Chapter 303 303:- Reunion『III』

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Aditya and the girls talked for a few more hours. He asked them about the things that they did in his absence. Aditya made sure to keep three of them included in the topic so that they wouldn't feel left out. He paid equal attention to all three of them.

While talking, Aditya realized that this was probably the first time, he and the girls were sitting together and talking to each other. Everyone was so relaxed and so chill. No one was worried about anything. Everyone was sharing their stories while cracking one or two jokes in between. Overall, everyone had smiles on their faces and was happy.

'Why I didn't think of this earlier? This way I can bring the three of them even closer. From now on, I must do this often.' Aditya made up his mind.

"Have you ever heard of the Great Starry Sky Empire before?" Aditya asked the name of the Empire have been destroyed over 1,000 years ago.

"I did hear this name somewhere before but I am not sure. I will probably have to ask my father. He might know something about this. Or I can just ask my brother to check the history books that are collecting dust in our library. I am sure I will find more information on the Great Starry Empire." Alicia had returned to her usual self after Aditya had returned. She now looked much happier than before.

"Probably my mother should know something about this," Riya spoke in an uncertain tone.

"Now that you have mentioned your mother, I always have been curious to know how old is your mother. Like I know that she is well over 100, maybe even 200 years old. I just want to know how long she has lived." Ever since Aditya was young she always has been curious to know the Elf Empress's real age.

Aditya heard some saying that the Elf Empress was over 500 years old. While some argued that she was already over 1,000 years old. The Elf Empress is a frightening powerful being. Normally for an elf, living a few hundred years is nothing. While someone like Riya's mother should have a lifespan of one hundred thousand or maybe one million. That was just Aditya's estimation.

Julia and Alicia looked at Riya with curious gazes as well. Both girls also looked interested in her answer. "I had asked my mother about her age. She said that she had stopped counting a long time ago. But she told me that she was over 800+ years old."

"Wow" For someone like Aditya who had lived on Earth where living more than 100 years is considered extremely rare, for someone like him, the concept of living 800+ years was difficult to digest.

"Why are you looking so shocked? I have met elder elves who are above 5000+ years old. In fact, my grandmother is rumored to be more than 15,000+ years old."


"It's kind of difficult to believe that there beings out there who have lived this long, especially in this chaotic world." This world was truly Chaotic. There were wars among factions, Empires, Kingdoms, and Dynasties. 800+ years is long enough for Riya's mother to see a Great Empire being born and also getting destroyed.

It's no wonder that not that many people know about the Great Starry Sky Empire that existed almost 1301 years ago. Other than people who study history or are interested in history, no one else would know much about the Great starry Sky Empire.

"According to my mother, once you get past that 100-year mark, the concept of age becomes changes. As immortals, unless we are killed, we can easily live a long time. If we look at how long elves normally live, my age still makes me a baby. Even a 100-year-old elf is considered a young elf."

"Even though elves and Dragons have a longer lifespan, they mature as fast as humans who has short lifespan compared to other intelligent races in this world. This kind of feels unfair."

"But you have to understand that, unlike all other races in this world, humans have the highest birth ratio. Even Incubi and Succubi that are considered embodiments of lust and sex can't reproduce as fast as humans. It normally takes at least 15 to 30 months for a Succubus to get pregnant. While a human female can get pregnant from a single night session." Hearing Aditya's words, the three goddesses blushed. Riya couldn't help but look at the pillow that Aditya still had kept on his crotch.

"For Higher beings like Elves, Dragons, Vampires, werewolves, and other such races, having a baby is very difficult. In my case, it would be a test of patience to see how many centuries I would have to wait before I can hold my firstborn." The stronger the cultivator was, the harder it became for that cultivator to have a child. Because the power of the cultivator can determine the cultivation talent of the child.

For example, the child of a Peak 5th-order Dragon will very talented in cultivation. But that very Peak 5th-order Dragon would need to wait at least a few centuries before he can hold his newborn child. For this reason, some couples try to have as many children as possible before aiming for higher cultivation.

'Sometimes, having a divine bloodline can also have its disadvantages.' It's not that Aditya wanted to have a child right now. He was only 19 years of age. But he would like to have a child when he is 35 or 40. But this wasn't earth. The laws of this world worked quite differently.

"Maybe my wives will be able to have my firstborn quickly if I work hard enough every single night." Seeing the smirk on Aditya's face, the ladies blushed and then lowered their heads. Their hearts were pounding. They did not hate the idea of having Aditya's child. In fact, it only excited them about the adventure.

"Alright, enough talking. Its time to end the meeting. Ladies, you two can return back to your bedrooms." Julia suddenly wanted Alicia and Riya to leave. As for why, Riya and Aditya can understand that.

Julia seeing Aditya smirking at her, her face turned deep red as she lowered her head in embarrassment. Talking about having Aditya's child had turned her on. Especially after not having any night sessions with Aditya for over a month. It had become Julia habit to wrestle with him every single night at least for a few hours before going to sleep.

"I have one last thing that I want to talk about before we end this meeting or discussion session of ours."

Julia, Alicia, and Riya became serious. The three of them straightened their backs and looked at Aditya with serious faces.

"What do you three think of Lara?" Aditya has been wanting to ask this question to his women for a while now. Aditya disappeared for over a month and then he returns one day with another girl who called him husband. This will make any Man's woman uncomfortable and displeased.

When Aditya pursued or responded to Alicia's feelings, he had gotten a green signal from Julia. Julia even openly invited Alicia to marry Aditya. When Riya came, even though at first Riya and Alicia argued a lot, very quickly Julia and Alicia agreed to share Aditya with Riya. But Lara's case was very different.

For a second neither of them replied. Aditya was happy to see the three of them take their time to think and answer. This showed that they cared about Aditya and also Lara.

Julia was the first one to reply. "After hearing Lara's story from Rose, I feel bad for Lara and also sympathize with her. I think what you have done is justified. It's not like you had any other options or anything. The question is which direction do you want things to move?"

Alicia took over and began to speak. "In fact, before you woke up, the three of us had discussed about this topic for a while. Currently, Lara is dependent on you because of her mysterious illness. From our discussion, thought it might take some time if we three worked together, we should be able to make a cure for her."

Riya gently held Aditya's right hand and looked into his eyes and asked in a gentle tone. "The real question is what are you going to do then? Once, Princess Lara loses her dependency on you, she would be able to live her life like a normal person. She won't need you at that time. When that happens, are you going to take her as your wife or..."

"Aditya, even though my interactions with Lara were short and brief, I like her. She has a nice personality. Her naïve and innocent mind makes me want to protect her. In fact, I am already thinking of looking after her like a big sister."

"I also feel the same."

"Lara is kind, sweet, naïve, and also innocent. I don't mind Lara being my sister." Aditya was surprised to hear this from Yandere Riya. This also shows how much Riya has changed just after staying with Aditya for a few months.

"You girls are not mad at me?"

"Why we would be mad at you? I have always supported your every action and I will continue to do so." The girls together nodded their heads.

"But there is an exception. You can't just bring some random slut or bitch to this house and expect us to accept her as our sister." Riya warned him in a threatening tone.

Seeing her expression, Aditya felt a chill running down his spine. "It would be even better if you stopped going after any bitches. But it seems girls are attracted towards you like a magnet." Riya sighed at the end. Sometimes she wondered what was so amazing about Aditya that attracted the girl's attention. It was not as if Aditya was super handsome. His looks were slightly above average.

Riya felt dumb for asking herself such questions. She knew the answer. It was written in her heart.

"Okay. I have one more thing that I want to talk about but it would be better if everyone heard it. What I want to talk about was the story that I saw drawn on the murals. Trust me, I have learned some pretty wild things."

"I will talk about it, Tomorrow. For now, let's get some rest."

"Alright." Alicia stood up with the intention of leaving but just as she stood up, she widened her eyes in deep shock when she found Riya suddenly pulling Aditya towards her and taking his lips.


Riya and Aditya continued to kiss for 30 seconds. They still would have kept going if Alicia hadn't separated them.

"Why did you do that?" Riya asked while licking her lips.

"You can't take Aditya all to yourself. He is mine too."

"Ara! So my sister is jealous." Riya covered her mouth and mockingly looked at Alicia.

It seems Riya's words had bought out Alicia's tsundere side. "I am not jealous." While Julia had kind of grown out of her tsundere side, Alicia nowadays was showing more signs of being a tsundere.

"Alright. There is no need to argue." Aditya pulled Alicia towards him. He gently held her face and gave her a long french kiss. Alicia at first was embarrassed to do this in front of her sisters but she soon responded back by wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hey! This is not fair. I also want a french kiss." Around 15 seconds later, Riya pulled Alicia away and then took her place.

Like this, both goddesses argued over who will kiss Aditya for a while. While all this was happening, Julia was enjoying the free show with a smile on her face. As for being jealous, why she would need to be jealous when she was going to have Aditya all to herself a few minutes later?



Extra addition_____

"Alright girls, both of you can leave this room now. I am feeling tired. I want to sleep." Riya and Alicia stopped their catfight and rolled their eyes at Julia.

Julia was anything but tired. Both girls could see how excited, the alchemy goddess looked.

After a while, Alicia and Riya reluctantly left the room. As soon as the door was closed, Aditya turned back to Alicia. Feeling heated gaze, Alicia blushed. The excitement in her heart was only increasing. Tonight, neither of them was going to sleep.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!