At the sight of him, Shu Shu ‘hmph’ at him and Yu Yu rolled his eyes.

She continued walking down. Yu Yu walked down as well. They went down the stairs with him following behind her.

Yu Yu looked at her backside. Her slight curly hair flowed down her thin waist that could easily fit in his hand. She was an attractive woman indeed, but…

“What are you looking at?!”

Shu Shu scowled at him.


“How do you know I’m looking at you if you’re not looking at me? Do you think you have anything good to look at?!”

“Yeah right, for a person like you, it’s also pointless to look at women!”

“**! What do you mean, a person like me?”

Fbw Fbw aszzle bla lulcyzzp wr, tkhkdt bkx y rlaqlnv lul aszz, dsv nyakdt ycswv bla kxytl.

“Nssj yv uswaplzq, es usw vbkdj usw zssj zkjl y osxyd?!” Zw Zw oyp obszlblyavlezu ekptwpvle.

“R esd’v zssj zkjl y osxyd, R yx y osxyd. Gde obyv ycswv usw, usw pllx vs zssj zkjl y twu!”

“Twb, pwnb y osxyd zkjl usw osd’v tlv xyaakle sqq qsalhla!”

“Xb, vbld usw’zz tlv xyaakle sqq?”

Mblu oyzjle rypv vbl plnsde qzssa yp vblu cknjlale, wdyoyal vbyv yd lzelazu nswrzl bye clld oyvnbkdt vblx okvb y plryayvl ekpnwppksd yxsdt vblxplzhlp.

“Gal vblu uswdt zshlap?”

“Rxrsppkczl, vbld obu eke vblu aldv vos yryavxldvp?”

“Maybe they got into a fight?”


“That’s possible since they fought yesterday.”

“They’re fighting yet they’re still walking together, why is that?”

“I don’t know. Youngsters nowadays.”

“Youngsters nowadays.”

“The time has changed.”



Still arguing against each other, Shu Shu and Yu Yu exited the building and were about to go their own ways.

“Oh yeah, I have a question for you.”

Yu Yu looked at her, wondering what she wanted to ask.

“Are you from Thailand? It’s more suitable to live in Thailand for your situation, our country isn’t that lenient.”

She walked away after saying that, and drove off in her car.


Yu Yu stood at the same spot, blanking out for a while before finally saying,

“F*ck you.”

Shu Shu felt very content after winning the fight and decided to reward herself by going on a shopping spree.

She loaded the various sizes of shopping bags into her car. Then she suddenly remembered that she needed to buy a set of skincare products. She drove to the nearest shopping center and went inside.

Being a fast shopper, she was about to leave after picking a set at the counter when she heard a voice from behind,

“Shu Shu?”

Shu Shu turned around and saw a chic-looking woman holding the arm of a… erm, middle-aged man with an oily face.

“Hi!” She looked familiar but she didn’t remember her name.

“You’re shopping here too?” She was smiling so brightly. Shu Shu wanted to ask, who are you?

“Oh, right, I forgot to introduce him, this is my husband, vice-CEO of ‘Guang Li’.”

Then she turned to her husband and spoke sweetly, “Hubby~ This is my university friend, Shu Shu.”

Her husband gave Shu Shu a broad smile as he looked her up and down.


“Miss Shu, nice to meet you.” He was about to put his hand out.

Shu Shu quickly interrupted, “Nice to meet you too. Oh yeah, so you live here too?”

She asked the woman, so the man took his hand back.

The woman smiled shyly. “Yeah, I like this place a lot so he insisted on buying me a house here.”

Her lips twitched as she nodded with a fake smile.

“Oh, what job do you do now?”

“I’m unemployed.”

“How about you and Cheng Duanyi?”

“We broke up.”

“Ah? Then you…”

Looking at the box she was holding, she exclaimed,

“Don’t tell me you’re working as a mistress…” She then covered her mouth quickly, smiling awkwardly as if she had said something wrong.


“Shu Shu, you better find a job and a more reliable husband, since… it won’t last.”

Shu Shu felt her lips twitch again as she finally recalled who this woman was. After all these years, she certainly looked different. Her makeup was so thick that she couldn’t recognize her anymore.

“I’m not a mistress. Oh yeah, I finally remembered you, you’re Ma Yan right? You already got married?! How about Liu Jianan, whom you vowed to love till death set you apart? You two broke up? I still remember how sweet both of you were, I can’t believe you have gone your separate ways.”

Looking her shocked expression, she continued talking regretfully,

“Sigh, both of you were the ones who made me believe in love, how could you break up?”

Blinking her eyes, she ignored the darkened expression of the fat middle-aged man. She stared at her earnestly with a regretful look.

“No, we, are not suitable…”

Afraid that she might continue asking, she quickly cut in, “My name is Wei Wei now. Oh, a few classmates said they wanted to arrange a reunion. You must have a boyfriend since you’re so pretty. Why don’t you bring your boyfriend? Our class group will inform you when it will be held, so why don’t you show us your boyfriend?”

She took her husband’s arm and strode off hurriedly without waiting for her reply, looking as if she was running away.

Shu Shu sneered coldly. This woman had always acted this way ever since their university days. She looked pleasant but talked bullsh*t. What kind of logic was that? Did breaking up with Cheng Duanyi mean she’s a mistress? Did being pretty mean she has a boyfriend? She must have thought that everyone acted like her.

She didn’t know where this hatred came from. There was one time when she got sick when she was still in university. Cheng Duanyi accompanied her to the hospital to get warded for that night. She didn’t know how the woman got wind of the fact that she didn’t return to her dorm. The next day, rumors spread about them spending a night outside together.

Cheng Duanyi slapped the woman in infuriation. At that time, she truly liked how he cared for her with no regard to his dignity.

But what was the use of being deeply passionate? Men were still creatures who acted on their impulse…


Shu Shu realized she had bought too many things when she reached the carpark. But lazy people had one characteristic – they’d rather tire themselves to death than to go two trips back and forth up the fourth floor.

Holding the various sizes of bags, she met Yu Yu who was throwing garbage at the bottom floor. She rolled her eyes. You seem to always see the person you dislike everywhere you go.

Yu Yu widened his eyes as he watched the woman from the fourth floor holding so many bags that were enough for two people. He watched in awe and followed her up the stairs, mocking her from behind,

“Such a tomboy.”

They were currently between the second floor and the third floor. Shu Shu was so exhausted that she didn’t want to answer him, rolling her eyes as she continued her ascent.

Yu Yu made annoying clicking noises as he followed behind her, without any intention to lend her a hand!

When she reached the fourth floor, Shu Shu dropped her bags by the door, her hands trembling as she turned the doorknob. She looked at him who was going up to fifth floor, and said,


Yu Yu looked at her, “Hm?”

“Did anyone tell you before, you are really irritating.”


Shu Shu smiled lightly, “You’re doomed to singlehood forever!” 1


She opened the door, shoved everything inside and ‘bang’ the door shut.

Yu Yu: “……” Damn you, you’re the irritating one, you’re the one doomed to singlehood!


After she arranged her stuff, she ordered food delivery from a hotel. Although many people thought food delivery was unhealthy, she preferred that over eating half-cooked food made by herself.

After eating, she took a shower before booting up her computer again. She uploaded a post on her Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo,

[If someone bullies you, remember to retaliate three times back. If someone of your same sex don’t like you, smile; she’s just jealous because you are prettier than her.]

Attached: Enjoyed watching your various methods to envy me.

Afterwards, she commented on her own post: Today I was stopped by an ex-classmate. She spoke in a strange manner – I didn’t know why at that time. After I looked at myself in the mirror, oh~ so it was because she was envious of my beauty *smile*. I suddenly sympathized her, she looked so ugly because she lack *gesture*.

Actually Ma Yan looked decent but Shu Shu thought a girl with such a black heart like her was ugly no matter what she looked like.

Numerous comments quickly flooded her Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo. Shu Shu scrolled down.

I love Du Da: Hahaha, Du Da is so confident, but I like it!

Old Days Old Times: Now I know why that female co-worker of mine dislike me *grin*

Xi Xi: Someone dared to pick on Du Da? And not die yet?

Kakakaka: Hahaha, +1

kana: Du Da, tell her off!

No courage: hahaha, I’d like Du Da to help me tell my friend off! She tried to make me pay the bill when we eat out together, while she saved up her money to buy cosmetics *gesture*


Shu Shu replied to the sixth comment:

[Don’t tell her off yet. Don’t bring your money when you eat with her next time. Only tell her off after you’ve eaten back your money’s worth.]

She then closed the page and began to work on her novel. Being unemployed didn’t mean she was free – she was very busy too!

Around ten o’clock, the group chat planned a reunion and hoped everyone could attend. Ma Yan eagerly asked everyone to go, even going as far as to tag a few people living in the same city – Shu Shu included – saying that she was jobless now and must be able to go!

Shu Shu: ……

She even asked about her boyfriend. Shu Shu thought briefly about it before replying:

[Shu Shu: Of course he’s more handsome and younger than your husband. Oh yeah, your husband should be around fifty years old, right?]

[Ma Yan: Ah! What nonsense, he’s forty.]

[Shu Shu: Oh, he sure looks raddled…]

The chat was momentarily silent with only Ma Yan spamming the chat. Who knew if there was anyone laughing secretly behind the screen. However, there were still some polite members who cared to ask about Ma Yan’s husband and if he treated her well.

She praised her husband highly and highlighted a main point – he’s filthy rich!

She began asking about Shu Shu’s boyfriend again. In the heat of the moment, she typed:

[He’s not tall, only around 190cm; not too handsome either, slightly lacking in looks from Takeshi Kaneshiro; not very rich, he only has a few bungalows near the city center. He’s good towards me, wash my clothes and even cook for me…]

The group chat fired up after her reply. Then she finally calmed down. Err…

Unexpectedly, Poisonous Chicken Soup updated two weibo posts today! The second post stated:

[I talked big about myself, now I have to swallow my own bluff in tears / slitting my wrist…]

Attached picture: No! I can’t accept the grief!