Meng Zhao uploaded a lot of evidence and hired many keyboard warriors to bump it up. It didn’t look pretty obvious at first.


“What was that sound?”

Shu Shu walked out slowly while supporting herself on the wall. Yu Yu blinked and acted innocent.

“The phone is broken…”


“It’s okay, can we still use it?”

Yu Yu showed a face of guilt, “I can’t open it anymore, I’ll go and get it fixed.”

Shu Shu nodded. Seeing how guilty he looked, she smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ve been having a headache recently too. Didn’t the doctor ask me not to spend so much time on the phone?” She’d already applied for a break on Xiu Shu’s updates, so she didn’t really need a phone.

Zw Zw iwknjzu dseele, “Gzaktbv, R yx iwkvl qall alnldvzu vss, ps R’zz ynnsxrydu usw. Ps usw oydv vs alye y cssj?”

Fbw Fbw wpwyzzu alyep cssjp yv vbkp rzynl. Fbl ayalzu oyvnble vlzlhkpksd rastayxxlp sa rzyule okvb vbl rbsdl.

Fbw Fbw dseele, “Mbld blzr xl cwu y qlo cssjp.”

Gqvla blyakdt vbyv, Zw Zw oldv swv okvb bla rbsdl. Tl nzsple vbl essa, vbld bkp qynl kxxlekyvlzu eyajldle.

Mbl rbsdl zkv wr, kdeknyvkdt vbyv kv eked’v byhl ydu svbla kppwlp clpkelp byhkdt y casjld pnalld.

Fvydekdt yv vbl csvvsx sq vbl bsprkvyz yqvla bl cswtbv vbl cssjp, Zw Zw pbyale vbl lhkeldnl yde yvvynble psxl osaep,

[Py Zw: Mbl sdl obs oyp jdsnjle esod kp xu tkazqaklde. Mbl UUMA yzsdt vbl asye bye yzz clld nzlyale, ps R nyd’v alrsav kv yv yzz. Twb, vbkp kp obyv ol nyzz ‘rsola’. Jwv R osd’v tkhl wr.]

Tl lmrsple bkxplzq ekalnvzu. Mbl lqqlnv oyp schkswp yde vbl dlop iwknjzu pralye.

Yu Yu thought that should be enough.


Once the issue became bigger on the internet, Zou family would find out that Zou Jianguo slapped Zou Zhengyang on the cheek. With a solemn face, he made a call.

“Dad~” Zou Zhengyang frowned.

Zou Jianguo lifted his hand again. His wife stopped him.

“Jianguo, Zhengyang already knows he’s wrong. You’ve beaten him up so badly last time, why do you still want to beat him up?”

“If I don’t beat this worthless child, he’ll ruin our Zou family sooner or later! He dares to say anything in his mind, why do I, Zou Jianguo, have such a worthless son.”

“Dad, I know I’m wrong. He blocked my path and threatened to send me into jail…”

“Son, don’t be afraid, no one can send you there!”

Zou Jianguo glared at his wife, “A kind mother makes a wastrel, he ends up like this because of how you spoiled him. Zou Zhengyang, these few days you better stay put at home, don’t go anywhere else!”

Zou Zhengyang pouted his lips and nodded. He wasn’t worried at all about what happened on the internet.

As expected, the topic went off the hot searches chart after a while and got buried in various types of other news.

“**!” Although he already expected it, the speed was still beyond his expectation.

He made a phone call to the lawyer whom he’d already contacted beforehand, then updated his weibo saying that he’d already filed a case.


This issue heated up again.

At night around ten o’ clock, Yu Yu’s small fanbase shared his weibo on their own initiative. The relevant authorities’ webpage also received complaints from a massive amount of internet users.

“Da Yu, there’s no response.” Meng Zhao was a little anxious. There was no reply to his case, and they needed seven days to file a case. For a person like Zou Jianguo, seven days were enough for him to prepare.

Yu Yu let out a sigh, then seeing that his weibo about filing a case was going down in popularity, he updated another weibo.

[Da Yu: Justice will be served.]

Yu Yu’s small star status was popular on his own. Some people believed him and some people thought he was just hyping it up.

Not long after this weibo was posted, his manager’s phone call came, “Yu Yu, what are you doing?!”

Yu Yu said nothing.

“You don’t need to shoot anymore, and you also don’t need to stay in the industry any longer.”

“Da Yu, this is the best opportunity for you to develop. I don’t know who you’d provoked, but with their identity and status, do you think you can fight against them?”

“For your own good, just give up.”

Yu Yu looked at the darkening sky, then finally spoke, “My girlfriend has a lot of bruises on her body, had a brain concussion, and slept for so many days. Now she always experiences headaches. She likes to look pretty, but the upper left of her face was cut and would leave a scar permanently…”


No sound came from the other side of his phone for a long time. After a while he said, “Da Yu, the company will sue you in a few days. You should get yourself ready.”

That was the last of the manager’s words before he ended the call. Yu Yu posted a weibo.

[Da Yu: You have great power, don’t you? I just posted on the internet and the company already wants to sue me. You scum of this community.]

The internet users who followed it started a heated discussion. This issue really garnered a lot of attention. Its followers were still not that high but also not low anymore.

Yu Yu took in a deep breath and patted his face to adjust his facial expression. He pulled his lips upwards and opened the door with a smile.

Shu Shu was lying down with her eyes closed. She only opened her eyes when she heard the door opening.

“You’re here?”

“Yeah, I went to meet a friend so I’m back late. Are you hungry?”

Shu Shu wanted to shake her head, but her brows tightened once she moved. She grabbed her head and her face looked to be in pain.

“Shu Shu, Shu Shu, what’s wrong?” Yu Yu went to her anxiously and grabbed her hand before quickly pressing the bell.

The doctor hadn’t arrived yet but Shu Shu already leaned beside the bed and began vomiting. Her face looked pale, as if she was going to lose consciousness.

“Shu Shu!” Yu Yu was in a state of panic as his limbs scrambled.



“Doctor, what happened?” His eyes were bloody red as he asked anxiously.

“Nothing, it’s just a complication. We’ll give her an injection first. Do let her rest more, as for further details, we’ll do a CT scan tomorrow morning.”

Yu Yu nodded. Someone came to clean the floor. He went to get a bowl of warm water and gently cleaned her up with a towel.

“Shu Shu, Shu Shu.” He called out her name gently as he held her hand.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, “Zou Zhengyang.”

The next morning, shortly after eight o’ clock, Shu Shu was still sleeping hazily when Yu Yu and the nurse pushed her to get a CT scan, then sent her back to her room.

After ten o’ clock, Yu Yu finished cooking porridge and was able to feed Shu Shu a little before she fell deeply asleep again.

There wasn’t any big problem. It was just a complication. The medicine she took had sedating effects so Shu Shu quickly fell asleep again.

At around ten thirty, Yu Liansheng called him.

“Da Yu, how’s the progress?”


“What’s with the ‘en’, you don’t think I don’t know. You can’t even use the evidence even when you have it.”

“Dad, can you help me find out Zou family’s political rival…”

A light smile came from the other side of the phone, “It’s quite good to let you live outside for five years.” The Yu Yu in the past who would get into a fight for just a small matter had already started to use his brain. Those things that can be solved by using punches were just small matters.

“It’s because of this that I called you. I’m about to send it to you. I can’t give you a lot of help with this issue, but you can always ask me if you need money.”

“Thank you.” Yu Yu blinked, then ended the call and looked at the message that Yu Liansheng sent.

He opened the door, then looked silently at Shu Shu who was still lying there with a pale face.

He gently closed the door.


The place that Bai family lived in had tight security. Yu Yu couldn’t get in and of course it wouldn’t be realistic to wait and stop him outside either.

Yu Yu’s target was Bai Zhui, he was also a vice-director, but rumors had it that he was uncorrupted with a happy family. Both his children were successful.

This person seemed to be quite ferocious. Yu Yu took three days to find out his location.

Yu Yu couldn’t get anywhere near him when he was working during the day, and after he finished work, a car would send him back to his house directly. It was the same for the past two days, but on the third day, he didn’t go home. He changed into another car and headed to another place, it was a villa neighborhood that was quite secluded.

Yu Yu didn’t dare to go near, so he didn’t know which villa he entered.

He had to quickly get a word with him. They were people with busy schedules, so who knew where he’d be the next day. He remained outside that whole night. Luckily, the next morning, a woman with a white plaid shirt saw him out. Yu Yu quickly took a picture.

That evening on the fourth day, when it was about time for Bai Zhui to get off of work, Yu Yu went to that neighborhood. He used the photo to acquire the location that the woman lived in, then knocked on the door.

The nanny opened the door, “Who is it?”

Yu Yu smiled, “I’m looking for Mr. Bai Zhui’s ‘wife’.” The word ‘wife’ made the woman come out with a frown. At close view, he noticed that this woman had quite a big belly and looked quite classy.

“Madam Bai, can you help me contact Director Bai Zhui?”

Xu Hui frowned, “I don’t know this person you’re talking about.”

Yu Yu gave her a smile and let her see that photo on his phone.


Bai Zhui arrived half an hour later. He wasn’t in a rush or looked anxious. His face looked serious but his thin body shape and judicious face somehow made people feel at ease. The first sentence he said once he entered was, “Mister Xiao Yu, hope you’ve not waited long.”

Yu Yu frowned. Bai Zhui could pinpoint all problems with just a sentence. He knew who he was, knew why he was here. With the word ‘Xiao(small)’, it implied that he knew another Mister Yu, which was Yu Liansheng.

“Director Bai, it’s my pleasure to meet you.” He smiled as he stood up, as if he was visiting a normal uncle.

“Sit down, no need to be so formal with me, I know your father, so you can just call me uncle.”

Yu Yu sat down and went straight to the point, “Uncle Bai should know why I’m here.”

Bai Zhui poured three cups of tea, one for Yu Yu, one for Xu Hui beside him, and one for himself. He took a quick sip.

“I know, but I can only say, I’m unable to help.”

Yu Yu smiled, “Director Bai, I know you must have some ideas. I don’t need you to do anything else, you just need to stop Director Zou, don’t let him do anything illegal. You also don’t wish to see him destroy his own future and dig his own grave.”

Perhaps Bai Zhui thought that it was meaningless to beat around the bush with Yu Yu, so he suddenly told him directly, “Even after Zou Zhengyang goes into jail, Zou Jianguo is still around, so why should I help you?”

Yu Yu then smiled and lifted his cup to take a sip, “Good tea.”

He then said, “Yes, it’s because Zou Jianguo is still around. If his son is jailed, I don’t think he’ll easily forgive me.”

Bai Zhui scrutinized him, then suddenly laughed heartily, “Mister Xiao Yu’s bravery is really commendable. You are the younger generation and you’ve called me uncle, so if anything happens I’ll surely help you through it.”

Yu Yu was willing to be that bait, as an answer to Bai Zhui’s “bravery”.


The two of them spoke a few more. Bai Zhui emphasized again and again that he would look after him and wanted him to also look out for his own safety. It was after this that Yu Yu walked out.

Xu Hui leaned against Bai Zhui’s body, “You agreed just like that?”

He pouted, still kind of unhappy that he threatened her.

Bai Zhui caressed her belly, then smiled, “Dead people are best at keeping secrets.”

This small star only wanted Zou Zhengyang to go into jail, and Zou Jianguo was only an excuse to ask him to help him out. But what Bai Zhui wanted was the Zou family. Between an assaulting crime and a murder crime, there was a huge difference between them.

(TN: Starting next month, I’ll be on a hiatus, chapter updates will resume once I come back! Thanks for loving this novel thus far! Thanks and happy reading!)