As soon as I received the notice, the book will be available at twelve tonight.

Before I wrote a novel, I heard that some seniors often said, "The person who writes a novel deserves to be single, just like e-sports. It is not worthy of having love, and if you are not careful, you will succeed in cultivation."

At the time, I was still wondering, wasn't this novel very leisurely? A cup of chrysanthemum tea in the morning, occasionally brushing the drama to read the book, and writing some texts in the free time to post, the small days should be beautiful, so I think the people are definitely selling miserably! That's right, it must be selling miserably! !

Later, I finally realized in my tears that singleness really should, and the success of cultivation of immortals is also very fast~~

Since writing the novel, I have been in love with Te Niang. The reader is my girlfriend. My life is only a Word document that I open every day!

Update three chapters, everyone is short!

Update four chapters, everyone said short and weak! !

Update five chapters, everyone said it was boring, short and weak for another day! !

Update six chapters, everyone said that the next **** is all ten chapters, you are short and weak, spicy chicken! ! !

Author Jun: "????????"

So, I spent every day in various black question marks, and the day of sleeping at 10:30 no longer exists. Every day, in order not to be shorted (you know, men can’t be short), I update to twelve at night, Started the life of cultivation of immortals, don't ask me to what level immortal cultivation, ask is that the brain is broad-minded and want to fly!

Let’s talk about it on the shelf. It’s a coincidence. December 31 happened to be the author’s birthday. I hope everyone can support the genuine version. Come to QQ to read and subscribe to the genuine version. Don’t look at the pirated version. After all, the genuine version won’t cost much money. It can be seen for a long time. Here, the author sincerely hopes to receive surprises from the invincible and cute book friends this year, and hopes that the first order can break a thousand or even two thousand. Of course, three thousand (dreaming) is the best.

After all, writing a book also requires a meal. With so much time written every day, it is impossible to generate electricity for love, isn't it? So at least you have to eat enough to continue to spend a whole day writing it down. Besides, you don’t want the author to continue to be a 10,000 year old single dog? In the future, I have to save some money. What do I do? I believe you understand it.

Talk about the update after the listing, update 15-20 chapters on the day of listing (a spit of old blood!).

Tonight is the morning of 00:02 to 1:00 to 5 chapters; 12:00 to 5 chapters; 18:00 to 5 chapters; everyone give it, 22:00 to 5 chapters, a total of 20 chapters! ! !

This time, who said I’m short, I’m going to use a hammer to knock your mind wide, and then use the brother’s two ritual gang hammers to hit you until I can only use my floating fist to save my life. Short! !

Everyone who has followed along knows that all the chapters of the author are written now, and there is no point to save the manuscript. I must stay up all night for the fifteen to twenty chapters, and then burst the liver the next day. That's it! The author Jun is so hard, you still say that I am short, then you will be bright and ready to be beaten! !

After the shelves, everyone supports the genuine version. Eight more! ! Nine more! ! ! Ten more! ! !

Don’t talk about the next great god, or the author is too short! You give power, the author gives life, it’s not short of your support, 10 is nothing, everyone is responsible for voting, the author is responsible for 10, is not just staying home for a day? Bakugan walked up and wrote a novel to go to Te Niang's love! ! ! !

The above promises are real and effective! And since the book has been written by the author Jun has never missed the appointment, said the six bases and six bases absolutely, you can say ten and ten!

Finally, don’t know if there are cute and invincible handsome guys and beautiful women on the New Year’s Day? Seek a wave of rewards, after all the books are on the shelf, the author still fights so hard, don't you reward it? (Pan head protector, afraid of being beaten)

Uh... there seems to be nothing to say.

I hope everyone will support the genuine version, and I hope that all the author's efforts will be rewarded.

After all, on the birthday, I will give you code words at home all day. Everyone must not let the author Jun Han feel o(╥﹏╥)o~~. .

My expectations for everyone are really big. The author sincerely hopes that he will get an unprecedented surprise in the statistics the next day.

Here, the author wishes everyone a happy New Year's Day and can find a boyfriend and girlfriend. Don't be a single dog for thousands of years like the author~~