This was a long comment:

[Whose youth is not sad: Du Da, I am heart-broken… No one is at fault. We broke up peacefully. We had a mutual liking for each other ever since high school and we made a promise to be together after graduation. When I held his hand after graduating, I felt so happy. I can still clearly remember how excited I was at that time!

Because of our results, we were forced to have a long-distance relationship. We talked to each other through the phone and we even cried because we missed each other too much. Our colleges were far away from each other. He saved up his monthly hard-earned money to buy the cheapest1 train seat just to see me. It was a whole day and night of journey!

When he was about to leave, he hugged me and cried at the train station. This 1.8 metres tall man, cried like a baby! The first year passed with us fondly missing each other’s company. The second year, we began to get busy with our schoolwork, so we didn’t have much time to see each other anymore. Our phone calls also reduced. It’s already the third year. Our long-distance relationship has hit the third year mark… I suddenly realized that previously we would call each other three times a day, but now we only had around one call per month. We just seem to be gradually growing apart.

I’m the one who asked to break up. He only replied ‘yes’ to me after a day. Du Da, we were once so in love with each other, why did we end up like this?]


Shu Shu was still reading seriously, when comments began building up.

Flowing Sand: I was also in a long-distance relationship. We broke up too, and I still don’t know how it happened…

Old Days Old Times: After I broke up with my first love, I did not have the same feelings with other men I met later on. It’s not pure anymore.

Bdqkdkpble Vasxkpl: +1, yqvla ldvlakdt vbl psnklvu, vbl twup ol xlv yal lkvbla vaukdt vs rasqkv qasx swa alzyvksdpbkr sa fwpv oydv vs vyjl yehydvytl sq uswa xsdlu *nsze*

R zshl Pw Py: Gb? Fs pnyau! Yl yde xu qkapv zshl fwpv ldvlale wdkhlapkvu kd vbl pyxl nkvu! R blyae qasx xu pldksap vbyv kv’p vokzktbv zshl2 ewakdt vbl qswavb ulya. Ohlausdl kp fwpv vaukdt vs qkde y hyzke lmnwpl vs xyjl zshl! Rp vbyv ps kxrsavydv?

Uszsa sq Wsatkhldlpp: Ohlau sze zye oyp sdnl y rwal qkapv zshl! Fktb, obld R pvyav kxytkdkdt vbyv xu qkapv zshl kp pzsozu clnsxkdt yd sze qyv xyd vss, R fwpv oydv vs zkhl xu obszl zkql yzsdl!


Fbw Fbw’p blyav ynble. Ubldt Zkxkyd oyp sdnl y twu zkjl vbyv. Ohld obld vblu pvyule kd vbl pyxl assx, bl oswze pzllr sd vbl qzssa. G nswrzl ulyap oyp yzz kv vssj qsa bkx vs pzllr okvb ydsvbla osxyd…

Fbl alrzkle vs vbl wpla ‘R zshl Pw Py’,

[Pw Py: Ebs jdsop? Yyucl usw’zz xllv psxlsdl clvvla. Kwpv nblakpb uswa qkapv zshl qsa dso!]

Gde vbld pbl alrzkle vs vbl tkaz,

[Du Da: Maybe both of you should try separating for now. Give each other a year to think about it. Maybe when you meet again after graduation, the passionate love has turned into a longer-lasting affection. Don’t anticipate it to happen. Just let it be. If you meet again, it’s a coincidence; if you get together again, it’s fate. If you missed him, just think of it as a beautiful memory. Try to be more open-minded…]


The discussion became heated up. Shu Shu suddenly realized that they were taking her as a love consultant!!!

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: I still prefer to tell people off. About these love problems, I may not be expert in it as much as you all do *wave*]

Old Days Old Times: Hahaha, I can feel Du Da’s hopelessness through the screen.

mgdp: I laughed. Du Da is going crazy.

Past: Extremely curious about Du Da’s love interest, getting told off everyday at home *bad laugh*

No ending: Hahaha, Du Da, Du Da. But what Du Da said was pretty logical

Thousand years dream: +1, Du Da can see through it



Liu An, a habitual lurker at the page, laughed at Du Da’s words.

Du Da did not just have female fans, she had quite some male fans too. Since her army of female fans had a bigger combat power and they were attacking the men today, the men naturally disappeared into the background.

They didn’t dare to speak out because this had happened once before. That time, Du Da didn’t have a lot of fans yet. There was a female fan who said that she found out the guy flirting with her actually had a girlfriend! He was just leading her on!


Du Da led all the female fans to berate the man. A male fan butt in and criticized that women were the ones who liked to lead people on, going as far as to criticize their attack on the guy.

Afterwards… The male fan deleted his account.

There was no need to describe what happened. No one dared to speak up anymore when the female fans began attacking the men. They silently lurked the comments to improve their own insight, getting to know what the women like or dislike!

Of course, Du Da knew her own limits. If it was for a reasonable purpose, Du Da would gang up with everyone else; if it wasn’t reasonable, she would also bluntly point it out.

Honestly, although Du Da was straight-forward with her actions, her views were very practical when he thought about it!

Liu An chuckled at Du Da’s words. Did this group of women really think that Du Da, with a personality like that, could be a big sister for heart-to-heart talk?

She always had a lot of ideas about how to take revenge on bastards. The long list of ways on how to fight back could always give him goosebumps from both excitement and fright!

Silently, he gave those who complimented Du Da a ‘like’.

Shu Shu scratched her head. She never knew she was actually so kind-hearted?!

Leaning on the couch, she thought about Cheng Duanyi again. Although he had his faults, she couldn’t deny that he had been good towards her over the last few years.

When they were still studying, Cheng Duanyi was possessive about her, and she only had her eyes on him. She didn’t have any other close male friends.

She maintained an average relationship with the other females. They would greet each other when they met, or help each other out about small matters, but they never had any heart-to-heart talk. Those classmates from middle high and high school were too far away and it had been too long since they last contacted each other. Wanting a serene environment was just a lie to herself.


Because no matter where she went, the laughter and joy only belonged to others. She had nothing!

She laid down on the bed feeling down. She couldn’t sleep even after shutting her eyes, and she rolled around in bed.

Unexpectedly, she sent a message to the 250 upstairs.

[250 Downstairs: Hey, you dated before?]

Yu Yu was also still awake. He stared at the message, and replied,

[250 Upstairs: Of course I did, seventy or eighty times!]

[250 Downstairs: ……]

[250 Upstairs: Why do you ask?!]

[250 Downstairs: I thought someone like you must have never dated before…]

[250 Upstairs: F*ck! What about me, why can’t I date, I tell you, a lot of people had their eyes for me, that they could even line up in a circle around the palace!]

[250 Downstairs: Oh. Cool.]

[250 Upstairs: Hey, I’ll tell you this, I…]



Both began a conversation where one bluffed and another popped the bubble. It lasted until Shu Shu fell asleep. Before she slept, she thought, no wonder humans needed to socialize!


The day before National Day had arrived. Shu Shu went up to knock on Yu Yu’s door.

“What? It’s so early in the morning!”

“Get ready now, we’re going to buy some clothes!”

Yu Yu groomed his hair, “Okay, okay. You come in and sit first! I’ll get ready!”

This was the first time Shu Shu entered his room. The floor plan wasn’t that different from hers, but there were still some distinct differences between a male and a female’s room!

Yu Yu was considered a neat person. Although some of his things were placed disorderly, his room was generally quite clean.

She looked around again, “Hey! Faster, can you?!”

“What’s the rush?” Yu Yu talked back to her instinctively.

Shu Shu’s face darkened, “Sure, I have no comment if you’d rather go in the afternoon when there are more people around, since I’m not a star!”

Yu Yu was astonished. Yeah, he almost forgot that he was now a budding star with over ten thousand weibo followers!

After Yu Yu got ready, he even put on an act by wearing a mask!

Shu Shu: “……” He really thought that he was a star?!

“Should I wear sunglasses?”

“……” She felt shameful for him.

“Nevermind, I’m not wearing it! Let’s go!”

Shu Shu followed him silently. This guy…

This was the biggest shopping outlet around here, with many high-class stores inside. It was suitable to… act cool.

“Wah! It has been such a long time since I’ve been to this place!”

Yu Yu relished being there with a face of enjoyment and indulgence.

“Idiot!” Shu Shu left him a single word before walking away.

“Hey, I tell you, you don’t understand how poor we are!” He followed her closely as he continued mumbling.

Shu Shu entered a store. After looking around, she turned to Yu Yu.

“Dead fish (Yu), look around yourself!”

“Broken book (Shu), what do you mean by dead fish?! I’m so young and full of energy!”

Shu Shu rolled her eyes at him, “Come on, don’t waste my time!”

“Okay! Okay! Okay!” Yu Yu picked an attire and entered the dressing room. Shu Shu sat down, waiting in boredom.

“Please have a drink!” The sales assistant poured her a cup of tea. Shu Shu smiled back at her.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome!”

After the sales assistant left, Yu Yu came out.

“Dang dang dang~” He sang his own introductory song.

He flipped his hair, “Do I look handsome?! Do you find yourself falling for me?!”

Shu Shu stared at him with a dark face.

“Why? It doesn’t look nice?” Yu Yu halted his movements instantly and tugged on his clothes.

This was impossible. He took such a long time in the mirror before he came out, making sure that he looked good from every angle!

Shu Shu glared at him, “Can you wear something normal!”

What was it supposed to mean, with a large area of chest showing in front?!

“Why? Doesn’t it look nice!”

“Change it!”

“Oh…” What else could he say, she was the one paying!

He changed into another suit and came out.

“I look handsome in this!”

Shu Shu: “……”

“A thug will look like a thug no matter what they wear!”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”

Shu Shu looked at him. He was dressed in hip hop fashion, looking flamboyant as he moved. He looked like a punk!

She scanned around the shop, and said,

“Let’s go to another shop!” She gave the sales assistant a polite smile as she dragged him to a shop with more proper clothes.

She picked a blue business suit and passed it to him.

“Try this on!”

Yu Yu stared at her with an exaggerated look, “Really? A formal suit? Is this necessary just for a reunion?!”

Shu Shu glared at him. Yu Yu took it from her modestly. Alright, the one’s paying is the boss!

She watched silently as Yu Yu went into the dressing room. She wanted him to wear a formal suit because she needed a stronger front. Because… Cheng Duanyi had a very strong aura…

Shu Shu didn’t want to look weak. She was especially frightened that her ex-boyfriend would look at her “current boyfriend” and thought: In the end, you only found someone like him.

She scoffed at herself. Du Da, Xiu Shu.. they were but just her personas. She was but a normal human being and she still cared about it!

After some time, the door of the dressing room opened. Yu Yu stuck his head out.

“Do I really need to wear like this?” He sounded tortured.

“Come out, let me see it!”

Yu Yu shook his head and squirmed.

“Come out now!” Shu Shu glared at him. Yu Yu came out unwillingly, as if he was tormented.