Chapter 320 320:- Power Of Rune Monarch [II]

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
"Did you feel as well?"

"Yes, I felt the mana wave."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Aditya watched as the people of Zion city started panicking seeing the barrier forming over the entire island.

"Oh my god!"

"What is happening?"

"Everyone there is no need to panic. I am sure this is just some defensive barrier built by his Majesty to increase the security of this island." One of the men tried to calm everyone. But the man himself looked unsure of his words.

"How can you be so sure?"

"What if this barrier was built to trap everyone within this Island?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no way that an enemy would dare to build a barrier around the entire island. And even if this barrier was meant to trap all of us here, I am sure His majesty would send troops to break the barrier and deal with the enemy."

Aditya could see some minor groups of people placing their hopes on the Emperor while most just panicked. Also at the same time, many wealthy people rushed to use the teleportation array. At this moment, they just wanted to escape from this island. These people feared being trapped on this island forever.

The guards in response closed down the gates of the city. No one was allowed to enter or leave the town till things calmed down. The entire Zion city was panicking. The people were afraid of the unknown.

"I guess it's time to finish the job." Aditya put a black mask on his face and then disappeared into the crowd.



"Quickly Activate the Defensive Array." Under Captain Leon's orders, a transparent dome-like barrier formed, covering the entire Zion city.

"Now activate the second defensive Array."


A second transparent dome-like barrier formed, covering everything within the second wall.

At the same time, hundreds of troops rushed out of the training ground and the camps. Some of the troops joined others in guarding the second wall while the other troops went to guard the first wall. At the same time, a group of troops was dispatched to control the panic situation and keep the public under control.

"Everyone load the Magic cannons. Get ready to fire on my order." Hundreds of magic cannons were loaded with magic cannon balls. At the same time, a greenish transparent barrier formed in front of each cannon. These barriers were meant to protect the soldiers who were responsible for firing and loading the Magic cannons.

"Magic archers, take your position. Get ready to shoot on my order." Thousands of Magic archers stood on the walls. The archers were ready to launch their magic arrows on the order of their Captain.

Everyone was very tense. This was the first time in the history of the Shadow Islands Empire, that someone has dared to openly attack the capital. No Emperor has dared to do something like this before.

Leon stood along the magic archers on the second wall and calmly observed the whole situation. Leon is a high elf. Leon was born with the unique ability to be able to sense any disturbance within the Mana that freely floats everywhere in this world. By sensing the disturbance in the Mana around him, Leon is able to fight cultivators who have the power to hide their Aura or has the skill to become invisible.

30 seconds later, a displeased look appeared on Leon's face. Leon angrily looked back and shouted. "Where are the Necromancers that I asked for?" Leon angrily asked.

The vice-captain of the guards stepped out of the crowd.

"Reporting Captain, we have a big problem on our hands." Unlike Leon, the vice-captain and all other guards were wearing full body armor. Leon had worn battle armor. But he did not wear his helmet.

Leon wasn't a bit happy hearing this. "What problem?" Leon secretly made up his mind to punish whoever was responsible for creating that problem. In such an emergency situation, they needed to move as fast as possible. Every second in this situation mattered a lot.

"Captain, the teleportation array is not working for some reason." The vice-Captain looked a little bit afraid of the reaction that Captain Leon was going to show hearing this. After all, everyone knew how short-tempered Leon was.

Although elves are known to be calm and gentle by nature, Leon is someone who is totally the opposite of this. Leon easily lost his temper. And whenever he lost his temper, someone was destined to suffer or worse die at his hands.

The Previous vice-Captain was killed by Leon when the vice-captain made a small mistake which angered Leon.

"What? The teleportation array was working fine a few minutes ago. If there is any problem then change the Mana stones. The teleportation array must not be working because the mana stones have run out of energy." Leon calmed down after sighing.


"This is the most basic thing. Why did you not change the ...."

"Captain, I apologize for interrupting you but we already have tried it."

"What?" Leon was confused.

"Captain, even after we changed the Mana stones we couldn't use the teleportation array at all. No matter how much we tried, the teleportation array is not even activating." These words froze Leon's brain for a second.

Leon was at a loss. He didn't know what to do in such a situation. The reason Leon called for the Necromancers is that their ability to turn dead into undead would really help them if in case the enemy managed to break the first wall and attacks the second wall.

However, Leon was the Captain of all the guards. He had around 5,000 troops under his command. He quickly calmed himself and thought of a different solution.

"Send someone to call the Necromancers. As for the issue with the teleportation array, I feel that somehow accidentally one of the rune circles was damaged which prevented the array from working."

"There is nothing wrong with the teleportation array." Leon and the Vice-Captain looked at the woman who appeared next to Leon.

The woman had tan skin and neck-length black hair. She had a muscular built body. She was 6 feet tall. She is one of the three generals of the Shadow islands empire. She is an Amazonian serving Liam George. Her name is Melissa.

"General!" Leon and the other soldiers all saluted the general.

Melissa ignored everyone and looked in a certain direction. "It seems the mana wave from earlier is somehow stopping the teleportation arrays from working. This means that at this moment no one can enter or exit this island."

Normally the soldiers would use the teleportation arrays to reach the first wall but now that the teleportation arrays were not working, they had no choice but to run there on their feet which would take 5 to 10 minutes depending upon the soldier's speed. As the entire Zion city population lived between the first and second walls.

Hearing this both Leon and his Vice-Captain were shocked. What kind of power did the enemy have to prevent the teleportation arrays from working?

Seeing the soldiers looking worried, Melissa smirked while placing the black spear on her shoulder. "There is no need to be so worried. Just stay here and defend the second wall. I will deal with the enemy."

"I am here." Suddenly the air around the walls became dense. All the soldiers for some reason felt choked. Even Captain Leon wasn't spared. Leon and others felt suffocated. Even breathing seems to have become the most difficult thing for them.

Melissa widened her eyes sensing Aditya behind her. The Amazonian was shocked by the fact that someone managed to appear behind her without her noticing. Even most Peak 5th-order cultivators can't sneak up on Melissa much less lower-order cultivators. She quickly turned around and face Aditya.

"Who are you?" Melissa took a moment to observe the enemy. The enemy's entire body was covered in Crimson lightning. His entire face was hidden under a mask. He had dark blue hair. He had a black powerful sword in his grasp. The sword seems to vibrate with his Mana and release powerful killing intent.

Though the General appeared to be calm and confident. But in deep the Amazonian wasn't calm. Normally Melissa would welcome challenges and make her excited when facing tough opponents, but this time, when she stood in front of this man whose face was hidden under a mask, Melissa felt fear. She felt nervous. She felt hesitant. For the first time in her life, the general wished to have backups while fighting this man.

"Sorry, but I can't tell you my identity at the moment. But if you agree to work for me then I will not only show you my face, but I will also make you even more powerful. What do you think?" Aditya was interested in Melissa mainly because of the fact that this Amazonian is really young. Melissa was only around 22 or 23 years old.

In Aditya's opinion, it would be a waste to kill this woman. Instead, he invited Melissa to work for him and the Istarin Empire. Using the resources in the Istarin Empire, Melissa could reach Peak 5th-order in no time.

"Work for you? Thank you for the offer but I am not going to betray my King. We Amazonians never break our oaths. I have sworn to serve this empire." Melissa didn't ridicule Aditya or mock him for inviting her. Even though it appeared as if Aditya's cultivation was at Peak 3rd-order, the Aura around him was already something else. Amazonians respected and also admired strong people.

"That's a shame." Aditya was about to end Melissa's life when he sensed the arrival of two other generals.

"So you're the enemy." All the soldiers sighed in relief as they stepped back. The reason for this was the arrival of two other generals.

On Melissa's right, there was a 5 feet 8 inches tall middle man. The middle man had no hair and was completely bald. He held a black staff in his left hand. He is the second oldest general of the Shadow Islands Empire. His name was Clark.

A man with long black hair reaching his back stood on Melissa's right silently. The man had a silver sword. He wore white pants and a white Shirt. The man had red shining eyes. He was a Vampire.

"You're not escaping today." The three generals rushed at Aditya. Seeing this Aditya grinned. If anyone saw his grin that was hidden because of the mask, they would be directly faint from fear. The grin on his face was dead scary.

Inferno Overdrive!!

As the three generals approached Aditya, suddenly Aditya's Aura exploded. His Aura increased to a frightening level. Before the three general's attacks could reach Aditya, three of them were sent flying just from his Aura alone.


The generals quickly got up. This time there was a look of fear on their faces as they stared at Aditya. As for how Aditya managed to suddenly rise his Aura to overpower beginner 5th-order cultivators, no one knew the reason.

"It's time for you three to die."

Crimson Lightning Dash!


As soon as these words were spoken, Aditya vanished. His agility had reached such a terrifying level that killing a beginner 5th-order cultivator was far more easier than killing a chicken.


Everyone heard a cracking sound. The next second Aditya appeared behind the three generals.

One second...

three seconds.....

five seconds passed but the generals did not move at all. On the sixth second, red blood started coming out of the three generals' bodies like a fountain. Soon the heads of the generals fell to the ground one by one before their bodies also fell down.


"This isn't real."

Leon and others were in complete shock seeing this. The generals were their superiors. All the soldiers respected the generals. In their mind, they can never imagine seeing their generals getting defeated in a battle. Never in their wildest dreams, they did imagine seeing the three generals getting slaughtered like this.

"Now, you all have two options. Put your hands in the air and surrender. Or you all can accept death from me." These words sent chills down everyone's spine.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!