Chapter 97

Name:Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka Author:
Chapter 97

One of the Earth's seas, near fragmented and numerous small islands, was a relatively large island with a humble hut. A rooster-shaped weathervane on the small roof was constantly turning under the sea breeze.

Nearly a dozen people were gathered in the hut, sitting around the television set intently watching the live report, which showed that Demon King Piccolo had stormed the Centar City's mansion and was preaching fear to the public.

"This is bad. This evil guy Demon King Piccolo has become the king of the world, and his next goal is to destroy the capital of the West City!" Yamcha indignantly banged his fist on the table. Bulma's face was full of panic and anxiety, "What to do? My parents are living there!"

"Being anxious also useless, it seems there is really no way. Even a guy as strong as Goku was defeated. Can no one defeat Demon King Piccolo?" Violet, formerly Colonel Violet of the Red Ribbon Army, cried.

Tien Shinhan, Krillin, and others couldn't help but silence. The look of resignation flashed across their faces. Demon King Piccolo was too powerful. Even if they joined forces, they could not defeat him.

"I do not know where Ayaka and the girls have gone. If they are there, we can definitely defeat Demon King Piccolo by joining forces." Oolong's body trembled when he remembered Ayaka's terrifying strength a few years ago.

"Yes, it is a pity that we do not know where they went to train. We completely unable to contact them!" Master Roshi sighed.

Because Son Goku killed Tambourine, Krillin did not die as in the original, and Master Roshi did not go with Tien Shinhan to collect the Dragon Balls. Instead, together with Bulma and others, Master Roshi hid the Kame House on a deserted island.

"Well? Who is Ayaka and the girls' you guys are talking about? It sounds like they are very strong and can defeat Demon King Piccolo?" Never come into contact with Ayaka's Tien Shinhan, and Chiaotzu asked suspiciously.

"We're talking about Goku's sister. Uh, how do I put it? Not the real sister, but their strength is also very terrifying. Three years ago when we met, they were very powerful. I think their strength must be above Demon King Piccolo!"

Thinking of the strength shown by Ayaka against the Great Ape Transformation Son Goku when he first summoned Shenron, Yamcha and Bulma were both yearning and fearful.

Tien Shinhan was amazed listening to the group about Ayaka's exploits, "Hearing you guys say so, I want to meet them in person!"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to contact them!" Master Roshi took off his sunglasses. His expression was serious, "Master Mutaito sacrificed his life to use the Evil Containment Wave to seal Demon King Piccolo.

"Master Roshi, please let me also go together to deal with the Great Demon King. It is too dangerous for you alone!" Tien Shinhan said seriously.

Among everyone present, he and Master Roshi had the highest strength.

Master Roshi's face looked grim. He refused, "No, you can not go! Your martial arts talent is excellent, and you can continue to break through in the future. This is too dangerous. We can't bury all our hopes!"

Tien Shinhan still wanted to say something but was stopped by the stern eyes of Master Roshi.

"Ah, everyone, come and see, Goku appeared on the TV!" Oolong shouted, pointing at the TV screen.


Everyone immediately gathered their eyes to the TV screen again. They saw an orange and red-figure appear on the TV. Because the camera was far away, the figure appeared blurry. However, Bulma and others could still recognize it, "It's really Goku, why did he run to fight with Demon King Piccolo again!"

Son Goku was wearing a martial arts uniform on the screen and was fighting fiercely with Demon King Piccolo. The screen flickered, the camera could not quickly capture the two figures.

"Goku's strength seems to have become much stronger. He can actually fight with Demon King Piccolo to a draw!" Krillin was full of surprise.

Tien Shinhan and Yamcha nodded at the same time. Master Roshi's eyes unblinkingly glued to the TV, "Well, that level of battle is indeed much higher than we thought, and both sides do not seem to use full strength!"

Speaking of the last World First Martial Arts Tournament champion, Tien Shinhan had a deep impression, "So it was her! What a big change!"

Indeed, these years Ayaka completely matured. She was 1.7 meters in height and was considered relatively tall. All aspects of development were outstanding and were considered a product of fine craftsmanship. The body was no longer considered a young girl. She was between a young girl and a young lady. The flowing hair added a few mature temperaments.

Yamcha turned around to see Ayaka smiled mysteriously at him. He stood there awkwardly.

After a few people have explained, Tien Shinhan's mind had an intuitive understanding of Ayaka. She was labeled as beautiful, scary, and unrecruitable.

"Hey, Demon King Piccolo was destroyed, just collect the Dragon Balls to let the people who died because of Demon King Piccolo to revive. Everything will be back to the original" Oolong said with a small mouthful of ice cream licking, looking relaxed.

"Hey, you guys do not know that Shenron has been killed by Demon King Piccolo?" Ayaka asked strangely.

Everyone was startled. Oolong's ice cream suddenly slipped on the clothes, trembling asked, "You say, Shenron has been killed? That. Dragon Ball no longer exists?"

"Yes, Demon King Piccolo summoned Shenron to rejuvenate himself, after which Shenron was killed, and now the Dragon Ball has become an ordinary stone!"

"Eh! Then you can't make a wish anymore!" Bulma showed a disappointed face.

"But you guys don't worry. Shenron is created by Kami, just ask Kami to bring back the Shenron!" Launch suggested.

"Launch, how can Kami exist?" Bulma asked. She did not believe it. How could Kami exist in this world?

"No, Kami exists. Goku eliminated Demon King Piccolo, so he qualified to go to the Heavenly Realm for training. He can make Kami recreate the Shenron!"

Time flew by, looking at the sky has darkened, and thought that Son Goku should be going up to the Lookout, Ayaka said goodbye to Master Roshi.

"Everyone practice well. In the next three years Goku will be in the Heavenly Realm to practice. Don't be pulled down too much by Goku!"

With that, the three people flew up in the air and soon disappear into the sky.

"Master Roshi, Ayaka said Goku is in the Heavenly Realm to train, what does it mean?" After Ayaka left, Krillin asked in confusion.

Tien Shinhan and Yamcha also pricked up his ears to listen. The Heavenly Realm sounded like a remarkable place.

Master Roshi took a deep breath, "I can not imagine that Goku has reached that level. He qualified to go to the Heavenly Realm! I've only heard Immortal Korin talk about the Heavenly Realm, that mysterious place above Korin Tower."

"Since Goku can practice in the Heavenly Realm, the one who instructed him to practice is the Kami!"

Everyone was shocked.

Unlike the original, they had already been up there in the past few years at the Korin Tower. Also, they had received the instruction of the Korin, but now Goku could actually receive the instruction of Kami. Thinking about it made people envious.

"Goku that guy is really surprising. Three years later, I do not know how strong he will become. It looks like he will be left far behind again." Krillin said in awe and envy, and then everyone agreed to use the three years to practice well and surprise Son Goku at the next World Martial Arts Tournament.

Watching everyone didn't get frustrated at all but inspired to fight, Master Roshi's face was extraordinarily bright.