Chapter 306:- Story of the Murals [II]

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
306  Chapter 306:- Story of the Murals [II]

"Before we start breakfast, I want to say one thing to remember. Please do keep in mind that currently, Lara is sick and very weak. Her body is not that strong." Aditya then looked at Lara. "Julia, Alicia, and Riya will start working on making a cure for your illness."

"Julia is the goddess of Alchemy after all." If it was someone else in Lara's position that person would have been shocked to learn this fact but Lara instead looked confused.

"Goddess?" Lara looked at her husband and hoped that her husband would clear her doubts.

"I will explain everything. Let's not waste any more time." Aditya started eating. After Aditya, everyone also started eating their breakfast. Breakfast wasn't anything special. Breakfast was rice with curry. This isn't the meal that royalty would have but Aditya didn't care. Everyone was content with this breakfast.

Lara picked up the chopsticks and started eating breakfast with everyone. But compared to others, Lara's eating speed was slow. She mixed the curry with rice before putting the mixed rice in her mouth. She then slowly chewed her food. She did all of this while keeping her back straight.

There was an Aura of royalty around her. Like a proper noble lady, she did everything in an orderly manner. Her movements were smooth and fluid.

While eating, Aditya looked at Lara. If Lara wasn't comfortable with this breakfast, he would simply ask the maids to make something that Lara would like to eat. For Vampires, their real source of food was blood. But aside from drinking blood, anything that Vampires eat goes to waste. Other than blood no other food gives vampires any nutrition.

Previously since Lara hadn't awakened her bloodline, she was like a human. Her body was able to absorb nutrition from the food that she had. Now that Lara also had awakened her vampire bloodline, she needed blood. Her thirst and hunger cannot be satisfied with human food.

To Aditya's surprise, Lara didn't look the least bit uncomfortable having such a simple breakfast. But Aditya can tell that this kind of breakfast didn't suit Lara's taste.

'I should ask Lara about her likings.' Aditya noted this in his mind.

"When I was trapped in the Icy Shattered Ruin, I saw a big mural. Before others can understand what story was written on the murals, the Maneater monster had killed them." Hearing Aditya's words, everyone turned their attention to Aditya.

"Aditya, did you understand what was written on the murals?" Asked Adam to which Aditya nodded his head.

"These murals were about different eras. This world has a long long history. The history of this world is so long that we don't even know 5% of the world's total history. The universe is very complicated. There are so many things that are shrouded in mystery. You all might wonder why I am saying things like this. It is because of the story that I understood from reading the mural."

"Among all the eras that have come and passed, there were a select few eras that are still remembered to this day."

"Let's talk about an era that changed the shape of this world. This is the era that is also considered the darkest era of this planet."

"You're talking about the time when Demons managed to find their way to this world?" Sophia asked.

Aditya was a little surprised that Sophia knew about this era. Sophia noticed her daughter giving her a surprised look.

"Now what's with that look? Nowadays, you are staying here. Zak is at school. And your father is working. So how am I supposed to spend my time? I have picked up a habit of reading books from the library." Hearing Sophia's words, Julia felt guilty.

'I should visit more often.' Julia made up her mind to visit her mother at least once a week.

"In one of those books that I read around a year or two ago, I came to know more about the Demon invasion. Unfortunately, reading that book only made my confusion grow as there wasn't sufficient information."

"I know that the Demons somehow managed to come to this world but I don't know how. I don't know what started this massive fight between Demons and the residents of this world. I know what was the motive of the Demons in coming to this world. In the book, I only managed to learn about the casualties and the effects of the Demon Invasion." Sophia hoped that she would be able to learn more from Aditya.

"In the mural, it was shown that the Demons came to this world using the portals. As for how the portals were created, I am not sure. Maybe someone from the Demons side had the ability to open portals between these two worlds. Maybe the demons managed to influence someone in this world to open portals to the Demon world. Anything can be possible."

"In the murals, the demons first came to the Westnia. Later from Westnia, the demons came to the Dying Isle continent and later, the demons attack the Celestial Terrain and The Dry Savanna. All of this happened within the span of a few months. Seeing this, the powerhouse of that time came together. Among them, there were seven prominent heroes."


"Yes, Hero. The names of the 7 Heroes have been long forgotten. I doubt anyone in this current world remembers the names of the 7 Heroes." With time people forgot about their savior.

"The 7 Heroes possessed extraordinary powers. Along with the seven Heroes, the inhabitants of this world fought and engaged the Demons in a long fierce battle. A war that would continue for more than 1000 years. This era is known as the Ages of Cruelty."

"The Ages of Cruelty started when the world was consumed in darkness...

when there was misery everywhere.....

when there was poverty and suffering in every direction...

when the smiles of the people had been taken .....

when the land had turned red from the blood of the fallen..."

"It was an era that saw the end of more than hundred of millions of lives. More than 50% of the planet's total population had been wiped out in this Invasion. In this darkness, the seven heroes came to the world as a ray of hope. The heroes became the sunlight and the source of courage the people needed."

"After The Ages of Cruelty, there was The Aeon of Waste. The era lasted about 5,000 years. In this era, the land and also the population slowly started to recover from the Demon Invasion."

"The Ages of Cruelty had left the entire planet on the brink of collapse. There was suffering everywhere. The population also had fallen all-time low. All the Heroes also disappeared. All the top can keep it up!!!


factions and Empires had fallen by the end of the Invasion. And the empires that managed to survive were barely able to hold themselves."

"Just when the people thought that they would finally be able to enter the golden age, the greediness of many empires started a new age that would go on to last for more than 15,000 years. The Bloodshed Era had begun by the end of The Aeon of Waste. Every Empire in this era fought against each other for dominance."

Aditya drank some water before continuing. "The Bloodshed Era is coming to an end. It was written on the Mural, that in the next 1,000 to 1,500 years, a new Era will come. This new Era will change the shape of the continents. The power structure of the world was about change."

"As 1301 years already have passed, I would say that this current time would truly mark as the end of the Bloodshed era and the beginning of a new era."

"Does that mean, another new threat is going to appear?" Hearing innocent Clara's words, Aditya closed his eyes and remembered the words that the Origin Dragon Michael had told Aditya.

["I had a dream where the Dragon Monarch was in the center of it. The Dragon Monarch would face very strong enemies. Each of them has the power to annihilate a continent. If even a single of them was left behind, they could bring endless chaos to the land. The Dragon Monarch must unite all the Dragon races and Dragon clans in this world to fight these enemies."] Aditya remembered these words said by Michael.

'When I visited the Majin village, Zachery had told me about a prophecy about a Red Dragon. There is no doubt that this Red Dragon in the prophecy is me. This is the markings of a new era and from Michael, I have been warned about the enemies that I will face.' Aditya knew that he had very little time left before the world throws him and his Empire into a new threat.

After a silence that lasted more than 5 minutes, Aditya finally replied. "Nothing like that would happen." Aditya lied to Clara as he didn't this little girl to worry. Clara already had seen too many cruel things in this world. Losing her parents and being forced to live in her homeland wasn't easy for her. Now that this girl had started enjoying her life, Aditya didn't have the heart to take that away from her.

When Aditya replied, everyone except for Zak and Clara knew that Aditya had lied. He had kept some things in his heart.

"There are a few other Eras that existed before The Ages of Cruelty." Aditya now had a big worry in his heart. Though he pretended as if nothing had happened, inwardly he had a sense of urgency. His heart wasn't calm at all. There are tons of things that he needed to do before those beings came.

'The illusion of peace around the world is about to break.' Somewhere far away, a being opened his eyes in the darkness.

"The time has come."


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