Chapter 21

Name:Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka Author:
Chapter 21

After more than a year of practice, Son Goku had grown the ki in his body. At this time, his ki was no less than at the beginning of the original story. With Ayaka's guidance, Son Goku's strength was continually getting more robust.

One day, Ayaka began to formally teach Son Goku about the use of ki in battle.

"Goku, use your strongest power to attack," Ayaka said to Son Goku, then stood blandly to the side with an utterly defenseless look.

Son Goku nodded thoughtfully, then took an attack stance, his face staring intently at Ayaka.


Son Goku lightly shouted. His body slightly leaned forward and then flashed as fast as the wind rushed towards Ayaka. The original place produced a whirlwind because of the speed.

In an instant, Son Goku had arrived in front of Ayaka and launched a fierce attack on her.

Slap! Snap! Snap!

Son Goku's blistering attack didn't hurt Ayaka; instead, Ayaka smiled and dazzled amid Son Goku's attack. The attack didn't even hit her once. She then stretched out a finger, quickly took Son Goku's attack.

"This time, it's my turn to attack!"

Ayaka looked at Son Goku with a faint smile. Her gaze was like a torch, seeing the flaw in Son Goku's attack with a single glance. She then falsely pointed her finger and gently touched Son Goku's chest.


Son Goku felt as if a heavy hammer had been pounded on him. His body violently flew backward and fell heavily into place, losing his ability to react all of a sudden.

"So powerful!" Son Goku bared his teeth and said with a sad face, "Obviously, it was just a light touch, but I never thought it would have such a great power!"

"You attack with too many unnecessary movements. This will reduce the force of your attack and make it easy for your opponent to find a flaw!" Ayaka stretched out her finger and said to Son Goku, "A real attack is enough with a single blow. You should shed the unnecessary movements and gather a single point to kill with a single blow."

".Of course, that is when there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides. If the two sides are similar in strength, then do not think of a single fatal move, but a deadly one!"

Seeing Son Goku listened carefully, Ayaka was getting very interested in explaining, "In the case of similar strength, any flaw may be fatal. At this time, we must completely abandon the extra action. Try to hit with seven points, leave three points so that you don't need to give full strength, and leave no room for maneuvering. It's important to do that."

Ayaka pointed out Son Goku's mistakes in the attack, and Son Goku listened carefully to Ayaka's explanation. However, the universe was so big, and the opponents he encountered were often vastly different in strength, so the advantage of overall strength was quite significant.

Then, Ayaka began to explain the use of ki.

"Before attacking, you have to be as powerful as a spectrum and go forward!"

Upon seeing Son Goku's impatient look, Ayaka smiled and began to teach him Kamehameha.

First of all, she roughly gestured the starting stance of Kamehameha. The blazing blue ki wave shone between her hands, and then the wave was launched towards the distant mountain.


Kamehameha struck the opposite mountain and instantly cut the opposite hill in half.

Looking at the powerful Kamehameha, Son Goku cheered with a smile on his face. He then followed Ayaka's actions to use Kamehameha, but because he hadn't mastered the principle of releasing Kamehameha, the ki wave just gathered a little between his hands and soon disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Ayaka carefully explained the starting form and precautions of Kamehameha and then let Son Goku practice alone.

Although Son Goku was a little exhausted from his training, when Ayaka gave him the method and precautions, he kept practicing.

After a few days, Son Goku was finally able to release Kamehameha. Despite the slight lack of power he used on Kamehameha, which was more like a fire trail, he was already four years ahead of the original story.

Next, Ayaka began to teach Son Goku the Crane School's secret technique, "Dancing Sky Art".

"Condense the ki on the feet, and then raise yourself little by little." Ayaka taught Son Goku to learn how to float first. Dancing Sky Art was excellent combat skills. With Dancing Sky Art, many things became convenient.

Son Goku followed the instructions, and slowly his body was able to float. When Ayaka saw that his perception was quite good, she taught him even more vigorously. Finally, one day, Son Goku was able to fly freely.

Time had passed by another year, and Son Goku had reached 12, while Ayaka began to enter puberty a few years ago.

The young girl's body had started to develop, and her breasts had gradually bulged. At first, she had some discomfort; her chest was sore when her nipples and areola were changing as a small mound slowly appeared on her chest. She knew that this was the accumulation of subcutaneous glands and fat. Therefore, she chose some loose clothing when dressing because she didn't want to have a deformed body.

After the body's initial embarrassment, now Ayaka had slowly adapted to the adolescent girl's body. The inevitable development of the breasts had taken shape a year ago. Previously, it was like the size of a lotus egg, but now it was a bulging mass, a hand full of grip. The thriving look seemed to be hidden under the vigorous vitality's flesh, and there was a trend of more explosion.

As for the sensitive parts between the legs, it had unknowingly appeared. Eventually, some things must come, making Ayaka embarrassed because now, she was half tender and half-ripe. Considering that she had entered puberty, it could be expected that girls' most significant trouble would also visit shortly.

Of course, at the moment, these were still very personal changes, not enough for outsiders to come. However, the striking differences were not without consequences. Ayaka's height began to grow fiercely, and now her height had reached 1.68 meters, close to one meter seven. It was utterly a pair of height that had grown up.

Since her body began to develop, her strength increase was also pronounced. It seemed that when Saiyans entered the developmental period, the growth of strength would open the floodgates and join the fast lane.

Now, Ayaka had fully felt the change from day to day.

Besides, Ayaka's hair had grown up to her shoulders. In addition to the two long strands of hair hanging on her chest, she also had a long braid behind her back. Her dress was full of the playfulness and beauty of a young girl. Such a dress wouldn't interfere with the sensitive activities in any way and certainly did not affect the strength of the move.