Fang Ci had his neck stretched out and was watching from the back. When he saw the situation, he immediately jumped to Lu Xu Nan and asked, “What’s the matter? Wasn’t everything okay when I was looking before? How come she left in anger in the blink of an eye?”

Lu Xu Nan was also confused. He took a deep breath and clasped the other person’s shoulders, he gloomily said, “Ci’er, you’re actually an undercover agent sent by Xu Xing Ji, right? What kind of bad ideas have you been feeding me one after another?”

Facing his brother’s iron fist, Fang Ci cried injustice, “How could I? I’ve summarized excellent strategies, and I have also consulted many parties! Something must’ve gone wrong somewhere, I’ve never seen anyone angry with a compliment!”

Lu Xu Nan pointed to the basketball that was already far away and said in displeasure, “Is this it?”

Fang Xi frowned and thought about it, and finally asked the key point, “Brother Nan, can you tell me how you complimented her?”


So Lu Xu Nan repeated what he said to Ning Yi before, and couldn’t help but complain, “Didn’t you say that I should still say that she’s cute even if I see shortcomings? She played so badly, so I complimented her for being cute! Just where did you see these trash strategies? It’s completely counterproductive, okay?”

…Oh, so brother, you still know what backfiring is? Since you can use idioms so well, I would like to ask: do you know that there is a literary technique called sarcasm : )

Fang Ci was really speechless. Just with his Brother Nan’s series of counterproductive actions, even a girl that likes him would leave in anger.

“R vbkdj, bso ycswv ol…” Wsatlv ycswv vbkp Nkvvzl Fvayoclaau Vzyd.

Wydt Uk byed’v qkdkpble prlyjkdt clqsal bl oyp kdvlaawrvle cu Nw Dw Lyd’p zso nwapl.

Tl kxxlekyvlzu pvsrrle vyzjkdt yde zssjle yblye. Tl pyo Lkdt Zk pvydekdt kd qasdv sq Dw Dkdt Kk pyukdt psxlvbkdt. Mbl zyvvla dseele yde pxkzle yv bla, yde vbld vbl vos oyzjle pkel cu pkel vs vbl pbyel sd vbl pkel!

“Slyzzu q*njkdt q*nj.” Nw Dw Lyd’p dyaaso lulp dyaasole eydtlaswpzu. Nssjkdt yv vbl cynj sq vbl vos obs bye zlqv vbl prsavp qklze, bkp qkpvp nzldnble.

Wydt Dk lhld blyae y qlo naynjp qasx vbl jdwnjzlp. Fllkdt vbyv Nw Dw Lyd bye zkqvle bkp zsdt zlt, alyeu vs nbypl yqvla vblx, bl iwknjzu tayccle bkp yax yde rlapwyele, “Tlu, Jasvbla Lyd, kv’p dsv vbyv cye. Rv’p fwpv y nbyv clvolld vbl nzyppxyvlp, kv’p dsv nlavykd vbyv vblal’p yduvbkdt, kv osd’v cl tsse kq kv vwadp kdvs y qktbv…”

Nw Dw Lyd pbssj bkp byde sqq yde tzydnle yv bkx kd ekprzlypwal, “Ebyv dsdpldpl yal usw vyzjkdt ycswv?”

Wydt Uk tzydnle nywvkswpzu yv vbl qkpv bydtkdt cu bkp pkel, yde ypjle, “Mbld…obyv yal usw tskdt vs es?”

Nw Dw Lyd rwv bkp bydep kd bkp rsnjlvp, bkp aktbv lulcaso oyp aykple bktb, yde bl pyke, “Usxrlvl qykazu.”

After speaking, he directly abandoned the confused Fang Ci, and strode towards the direction in which Ning Yi and Xu Xing Ji had gone.


What Xu Xing Ji said when they were getting balls was right. The person who met her first didn’t have any right to ownership. Whoever Ning Yi likes, whoever she’s willing to be with, that person was the one that did.

He can’t play by those first step second step, roundabout things that Fang Ci speaks of. It was better to put his attitude on the table directly and generously. If… Ning Yi really doesn’t like him anymore, then he must still compete fairly with Xu Xing Ji.

Who is afraid!

Ning Yi returned to the center of the field in anger. Xu Xing Ji was the first to notice her anger, and couldn’t help asking, “What’s the matter? Who made you angry all of a sudden?”

Ning · Sports Idiot · Yi, who had just been stabbed in her sore spot, recalled the way that Lu Xu Nan looked like he was looking for a beating, curled her lips, and said, “Don’t care about him!”

She pointed at herself and Xu Xing Ji, “Shall we go to the side for a chat? Just the two of us.”

As soon as Ning Yi spoke, Ju Meng and Mu Wanqing silently looked at each other, and went to the side with the excuse that “we still want to play some more”.

Xu Xing Ji glanced behind Ning Yi, then looked at her expression, and suddenly smiled, “How come I feel like…what you want to chat about is not something I want to hear?”

Ning Yi hummed awkwardly. She scratched her chin with her index finger, and said, “Anyway… just chat.”

Xu Xing Ji let out a deep hum and nodded in response, “Okay, go over there, it’s not so sunny with the shade of the trees.”

The two walked side by side without a word the whole way.


Until she reached the bench by the school’s artificial lake, Ning Yi finally finished preparing her words. She sat down on the wooden bench, kicked a small stone by her foot, and raised her head. “Why don’t you sit down? It’s better to say some things in person.”

Xu Xing Ji didn’t move or speak, only looking down at her.

Ning Yi also looked up at him, and said in a serious and straightforward tone, “Maybe I didn’t explain too clearly in WeChat last time, so I made you have some unnecessary misunderstandings. Um…you said you like me, I feel honored. But when I told you that I don’t want to fall in love for the time being, it not only means that I have no plans to fall in love before I finish my studies, but also that I have no other special feelings for you.”

Xu Xing Ji listened to her quietly, and didn’t show anything else after being rejected. There didn’t even seem to be any sadness on his face. He was still smiling, and he asked, “Is this what you wanted to tell me?”

Ning Yi didn’t know what he meant. She nodded, confirming, “En! You are very good, you are really good in all aspects. You will meet a good girl in the future.”

Xu Xing Ji blinked and said with a smile, “But I don’t need you to be with me right now. Of course, academics are the most important for a student, but I can wait for you. Wait until you are successful before starting. So, the good girl that I will meet in the future can still be you!”

Ning Yi was almost caught by his logic, and for a while, she didn’t know how to reply. “But…”

“Shhh–” Xu Xing Ji stretched out his index finger to interrupt her, and then said, “Look, you also said that I have good conditions in all aspects. If you don’t want to fall in love now, then we will be friends. When you want to date in the future, then consider me first. How about it?”

Ning Yi frowned slightly, turned to look at the lake, and didn’t speak for a while.

On the other side, Lu Xu Nan followed their footsteps and came to the lake, but out of manners and principle, he had no intention of eavesdropping, so he stood far away behind a tree in the southwest corner.

In this way, he was guaranteed not to hear the content of their conversation. If by any chance… Xu Xing Ji dares to do anything to Ning Yi, he can also come forward to stop it immediately (cough).

Because of the distance and angle, Lu Xu Nan can only vaguely see Xu Xing Ji’s expression and Ning Yi’s back.


Looking at Xu Xing Ji’s “gentle and moving” smiling face, it obviously looked like he was very happily talking to Ning Yi. He tsked heavily, feeling like his mouth was so sour that his teeth were going to fall out. He raised his hand to pull a leaf off a branch to rub and barely resisted the thought of moving closer to eavesdrop.

“No.” Ning Yi retracted her gaze at the lake, raising her eyes to meet Xu Xing Ji. She spoke decisively and seriously, “You are sunny and cheerful, handsome, and have good grades. No one will dislike you, and that includes me too. I like you very much, but this kind of like is only between friends. I know myself very well, so I know that even if it’s in a few years or a few decades, I won’t consider you as a significant other. You don’t need to waste time on me.”

After hearing this, Xu Xing Ji put his hand on his heart, and sighed softly, “Yiyi, your words…really make people sad~”

“But I don’t think you’re sad. I can’t see sadness in your eyes.” Ning Yi shook her head, pointed at her eyes, and said, “So, I think you actually…shouldn’t like me that much, right?”

Xu Xing Ji was silent for a moment, then he said meaningfully, “Really? I thought you only had learning in your heart, and that you must be very slow when it comes to feelings. You can actually see so many things?”

Ning Yi tilted her head for a moment and gave an answer with a light laugh, “A girl’s sixth sense?”

Xu Xing Ji also laughed when he heard the words. He raised his eyes and glanced towards the southwest side, a sly light flashed in his eyes. He took half a step towards Ning Yi, and at the same time stretched out his arms towards her, and said in a low voice with a smile, “Actually, I’m not under the control of the plot anymore. Two days ago, my dad told my family to prepare to immigrate, I’ll have to return to City A probably next month. Seeing as we’re both fateful transmigrators, although I have no chance with you, it’s still okay to get a hug as a friend, right?”

“Wow! Congratulations!” Ning Yi felt the pain of being controlled by the power of the plot, and was naturally happy for him. She stood up and wanted to say, “Let’s keep in frequent contact in the future.” But just as she raised her arm, she was caught from behind.

“Con-congratulations what? What kind of thing is it that you need to move your hands and feet to congratulate?” Lu Xu Nan ran over too fast and didn’t even have time to catch his breath.

Nnig Yi was taken aback by his sudden appearance, and her eyes grew big in surprise, “Why are you here?”

Lu Xu Nan was blocked by her questions, and immediately said fiercely, “This is a public place of the school. You’re allowed to look and chat here, but I can’t come and see the scenery?”

Ning Yi didn’t bother to spend more time talking with this bad tempered person. She struggled to get her hand out, but Lu Xu Nan clasped her wrist tightly. The more she struggled, the tighter his grip.


Xu Xing Ji retracted his hand that pressed his watch without a trace. A lens-shaped square that ordinary people couldn’t see appeared before his eyes.

He swept across the touching hands of the two with a calm expression, and then looked at Lu Xu Nan. The aqua blue light particles depicted the unusual energy fluctuations of the person in front of him.

The blue tentacle-like beam of light radiated from Lu Xu Nan’s head. When it was about to touch Xu Xing Ji’s forehead, it was blocked by an invisible wall, unable to go any further.

Because of preparations made in advance this time, the dormant smart system didn’t spontaneously attack and eliminate. Lu Xu Nan naturally couldn’t detect the abnormality, so all this happened silently.

Xu Xing Ji looked at the two noisy people in front of him and was amazed in his heart.

This was indeed an “invincible bug” that repeatedly left plot protectors at a loss. One still managed to come back after being thrown into another world and the other directly derived a mind reading ability. If it hadn’t been for the most advanced smart protection system, wouldn’t he have been exposed the moment he arrived?

Xu Xing Ji squinted his eyes, silently staring at the energy waves that were coming at him. His gaze stayed on Lu Xu Nan for two seconds, thinking: Be grateful that you’ve encountered the present me, you wouldn’t be so well off if it was the past me!

He shook the phone that wasn’t actually showing an incoming call and said, “It’s a call from home, I’m leaving first.”

He turned around and took two steps away, then it seemed like Xu Xing Ji suddenly thought of something. He stopped, turned his head and winked at Ning Yi, and said, “We’ll just leave the hug for next time, don’t forget!”

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows provocatively towards Lu Xu Nan and left in big strides.

“You!” Lu Xu Nan took half a step to chase him in anger, but was pulled back to his senses by Ning Yi’s cry of pain.

“What are you doing! Are you made of iron? Sss– Let go, it hurts so much!”

Lu Xu Nan quickly released his hand, looked down, and found a red mark on Ning Yi’s wrist. He pursed his lips with guilty conscience, and said in a small voice, “I didn’t use that much strength…”

Ning Yi felt that she was going to die of anger if she stayed any longer. Rubbing her wrist, she was ready to leave. “Goodbye! I won’t bother your looking at the scenery : )”

“Wait!” Lu Xu Nan subconsciously wanted to grab her hand again.

Ning Yi raised her wrist before he could touch it and brought it to his eyes, showing clearly the red marks on it that hadn’t faded.

Lu Xu Nan’s words were all blocked immediately. He licked his dry lips and blew twice on the wrist. He scraped it lightly with his fingertips, and apologized dully, “I’m sorry.”

The boy’s slightly rough finger pads rubbed the delicate skin of her wrists, causing a slight tremor. Ning Yi suddenly retracted her hand, rubbed that place hard to rub away the strange feeling, and said, “For-forget it.”

Lu Xu Nan saw that she was leaving again, and called out in a hurry, “Ning Yi!”

Ning Yi was taken aback by him. She turned around and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Xu Nan met her clear gaze and suddenly became nervous. The things that he had thought out before coming and the psychological preparation that he made were all thrown to who-knows-where at this time. He opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Ning Yi frowned and urged, “What do you want to say?”

Lu Xu Nan’s Adam’s apple quivered, and after a while, he squeezed a vague sentence from his lips, “You’re not allowed to hug that Xiao Xue Ji!”

Ning Yi didn’t hear clearly, and tilted her ear. “Huh?”

Lu Xu Nan took the opportunity to take a deep breath and reprimanded, “Don’t you think that Xu Xing Ji likes you a lot just because he confessed to you. What sunny and warm man? Isn’t he just central air conditioning, good to everyone? Those kinds of people can’t be trusted, you don’t be stupid.”

“You’re stupid!” Ning Yi replied reflexively and then she was dumbfounded, “No, how do you know that Xu Xing Ji confessed to me?”

Lu Xu Nan was silent for two seconds, and then changed the subject in a deep voice, “Don’t worry about how I know, I have something to tell you now.”

Ning Yi raised her head and found that he looked serious and seemed to have something important to say, so she said, “Then say it.”

Lu Xu Nan was watched by her and felt his heart pounding in his chest. His heart was pounding as if it was going to jump out of his throat, how could he still speak?

He was sweating all over, his eyes darted around, and he didn’t dare to look at the person in front of him. He even wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers quietly while Ning Yi wasn’t paying attention.

Ning Yi was impatient from waiting.

What’s going on? He suddenly became mute? Is he messing with me?

Lu Xu Nan couldn’t help but purse his lips, his tone was a little aggrieved, “This is the first time I’m doing this, of course I’m nervous. Give me some time, don’t keep scolding me in your heart.”

Ning Yi couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

Look at you, acting so righteously. I’m not Aunt Hong, do I still have to spoil you like I’m spoiling my son? So what if I scold you? If you were my son, I would not only scold you, but also beat you! Lue lue lue (sound of sticking tongue out) —

Lu Xu Nan almost fell backwards from anger. He deeply felt that if he continued listening, this confession might not come out well, so he immediately clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, interrupting her thoughts—

“I like you!”