But I dare not shoot at will, for fear of hurting my own people.

In this case, Zhang Fei led two regiments of soldiers appeared in the battlefield without warning.

They wave their machetes and spears in their hands, harvesting the lives of soldiers in Lianfeng mountain crazily.

Maybe as survivors, they should not fight with death, but no one wants to, because once they lose, both Daqingshan and lianfengshan can't bear the consequences, they can only kill.

"Who the hell can tell me what's going on?"

Listening to the shouts outside the tank, Zhao Zhen immediately fell into a panic.

"Report to the chief, it's covered by smoke outside." The soldiers in charge of the observation rushed back to report.

"Pass the order, all the soldiers will attack by themselves!"

Zhao Zhen clenched his teeth and immediately gave the order to fight back. Although he didn't know where the enemy was, he was trapped by the tanks. He was afraid that as soon as he went out, he would be pierced into a bloody gourd by the spears from heaven.

But even if his order is given, what role can it play?

Zhang Fei's troops have been entangled with the soldiers of Lianfeng mountain, and there is a vast white fog around, so those soldiers simply can't play an effective counterattack.

When they came to Daqingshan this time, they only carried guns, ammunition and other hot weapons. But now, they can't see anything clearly. They can't shoot casually. It's not good if they hurt their teammates.

On the other hand, Daqingshan has no scruples. He holds a sharp blade in his hand and sticks it up when he sees a figure. As long as he doesn't wear his own clothes, he will go up with a knife.

Zhang Fei also rushed into the fog with several special combat team members.

It's just that their target is not the flustered soldiers, but the tanks, each with a special long gun in his hand.

Each of these special long guns has a length of two meters. The body of the gun is almost the same as that of the ordinary spear, but it is a little thicker and can have stronger toughness.

As for the point of the gun, it was forged from the claws of the zombie.

The claws of zombies are sharper than metal, but they are rare in number. In addition to the five claws used by Wang Yi, only 40 claws were collected when the zombies attacked the city last time, and nearly half of them were too curved to be used as gun tips.

This kind of special spear is useless for ordinary soldiers, but it is suitable for tanks.

At this time, Zhang Fei is holding a special spear, with more than 20 third level evolutors selected from the special forces, rushing towards the tanks trapped in the anti tank vertebrae.

Because of the sudden attack, many of those tanks were in a panic and rushed into the surrounding anti tank positions that had not been destroyed. The territory was directly jacked up by the anti tank positions, and the two broad tracks could no longer play any role. They could only bombard and idle, but could not move a cent.

Zhang Fei led the special combat team members to get close to a trapped tank soon. Several team members ran directly to the top of the tank and aimed at the weakest position of the tank to stab a special spear.

Poop, poop!

A few light sound, sharp shot, directly along the top of the tank cover will poke in.

When the spear was drawn out, the tip had been stained with scarlet blood, and the soldiers in it would never dream that they could be killed in a solid tank.

A tank was destroyed, and the rest of the special combat team kept on, separated into groups, and quickly approached the surrounding tanks.

Dada dada

A burst of gunfire suddenly rang out. Zhang Fei turned to see that in the fog, more than a dozen soldiers were leaning around a tank, shooting madly at the soldiers in front of Daqingshan.

They are also smart enough to know that if they can find cover nearby, at least they don't have to face the situation of being attacked on all sides.

In a short time, many soldiers of big green hill lost their lives.

Zhang Fei saw this scene, his heart is also very angry, and he is about to rush past.

And at this time, two grenades across a parabola, accurately fell in front of these soldiers.


After two roars, when Zhang Fei arrived here, there were more than ten corpses lying on the ground.

The tank probably also felt something wrong outside, and immediately started to rush in the direction of Zhang Fei.

Maybe the soldiers in the tank didn't find Zhang Fei, they just wanted to escape, but where would Zhang Fei let the tank go? He rushed to the top of the tank and sent in the special spear.


With a dull sound, Zhang Fei didn't know what he had poked, but felt a violent vibration at his feet. Then, the thick barrel of the tank began to emit black smoke.

"Damn, didn't you blow up the shell inside?" Zhang Fei looked down at the deformed tank at his feet. He was afraid for a while.