"Lou Huanyan..." the pale wolf king's eyes twinkled with anger.

When he wanted to reply, Lou Huanyan's left hand metal eyes were slightly lit with bronze light, and then the pale wolf king's eyes directly lit up a strange light.

Yu Tian moved slightly in her perseverance.

He felt that the metal eye had a very strange use.

Lou Huanyan seldom uses this move in front of the enemy. If he uses it, it shows that he has a mind to kill the enemy.

It is rare to see the fossil of "tianfawei".

Although the pale wolf king's eyes are somewhat inanimate, Yu Tianheng can still see a bit of spirit.

It's like...

Yutian perseveres in his mind and releases his spiritual power that can reach the level of peerless Douluo to explore.

He felt another wave of mental power from the pale wolf king.

Yu Tianheng suddenly raised his head.

the mental wave as like as two peas on the floor.

"Control consciousness equipment? "Yu Tianheng murmured.

It is estimated that there is not a single piece of such equipment on the whole of Douro.

Then, Lou Huanyan took out a piece of equipment that yutianheng didn't know what to do.

It was a dark stick with some thorns on it.

I saw Lou Huanyan with this stick in the air to draw a few symbols, with a horizontal line directly through all the symbols.

These symbols shine black light, and then a black cage is formed around the pale wolf king.

The pale wolf king suddenly raised his head and sensed something extremely dangerous. His consciousness seemed to recover.

Lou Huanyan passed away with a cheap smile on her face and frowned. The movement of the amulet on her hand accelerated.

Although the fossil pupil is strong, it is impossible to suppress a hundred thousand year old beast once triggered.

Can suppress the pale wolf king for a few seconds already let Yu Tianheng very surprised.

All of a sudden, Yutian kept moving.

He thinks it's appropriate to have a skill at this time.


See just wake up a little bit pale wolf king eyes directly restored to the godless.

Yu Tianheng subverts the fact that "the wolf king is about to recover his consciousness".

It's true...

Yu Tianheng says in his heart.

If he subverts "wolf king can awake", the difficulty is too high, but if the requirements are reduced, the consumption and difficulty will be much less.

Lou Huanyan is stunned and looks at Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng smiles and owes himself.

Lou Huanyan also returned a gift with a smile.

"This stupid wolf is still useful, Mr. Yu, thank you for your help... Well, we have nothing to give you, just give you a rune made by ourselves." Lou Huanyan said with a smile.

Immediately, he drew a complex and extremely complex symbol with a black stick, which appeared directly in Yu Tianheng's hand.

"This Rune can be hit by yourself. As long as you pour the energy of a blow into it, you can save it forever until it is used, and then you can inject power into it again, using that stroke without consuming any of your own energy. "

With that, Lou Huanyan disappeared with the pale wolf king.

Yu Tianheng's eyes are in a puff.

It's not bad. It's good.

It can save lives at critical times.

What makes him awkward is that although Lou Huanyan always shows great respect and even uses the honorific words "you", Yu Tianheng always wants to hit him.

And he thought the spell might have other side effects.

However, you can't stop eating because of choking, so you don't need this charm directly...

the nine soul rings around Yu Tianheng appear, and the ninth one suddenly lights up.

A touch of black emerged from Yu Tianheng's hand, and then poured into the charm on the back of his right hand.

Feeling the consumption of soul power in his body, Yu Tianheng is a little surprised.

So far, he hasn't felt any side effects.

One of his ninth soul skills is one of the top killing soul skills, which is directly put into the spell.

Then Yu Tianheng flew back to the camp of the pale werewolf directly with twist.

At this time, more than 80 elite members of the blood clan were slightly injured, but none of them were seriously injured, and none died. They were besieging the last dozen pale werewolves.

Because of the existence of the floor, pale wolf king hanging faster than imagined.

After cleaning up the last few pale werewolves, yutianheng led the team back to Lanling city.

Yu Tianheng felt that his military action was fast. Even if the two so-called princes reacted, they had no time to transfer troops.

Yutianheng and his party of eighty-six people moved extremely quickly, but the next evening they returned to Lanling city.

At this time, the atmosphere of killing in Lanling city has become more intense.Yutianheng and other people used their own means to sneak back to the prince's mansion directly.

"Mr. Yu." Xu Zhiyu sees Yu Tianheng's figure appear in the mansion, flash a touch of excitement in his eyes.

"The landlord has brought back the news, and all the pale werewolves, including the pale wolf king, who came to invade this time, have all died."

"Mr. bitter jade."

On one side, Mr. Gou said, "since Mr. Yu is back, let's work hard. We will directly launch military admonition."

Yu Tianheng was silent for a moment and said, "are you sure that Lou Huanyan is not the enemy? ... "

Xu Zhiyu shook his head and sneered:" my father Emperor... Since he chose to cultivate us by raising poisonous insects, we expect that sooner or later such a day will come...

"in this case, the building master will not be the absolute enemy... I will give him an answer..."

Yu Tianheng squinted and laughed.

Good nature.

"Sir, there is a secret road in the prince's residence, which can connect with the outside of the city. Now I still have 5000 outside the city..."

Yu Tianheng raised his hand and laughed.

"No need."

"Since it is confirmed that Lou Huanyan is not the enemy, it is easy to handle."

"Just behead."

Xu Zhiyu was stunned.

"Are you sure, sir?"

Yu Tianheng nodded.

"As long as you don't care about fame or anything."

Xu Zhiyu smiles.

"History is written by the winners. No matter what means are used, if you win, everything will be fine."

Yu Tianheng smiles and owes himself slightly.

"Your Highness, please give me the address of the person you want to behead and a map of Lanling city."

Xu Zhiyu nodded, turned his head and said a few words to a servant beside him.

Within minutes, the valet came over with a scroll in his hand.

"This is my second younger brother's residence. This is my sixth brother's house. To kill Lao Liu first is far better than his second brother's. However, no matter what plot he has, killing him will make everything easier."

"And all the people in these Mansions can be killed." With that, Xu Zhiyu drew a few circles with a feather brush.

Yu Tianheng took the map and nodded.

He didn't mind being a knife, because when he came to this world and was still confused, the prince didn't care about his identity, took him in and let Mr. Gou heal his wounds.

It's enough for a full help from him.