C100 – It Wasn’t on Credit

“If I’m not mistaken, this ebony Battle Saber is none other than the Tyrannical Saber,” Xiahou Ba remarked, his gaze fixed upon Loong Chen’s hand.

Loong Chen’s demeanor shifted slightly. Had it really been recognized?

Dugu Lengyue had previously mentioned that the Tyrannical Saber Devil King hailed from the Blade Martial House.

Loong Chen had initially assumed that the passage of time would render the Tyrannical Saber unrecognizable to these individuals.

“What if it is? What if it isn’t?” Loong Chen retorted, his momentary surprise quickly replaced by composure.

Xiahou Ba, as if sensing Loong Chen’s wariness, hastened to add, “You needn’t be concerned. I harbor no ulterior motives. I simply wish to inquire about the origin of this Tyrannical Saber.”

“Why should I divulge that to you?” Loong Chen shot a scrutinizing glance at Xiahou Ba.

While the existence of Tyrannical Saber Devil King’s treasure vault was not a closely guarded secret, it was prudent not to disclose it to just anyone.

After all, Tyrannical Saber Devil King had been a formidable warrior of his era, and his legacy had attracted the attention of many covetous individuals.

“Because Tyrannical Saber Devil King is my great-grandfather,” Xiahou Ba sighed, revealing a family connection that took Loong Chen aback.

Loong Chen was slightly astonished. Xiahou Ba’s lineage held a substantial tie to Tyrannical Saber Devil King.

With this revelation, it seemed Xiahou Ba possessed the legitimacy to inquire about the Tyrannical Saber’s origins.

“My great-grandfather vanished a century ago. My grandfather and father are fervently searching for him, even if it means uncovering his remains,” Xiahou Ba explained, his voice tinged with melancholy.

For the descendants of the Tyrannical Saber Devil King, not being able to find their great-grandfather was an unbearable torment.

Loong Chen couldn’t bear witnessing Xiahou Ba in such distress.

Loong Chen had grown up an orphan, with his parents vanishing from his memory at an early age.

Therefore, he could empathize with the agony that Xiahou Ba’s family endured.

“I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you. I don’t possess any knowledge of your great-grandfather’s whereabouts. As for this Tyrannical Saber, I acquired it from the treasure vault he left behind.”

Loong Chen shrugged and explained. He could clearly perceive the disappointment in Xiahou Ba’s eyes.

Loong Chen was taken aback when he noticed Xiahou Ba’s fixed gaze on the Tyrannical Saber.

Could it be that Xiahou Ba intended to reclaim the Tyrannical Saber? Logically speaking, returning it to its rightful owner seemed justifiable.

“Loong Chen, we currently lack any credit points. How about we compensate you once we’re out of here?”

A forced smile appeared on Murong Yunhai’s face as he made his proposal.

“No, you can’t renege on your commitment. I previously advised you to capitalize on the opportunity to earn credit points by hunting zombies, but you chose not to heed my advice. Who can you blame now?” Loong Chen responded nonchalantly, showing no intention of relenting.

Murong Yunhai wore a bitter smile; they hadn’t anticipated this turn of events.

“All of my credit points are now in your possession. I truly have nothing left. Please, let us go,” Murong Yunhai implored, suppressing the anger simmering within him and making a sincere appeal to Loong Chen.

Loong Chen sneered, unimpressed by their change in demeanor. They had taunted and provoked him earlier, but now they were pleading for his mercy?

“I’m not accusing you of dishonesty. However, since you lack the necessary credit points, you’ll need to provide something of equivalent worth. For instance, Alliance dollars or other valuable items. We’ll base it on a 1:10,000 ratio for the Alliance dollars.”

Murong Yunhai was on the verge of exploding with anger upon hearing Loong Chen’s words.

This meant that obtaining 50,000 credit points would necessitate an astonishing 500 million Alliance dollars.

Did Loong Chen think that Alliance dollars grew on trees? How could he demand 500 million?

“Aren’t you essentially deceiving me?” Murong Yunhai’s clenched fist and indignant words echoed in the air.

A surge of potent Qi emanated from Murong Yunhai’s body as he seethed with anger.

However, even before Loong Chen could rise to his feet, Dugu Lengyue, Zhao Yun, and their companions blocked his way.

“Are you seeking a confrontation?” Dugu Lengyue’s frigid tone sent a chill through the atmosphere, immediately suppressing Murong Yunhai’s Qi.

Loong Chen remained nonchalant, regarding Murong Yunhai with a slight smile.

“I won’t impose this on you. The choice is entirely yours. However, you have only one minute to contemplate it.”

In that moment, Murong Yunhai felt an unbearable pressure. Despite his inner turmoil, he knew he couldn’t defeat these individuals.

Eventually, Murong Yunhai lowered his head and returned to Murong Yuntian’s side.

After half a minute of discussion, the two brothers managed to gather 400 million Alliance dollars.

Although Alliance dollars couldn’t quite match the value of credit points, they were still quite substantial.

Despite the natural talents and noble birthright of the Murong brothers, this was the maximum amount of Alliance dollars they could produce.

They also presented a collection of talismans. The Green Cloud Temple possessed a wealth of these talismans, each imbued with unique abilities like fire or ice, suitable for both offense and defense.