeptical.

–That’s true too, this leap is a little too big. Anyway, I don’t think it’s very possible…

–449 points, probably because she was cheating so she took a point off? Honestly speaking, other than Ning Yi, there has never been someone that has tested with scores like these before, right? If there isn’t something wrong with this, it defies nature too much.

Of course there were also those that didn’t agree.

–Ah? Probably not, right? I wasn’t far from her during the exam, I didn’t see her make any small movements…

–Didn’t Yan Ziyun herself suddenly “become a god” in Quiz King after a summer vacation? She wasn’t so awesome before.

[xxx]: Please, can you all use your brains a little? Yan Ziyun was at the International Mathematical Olympiad summer camp practically all of summer vacation, what about Ning Yi? What does she have to compete with Yan Ziyun? Eating, drinking, playing, buying dresses?

Once this ridicule at the group came out, it immediately made people feel unwell.

–I’m laughing, really. Is this a class group or an idol’s fan group? Can you put away your idol worshiping?

–This has something to do with IQ? If people don’t agree with you, they don’t have brains? I think you’re the one with something wrong with your head [Rolling eyes]

Like this, they strayed away from the original topic of discussion.

Because they were anonymous, no one knew who was behind the account and no one was afraid of offending others, so the things they said were naturally uglier than in real life. Thus, they very quickly became noisy, devolving into a completely chaotic and heated mess.

Suddenly, system notification as a row of tiny gray text appeared on the chat interface.

[The administrator has prohibited anonymous chat within the group]

And the next second, a message that absolutely no one expected jumped out.

[Yan Ziyun] Reply to [aaa]: Is your head filled with water? Then why don’t you take it down and get rid of the water first? You guys see Yan Ziyun doing problems on Quiz King every day, but when have you seen Ning Yi read a book? You’re actually doubting Yan Ziyun instead of Ning Yi right now? What kind of bullshit logic is this? If you’re stupid, then don’t come out and show off your IQ, just shut up and obediently be your mute, ok?

The people who have been participating in the group chat all have an impression- “aaa” was the one that fought the most fiercely with “xxx”. The two of them had scolded each other back and forth for a while, and one can see their “wonderful” past dialogue by simply scrolling up…

So, Yan Ziyun was “xxx”?!