“Yellow Fur, it’s okay~” Shu Shu smiled as she petted Yellow Fur. She then turned to Yu Yu, what was wrong with this stupid fellow today? He was acting abnormal…

“Cough, what are we eating?” He asked after seeing that Shu Shu was only focused on Yellow Fur.

“Meat slices…”

When she saw Yu Yu’s eyes widened in anger, she quickly added, “It’s for humans! No dog food is added!”

Yu Yu nodded, then sat at the table. Shu Shu’s face darkened. Forget it, calm down, he was a guest.


“Only this?”

“Then what else do you want to eat?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Yu Yu.

Stunned, he felt a breeze of cool wind brushing from his side. He felt anxious.

“Ls aknl sa hltlvyczlp?” Tl ypjle nywvkswpzu.

“Mblal yal kdpvydv dssezlp!”

“Mbld yv zlypv nssj psxl dssezlp, bso nyd R fwpv lyv kdpvydv dssezlp?!” Tl pyke yp bl rknjle wr vbl xlyv pzknlp okvb nbsrpvknjp.

“Ussj kv qsa uswaplzq kq usw oydv vs lyv, kq dsv vbld esd’v lyv!”


Fbw Fbw czkdjle okvb y pxkzl yp pbl zssjle yv bkx.


“Tlu blu blu! Tso xwnb pbswze R rwv vbkp kd?”

The water was boiling. Yu Yu asked her as he grabbed the noodles.


Shu Shu changed the channel and didn’t even turn around,

“How should I know? I only eat a small bowl anyway!”

Yu Yu looked at the noodles in his hand in frustration. Then should he only put in half?

“Aiya! It dried out!”

Yu Yu was making a hassle in the kitchen, grabbing the chopsticks and not knowing what to do.

Shu Shu walked over, “Add water!”

Yu Yu quickly added water inside…

“You’re cooking so much, are you planning to cook for tomorrow too?”

“I didn’t put in that much, who knows it’ll become so much?!”

“Things expand when hot and contract when cold, we learnt this in middle school, or in primary school?” Shu Shu blinked.

“You do it since you’re so smart!” Yu Yu glared at her. Shu Shu quickly backed away.

“Better you do it…”



“Can we really eat this?” Her mouth twitched.

Yu Yu glared at her, “Why can’t we eat it! I’ll show you!”

He grabbed the chopsticks and put it into his mouth, “Cough cough cough,”

Shu Shu passed him a cup of water, “Let’s order delivery?”

He frowned in exasperation, then nodded.

The delivery food arrived after a while. Yu Yu brought it up and took the boxes out one by one, placing them on the table.

They began eating. The atmosphere looked harmonious.

Shu Shu was shocked to see him gobble up the half plate of meat slices that were already turning cold.

“Doesn’t it taste greasy?”

Yu Yu didn’t say anything. It was greasy, and did not taste good! But he didn’t know why he continued to aim his chopsticks at the plate.

Could it be because he was too kind, so he didn’t want to waste the meat slices she made with love?


After eating, Yu Yu wiped his mouth and began to speak harshly again,

“You women should learn how to cook. You can’t always eat delivery food, right? After you get married, you plan to let your children eat delivery food with you?”

Yu Yu talked with sensible logic. If you learn how to cook, I’ll consider accepting you!

“Oh, then should I go and marry a cook?” Shu Shu drank some water and asked him back.

“Don’t you like me?! And you still plan to marry a cook?!”

Shu Shu lifted her eyebrow, “I like you? Are you kidding me?”

“Hey, you are the one who confessed to me!”

“When did I confess to you?”

“Yesterday night!”

“I said that?”

Yu Yu nodded,

“You even believe the words of a drunk person…”


“People tell the truth and have more courage after they’re drunk!”

“I only know that people will talk rubbish after they’re drunk~”


“Could it be that you’re still half-asleep and dreaming! Or do you like me but you are embarrassed? Hahaha, you won’t have the chance, I like men who know how to cook!”

Yu Yu suddenly stood up and told her angrily, “You’re just a tomboy, who will like you!”

He left the table furiously and when he was about to reach the door,

“Bark bark!” Yellow Fur barked at him twice.

He glared at it, “Yellow Fur! You’re ungrateful like your owner!”

“Bang!” He slammed the door and left.

Shu Shu was still stunned. What kind of person was this!

Yu Yu returned upstairs, and clawed the wall angrily,

“Find a cook? Huh, go and find a man with an oily face! Will he be as handsome as me? As good as me?”

“Impossible to like me? I tell you, even if you kneel down and beg me, I won’t accept you as well!”

After a while, Yu Yu sat in front of the computer and opened the shopping website.

“Fuck! So many types of vegetables, who knows which kind you like?!”

After scrolling for a while, he bought the book, “Home Cooked Food Recipe”.


After the meal, Shu Shu went downstairs to throw the garbage, then walked Yellow Fur.

“Uncle, auntie! How are you?”

“Ah! We’re fine.” The elderly couple smiled till their eyes turned into a line.

“You’re alone? Where’s your boyfriend?”

“Er… We’re just neighbours…”

The auntie showed her a mysterious smile, “I saw him carry you back home yesterday.”

It suddenly felt hard to explain. Shu Shu could only smile awkwardly.

That guy upstairs, he could be pretty kind sometimes…


“Da Yu! There’s a new role, the third male lead of ‘Palace Destiny’, the audition is on Friday, you better get ready!”

“Yeah, okay” As a newbie, he naturally understood that a new drama would mean another opportunity to present himself. His manager was snobbish but now wasn’t the time for him to change manager whenever he wanted.

On the day of the audition, Yu Yu unexpectedly saw someone. Liu Xuyan.

His eyes narrowed slightly. The girl who stole broken book’s man? This person wanted to enter the industry?

Liu Xuyan saw him as well. She came to audition for the fourth female lead. This was a palace drama, so the fourth female lead also had a lot of screentime. It was pretty impressive to have such an achievement considering she’d only recently debuted.

Liu Xuyan ignored Yu Yu when she saw him. She didn’t believe that Yu Yu was someone with such a background. If he did, he would already be popular. It wasn’t easy to enter even for a fourth female lead like her.

Although Yu Yu didn’t like her, he didn’t hate her as much as Shu Shu did, since she did help Shu Shu see the bastard’s true face.

Hei hei, pui, what a joke!

Yu Yu, as the third male lead, was playing a mysterious imperial physician. And of course, following the female protagonist storyline, he likes the female protagonist.

He didn’t have a lot of lines, but since he had to follow the availability of the main leads, they still had to standby as side characters.

A few days passed and his heart began to feel empty, like a piece of him was missing. He opened weixin a few times and clicked on “250 Downstairs”, but then scrolled back out.

On the other hand, Shu Shu was also faced with a difficult problem.

She was bored so she found a tea house and sat by the river side. The entire row of shophouses beside her were also tea houses, and there was a train station not far off, with people coming in and out.

She sat quietly, blanking out and enjoyed the evening time.

Not far from her, a pair of middle-aged couple came rushing by with a child about six or seven years old. The man was hugging the child in his arms, and sat at the tea house next door quietly/.

“Can I get your order?”

The couple looked a little cautious, “Can I sit down if I order a drink? We’ll just sit here for half an hour, the train will be here in a bit.”

The middle-aged woman asked carefully.

The server nodded and handed over a menu, “It’s all written in there, you can see what you want to order.”

The woman glanced at it and perhaps thought that it was kind of expensive, “We’re not ordering, we’re about to take the train.”

The server looked unhappy and pouted her lips, “Then you cannot sit here!”

She then turned around and walked back unhappily. The couple stood up awkwardly. Shu Shu frowned as she stared at the child who was showing half of his face.

She stood up unhurriedly and bumped into them.

“Pa!” Her phone fell down, and the screen shattered.