C254 – Star Glory Emperor(2)

“That seems reasonable. We could each compromise, with every Alliance member sacrificing an arm.”

“Then I can overlook this incident.”

Loong Chen spoke in a frosty tone, causing the Star Glory Emperor’s expression to immediately sour.

This was an unthinkable proposal. Unless they had mastered a skill akin to the Law of Life, regenerating an arm would be a formidable challenge, even for Emperor-level fighters.

Especially for the others.

Losing an arm would decrease someone’s fighting capability by no less than 30%.

How could they consent to this?

“Are you making light of this?”

The Star Glory Emperor questioned sternly, though Loong Chen merely responded with a smirk.

“Weren’t you the one who joked first?”

The Star Glory Emperor’s face underwent a complete transformation.

“Are you certain you won’t resolve this amicably? Remember, all five major forces have their last resorts. If they decide to go down fighting with you, no matter your strength, you might safeguard yourself, but can you ensure the safety of the entire Dragon God Temple?”

“Consider them, even if not for yourself.”

Loong Chen left no room for negotiation, asserting his position clearly.

“Now, you have two choices: leave and maintain peace, or stay and become enemies.”

Upon delivering his ultimatum, Loong Chen released a formidable presence.

At that moment, the atmosphere and the environment seemed to transform.

The Star Glory Emperor’s expression grew conflicted.

Staying would mean a complete rupture with Loong Chen.

However, departing would be a blow to his prestige.

This encounter could lead others to perceive him as fearful of Loong Chen and the Dragon God Temple.

The Star Glory Emperor struggled with his decision.

Yet, he quickly resolved to make a choice.

“Chen Qingyun has been my ally before. I owe it to him not to desert him lightly, yet I wish not to be your foe.”

“I’ll execute my most powerful strike soon. If you can withstand it without retreating, I’ll refrain from meddling in your conflict with the five powers.”

“If you retreat, then we’ll consider the matter resolved.”

“What are your thoughts on this proposal?”