Chapter 421 421:- 100 Years Old Virgin

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:

[Emperor Aditya],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with great joy and excitement that I write to you today to share a momentous occasion that is soon to take place within the Thera Kingdom.

My esteemed Supreme Commander, Ren, has found love and companionship in the form of my beloved daughter, Princess Isabella. Their bond has blossomed into a deep and profound connection, filled with mutual respect, admiration, and affection. It is with utmost pleasure that I announce their upcoming union in holy matrimony.

In light of this joyous event, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation to join us in celebrating their union. The wedding ceremony will be held tomorrow, in the grand halls of our kingdom, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of our island home. It would be an honor and privilege to have your esteemed presence grace this auspicious occasion.

We hold the alliance between the Thera Kingdom and the Istarin Empire in high regard, cherishing the bonds of friendship and mutual support that we have cultivated over the years. Your presence at this joyous celebration would further strengthen the ties between our realms and serve as a testament to the enduring alliance we share.

The festivities will commence in the morning, with a vibrant procession through the streets of our capital city, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and traditions of our people. The wedding ceremony itself will take place in the afternoon, within the resplendent walls of our grand palace, where family, friends, and esteemed guests will witness the sacred vows of love and commitment.

Following the ceremony, a grand banquet will be held, where the finest delicacies and delights of our kingdom will be presented for your enjoyment. We have spared no expense in preparing a feast fit for royalty, accompanied by music, dance, and merriment that will fill the air with joyous celebration.

I implore you, Emperor Aditya, to honor us with your esteemed presence at this momentous occasion. Your attendance would not only bring great honor to our family and kingdom but would also serve as a symbol of our enduring friendship and alliance.

Please inform us of your arrival and any specific arrangements you may require. We will ensure that every measure is taken to accommodate you and your entourage during your stay within our kingdom.

With warm regards and anticipation of your gracious presence, I remain,

ƥandasnovel·ƈom [Charles]

King of the Thera Kingdom]



After meticulously reading the letter from King Charles, Aditya found himself contemplating whether attending the wedding was truly necessary. As the Emperor, he held the power to delegate such matters to his trusted advisor, Watson, who could gracefully decline the invitation on his behalf, citing personal or official obligations. Attending weddings had never been his cup of tea, and he often found himself disinterested in the pomp and formalities associated with such events.

However, a sense of curiosity and an underlying desire for a change of scenery began to tug at Aditya's thoughts. The monotony of his daily responsibilities as Emperor had left him yearning for a breath of fresh air and a break from the confines of his palace. The Thera Kingdom, though small, held its own charm and allure, nestled within the vast territories of the Istarin Empire. The prospect of witnessing a joyous celebration and being amidst the warmth of jubilant festivities started to entice him.

As Aditya pondered his decision, he realized that attending the wedding could offer him an opportunity to forge stronger connections with the Thera Kingdom and its people. It was a chance to demonstrate his commitment to the enduring alliance between their realms and solidify the bonds of friendship. Moreover, attending the wedding in person would convey a genuine sense of respect and appreciation for the Thera King's invitation.

Aditya's mind drifted to his companions and the potential company he could bring along. He contemplated the personalities and preferences of his four wives, considering who would most likely enjoy the wedding atmosphere and contribute to the joyous occasion. Deep in thought, he weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, taking into account their individual desires and the potential impact their presence might have on the wedding festivities.

After careful consideration, Aditya made up his mind. He decided that it would be best to invite all four of his wives to accompany him. Not only would this offer each of them an opportunity to experience the grandeur of the Thera Kingdom's wedding, but it would also allow him to spend quality time with each of them and strengthen their bonds further. Additionally, their presence would add a touch of regality and splendor to the occasion, reflecting the magnificence of the Istarin Empire.

With his decision made, Aditya summoned his trusted messenger and dictated a response to King Charles. He expressed his gratitude for the invitation and enthusiastically confirmed his attendance at the forthcoming wedding. Aditya ensured that the letter conveyed his eagerness to partake in the joyous celebration and the honor he felt to witness the union of Princess Isabella and Supreme Commander Ren.I think you should take a look at

As the messenger departed to deliver the response, Aditya couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of anticipation. Despite his initial reservations, the prospect of attending the wedding had awakened a spark of excitement within him. He looked forward to embarking on this journey with his wives by his side, ready to embrace the festivities and immerse himself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Thera Kingdom.



Scene change____________

As the evening sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the Dragon Palace, Alicia finally returned from her long day of work. Exhaustion etched across her face, she wearily made her way towards the familiar presence of Sylvie. Spotting her best friend waiting patiently in the grand hall, a surge of joy ignited within Alicia, dispelling her weariness.

"Sylvie!" Alicia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. The distance between them seemed to evaporate in an instant as they rushed towards each other, their arms wrapping tightly around one another in a heartfelt embrace. It was a reunion long overdue, a moment of shared happiness that transcended the boundaries of time and distance.

"I missed you so much," Alicia whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of relief and affection.

Sylvie's eyes gleamed with warmth and a fondness that only true friendship could evoke. "I missed you too," she replied softly, her voice brimming with sincerity. The bond between these two friends was unbreakable, their connection forged through countless shared memories and unwavering support for each other.

As Aditya watched the heartfelt reunion unfold before him, a gentle smile graced his features. He understood the significance of this moment and recognized the need for Alicia and Sylvie to have some uninterrupted time together. With a subtle nod, he silently slipped away, leaving the two friends to revel in each other's company, reminisce, and create new memories.

In the serenity of the Dragon Palace, Alicia and Sylvie found solace in each other's presence. They shared stories, laughter, and the deep bond of friendship that had withstood the test of time. It was a rare and precious moment, a respite from the demands of their respective duties and responsibilities.

As the evening unfolded, enveloping them in a comforting embrace, Alicia and Sylvie savored their time together. They knew that these moments of shared joy and companionship were the fuel that replenished their spirits, reminding them of the unwavering support and love they held for each other.

After their heartfelt reunion, Alicia led Sylvie to her bedroom, a sanctuary of comfort and privacy where they could continue their conversation in a more intimate setting. As they settled into the cozy space, Alicia couldn't help but notice the mischievous smirk on Sylvie's face, an indication that her friend had something amusing in mind.

"So, how far have you progressed with Aditya?" Sylvie playfully quipped, her tone infused with a hint of teasing. Sylvie had always been candid and lighthearted, unafraid to broach topics that might make others blush. It was part of her charm, and Alicia couldn't help but smile at her friend's playful nature.

Blushing slightly, Alicia hesitated for a moment before responding. "Well, we haven't taken that step yet," she admitted, her voice carrying a mixture of shyness and anticipation. As a young woman still discovering her own desires and navigating the complexities of love and intimacy, Alicia felt a flutter of excitement mingled with a touch of apprehension.

Sylvie, aware of her friend's teasing weakness, couldn't resist a playful jab. "Oh, Alicia, my dear, even after a hundred years, I still haven't found a boyfriend for myself. I suppose I can't be too harsh on you," she chuckled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Sylvie's self-deprecating humor and ability to find joy in the simplest of moments had always been a source of comfort and laughter for Alicia.

The room was filled with an air of warmth and camaraderie as Alicia and Sylvie continued their intimate conversation. Amidst the gentle banter and shared secrets, their friendship grew stronger, fortified by the bond that had withstood the test of time. It was in moments like these, in the sanctuary of Alicia's bedroom, that their friendship flourished, each drawing strength and solace from the other's presence.

As the night enveloped them in its comforting embrace, Alicia and Sylvie reveled in the intimacy of their conversation, cherishing the trust and vulnerability they shared. Their laughter echoed through the room, a testament to the enduring power of their friendship and the unbreakable bond they had nurtured over the years.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!