C225 – The Surviving Amy

A distinct part of Loong Chen’s soul quivered abruptly, as a familiar sensation permeated his being.

“It’s them!”

Instantly elated, Loong Chen recognized these familiar auras as those of the few mutated beasts he had tamed near Polish City.

Unable to relocate them previously, he had left them in the wilderness surrounding Polish City.

“They’re beyond the city walls.”

Loong Chen vanished from his current position in an instant.

The Flaming Eagle Owl and Phoenix exchanged glances before departing the city.

Upon Loong Chen’s reappearance, he found himself deep within the mountain range.

Scanning the vicinity fruitlessly, Loong Chen discerned no signs of the beasts. However, his spiritual connection assured their presence.

“Could they be underground?”

A sudden realization struck Loong Chen. Extending his divine psychokinesis, he swiftly detected a cavern several hundred meters beneath the surface.

Inside were the mutated tiger, mutated cheetah, and other beasts he had subdued, along with an unexpected addition—a woman.

“Loong Chen!”

Standing in close proximity to Loong Chen, Amy reached her breaking point. She threw herself at him, embracing him tightly.

“Loong Chen, Uncle Charlie and my father are gone. Everyone in the city is gone. I’m all alone now.”

Amy’s slight frame trembled incessantly. Concealing her sorrow within her heart these past days had taken its toll, almost rendering her numb.

Upon seeing Loong Chen, all the pent-up sadness she had harbored erupted.

Loong Chen felt a pang in his heart. Amy was merely a 15-16-year-old girl.

Initially leading a contented life, her world had abruptly shattered. Regardless of her age, coping with such a tragedy would be daunting.

Tenderly, Loong Chen stroked Amy’s back and spoke softly.

“I’m sorry for arriving late, but you have me now. You mustn’t give up.”

He sensed Amy’s inclination toward self-harm. When someone loses all attachment to life, they become incredibly vulnerable.

Hence, he needed to instill in Amy a will to live.

True to his expectation, upon hearing Loong Chen’s words, a glimmer of vitality returned to Amy’s despairing eyes.

“Loong Chen, you won’t leave me, will you?”