Chapter 430 430:- Confrontation In The Night

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:

Upon hearing that the notorious Goddess of Lust had been hired to extinguish her life, Laura's reaction was rather unexpected. Instead of exhibiting shock or fear, she seemed vaguely amused, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Observing her composure, Aditya felt a wave of incredulity wash over him. He found her nonchalance in the face of such peril perplexing. "Are you not surprised?" He finally voiced his bewilderment, studying her countenance for any signs of distress.

Laura's smile merely deepened as she shook her head. "No, I'm not surprised. It's inevitable, really. As a contender for the throne, I knew assassination attempts would be part of the equation. I have a multitude of enemies, after all," she explained with a hint of resignation in her voice.

Her clear, azure eyes met Aditya's gaze directly, unblinking. "Those who oppose me seek to install a puppet ruler on the throne—someone malleable, someone they can manipulate. My refusal to bend to their whims has earned me a spot on their hit list."

There was a pause, and then she added, a trace of curiosity lacing her voice, "What does astonish me, however, is the fact that they've commissioned the deadliest assassin in the world to carry out the deed. How did you come across this information, Aditya? It's not something that's easily accessible."

Aditya shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks warming slightly under her questioning gaze. "Well, let's just say that our paths crossed, and she took... a liking to me," he admitted awkwardly.

"Liking to you?" Both Laura and Kate exchanged a surprised glance, their eyes widening at Aditya's confession.

Clearing his throat, Aditya decided to elaborate. "What I mean to say is..." He launched into a condensed narrative, recounting his chance encounter with Sasha, who was also concealed beneath a disguise at the time.

He relayed to them the unexpected turn of events, of how their paths had intertwined and the subsequent developments. However, he deliberately omitted the finer details, choosing to skim over their recent rendezvous on the surface. He did not want to further complicate matters by disclosing the entirety of his interactions with Sasha. His primary aim was to warn Laura and prepare her for the impending danger, not delve into the intricacies of his complicated relationship with the deadly assassin.

"I firmly believe that Sasha will attempt to extinguish your life. I request your permission to stay here, to lend you my assistance if such an event should occur," Aditya stated resolutely. His power was already on par with a Peak 5th-order cultivator, and he was confident that he could face Sasha in combat if it came to it. As for Laura, he knew she was no pushover herself. Her cultivation had already reached Mid-5th-order, a level not easily dismissed.

Laura's eyes softened at his declaration. "I appreciate your help, Aditya," she said, her voice imbued with gratitude. "Once I ascend to the throne of the Deep Sea Palace, I will be sure to express my thanks for all you have done."

Aditya remained silent for a moment, not rejecting nor acknowledging her words. Instead, he decided to lay out his own terms. "What I seek is a strong alliance, a relationship characterized by mutual benefits."

Initially, Aditya had offered his assistance to Laura because he was responsible for the demise of the previous ruler. He was well aware that the moment a new leader was elected, the Deep Sea Palace would deploy its forces in a retaliatory strike against the Istarin Empire. However, Laura's promise to form an alliance with the Istarin Empire, should she assume the throne, was a reassurance.

Yet, the political landscape had shifted since then. His position in the grand scheme had changed. In his perspective, he and Laura were now standing on equal grounds. He was capable of handling the Deep Sea Palace's wrath, even if Laura were to fail in her bid for the throne. What he yearned for now was not a mere ally in the face of adversity, but a steadfast partner. An alliance that would yield substantial benefits to both their empires.

Moreover, Aditya held a deep appreciation for Laura's insightful nature. Unlike other aristocrats, she did not harbor narrow-minded views that discriminated against Aquatic Elves and other sea races, deeming Merfolk to be superior. Laura, in contrast, treated every being as equal. Her wisdom was evident, as was her understanding of what was in her Empire's best interest. Having such an enlightened and powerful ally would undoubtedly be an invaluable asset to the Istarin Empire.

"Certainly, Your Majesty," Laura responded with a nod. She had never intended to sever her alliance with Aditya. Doing so would have been an act of folly. This was another factor that set her apart from the old nobility, her vision was not confined to the usual prejudice and discrimination. Instead, she had the grand ambition of fostering cooperation between the terrestrial and maritime Empires.

She then turned towards her personal assistant, instructing, "Kate, kindly prepare suitable accommodations for His Majesty."

Subsequently, Laura faced Aditya, her expression mirroring her sincere apology. "I must ask for your forgiveness if our hospitality does not meet your usual standards. You must understand that currently, my circumstances are somewhat constrained."

Laura's home was far from ostentatious compared to the grandeur of the Dragon Palace. She was concerned that Aditya might find her modest dwelling unsatisfactory. In the eyes of common folk, however, her home was nothing short of luxurious.I think you should take a look at

Aditya responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, "I assure you, that's of no concern to me. I am capable of finding comfort in any accommodation." Aditya had never been one to prioritize comfort over necessity, and he was perfectly fine with staying in any available room.



Scene change_______

As time wore on, Aditya remained vigilant, anticipating an onslaught from Sasha at any moment. However, it was only after five long hours that Sasha finally emerged, escorted by a retinue of forty succubi disguised as humans, into the bustling heart of the Capital.

Their sudden appearance in the Capital, uncharacteristic for humans, drew the curious gaze of the residents. But Sasha was oblivious to the commotion around her. Her mind was clouded by a simmering rage that had seized her upon learning about William's departure, despite her explicit instruction to stay put. Sasha, in her fury, failed to comprehend that by strapping the pendant on William, she had essentially reduced him to a hostage, playing right into her hands.

"My lady, what's our next move?" queried one of the succubi, her gaze resting warily on Sasha.

The forty succubi trailing Sasha knew well enough that whoever or whatever had provoked their queen's wrath was bound to meet a nasty fate. They had never before witnessed Sasha in such a state of uncontrolled rage. Her usually controlled demeanor was replaced by an intense killing intent, so palpable that it was hard for her to suppress it. It filled the air around them, sending a chill down the spines of those who dared to approach.

'How could he?' Sasha raged inwardly. Sasha was a woman of possession, a woman used to getting what she wanted, whether by money or by force. She had always operated under the assumption that wealth was an effective leash, that any man could be made hers given enough of it. But William had effectively shattered her ingrained beliefs. Not only had he spurned her advances, but he had also made his escape the moment she left Atlantisia.

Lost and unaware of William's whereabouts, Sasha decided to vent her ire on Laura. Ordinarily, her formidable abilities were sufficient to dispatch anyone on this planet without any trouble. But this time, she had chosen to bring with her forty additional succubi from her race. Her plan was not just to eliminate Laura, but to obliterate anyone associated with her, tearing apart her world entirely.

"No plan. We march there, and we start the massacre," Sasha responded in an icy tone that chilled the air around her. It was a chilling response, a blend of her seething anger and cold resolve, encapsulating the impending doom that loomed over Laura and her associates.

Sasha, leading the group of forty succubi, directed them towards Laura's abode. Their large, formidable presence didn't go unnoticed, their ominous intent seeping into the surroundings and alerting their targets.

"My lady, there are forty-one human females marching towards us," Kate reported, her complexion ashen. The urgency in her voice echoed the dread that had taken root in her eyes, revealing a deep-seated fear for the impending danger.

In synchrony with Kate's alarming announcement, Aditya entered the living room. His keen senses had also registered the approaching danger. He exchanged a knowing glance with Laura, their eyes mirroring the understanding of the looming confrontation. The silence between them crackled with tension, each of them aware of the imminent storm about to hit.

"She is here," Aditya uttered, his voice steady despite the alarming situation. The calm determination in his eyes spoke volumes, revealing his readiness to face the threat head-on. The moment they had been preparing for had finally arrived.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!